Why does garlic turn yellow in the garden

Bitter garlic cloves are used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Since this vegetable crop is not cheap on the market, it makes sense to engage in its cultivation. In general, the culture is unpretentious, but sometimes it is exposed to disease. Consider why garlic turns yellow and what to do if garlic leaves turn yellow.

  1. Causes of yellowing
  2. Frosts <
  3. Pests and diseases
  4. Poor care
  5. Micronutrient deficiency
  6. Composition of the soil
  7. What to do when yellowing garlic
  8. Freezing <
  9. Poor care
  10. Lack of minerals
  11. Soil composition
  12. Pest and disease control
  13. Fusarium <
  14. Bacterial rot
  15. Stem nematode
  16. Preventive measures

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Garlic turns yellow in the garden

Causes of yellowing

There are few reasons for yellowing leaves of garlic.


When it comes to early shoots, the feathers of garlic often turn yellow due to frosts, and you need to understand the difference between the concepts of freezing on the ground and freezing in the air. Sometimes the air temperature exceeds 0 ° C, and the soil is already frozen to -1 ° C.

Morning frost speaks of night frost on the soil. If the garden has open containers with water, you should see if there is a thin ice crust on the surface of the water. You should also pay attention to the appearance of the culture: in frozen plants, feathers first fall to the ground, and then the tips turn yellow.

Pests and diseases

Even the yellowing of garlic leaves may indicate the presence of diseases. Often the feathers turn yellow due to fungal diseases. Sometimes harmful insects become the culprit. It is not difficult to determine what causes yellowing of the leaves of a vegetable crop. It is enough to dig one plant and look at the bulb. If there are insect larvae or insects, mechanical damage to the root system or pink bloom on the lower part of the bulb, then the pests are to blame.

In fungal diseases, the head begins to rot after the aerial part of the plant dries. Under the influence of parasites, the aerial part of the plant withers in parallel with the bulb.

Yellow spots appear on the diseased plants, which turn brown over time. The same goes for plants that are susceptible to parasite attacks.

Poor care

Sometimes the tips of the garlic turn yellow due to improper care of the vegetable crop. The plant needs moderate watering. Excess and lack of moisture equally negatively affect the appearance and condition of the foliage. First, the tips of the lower leaves on the garlic turn yellow. In the absence of any action on the part of a person, the feathers of the lower tier gradually become completely yellow and fade. In parallel, the tips of the remaining feathers of the plant begin to turn yellow.

Lack of trace elements

If the garlic turns yellow for no apparent reason (there are no diseases and pests, the plant is moderately moist), then maybe the vegetable is lacking in nutrients. Most vegetables need potassium, nitrogen and magnesium. Unfortunately, there are no methods for determining the chemical composition of the soil at home, so it’s impossible to say for sure that the cause of yellowing of the tips of garlic leaves is a lack of one or another microelement. But if mineral and organic fertilizers are rarely applied to the soil, the probability of a lack of nitrogen, potassium and magnesium is 90%.

Soil composition

You can explain the appearance of yellowness on the leaves and inappropriate soil type. This garden crop does not grow well on acidic soils. She needs neutral soils. When growing crops on acidic soil, garlic on the bed turns yellow a few weeks after emergence. First, the lower feathers turn yellow, then the upper ones.

If you know that the soil composition in the garden is not suitable for growing this vegetable crop, you should artificially make a small greenhouse with a suitable soil type. The event is costly, but efforts will pay off. The use of agricultural methods to change the type of soil does not always give the desired result.

What to do when yellowing garlic

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There are several reasons for the yellowing of garlic

To fix this problem, you need to understand why the garlic turns yellow. Let’s talk about fixing each problem individually.


Most often, winter garlic turns yellow during freezing. To protect the beds from frost, they should be mulched. For mulching, humus, peat, fine chips or straw are used. It is best to mulch the soil with organics, which serves as fertilizer for the vegetable crop. To protect the plantings from frost, lay at least a 5-cm layer of mulch.

Sometimes in the spring, summer garlic planted too early turns yellow. Before embarking on a crop planting, they check to see if the soil has warmed up and watch the weather forecast. Sometimes the reason that winter garlic turns yellow is the failure to meet the planting dates. In the southern regions, vegetables should be planted no earlier than November.

Vegetables are planted in the middle lane in September or early October. after planting, the soil must be mulched. This helps the plant survive the harsh winter frosts. In this case, it is best to mulch the leaves.

If the tips of the garlic leaves turn yellow, the situation can still be saved. In the store they purchase any growth stimulator for plants and process the culture with this solution.

Poor care

Often the cause of yellowing leaves in garlic is improper care. If there is little rain in the spring, the plant is watered 2 times a week. If there is no precipitation, the vegetable crop is watered 2 times more often. If there is too much rain in the spring, you should not water the crop. It does not require watering and a vegetable mulched with humus. The plant tolerates excess moisture worse than its lack. The soil is loosened the next day after irrigation.

Lack of minerals

In addition to timely irrigation and loosening of the soil, the crop needs to be fed. In early spring (April-March), mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil. For this, a furrow is made between the beds and fertilizer is poured there, after the furrow, the whole plot is poured and watered. Since it is impossible to determine which particular trace element is impossible, complex means are used. Potassium, nitrogen and magnesium must be present in their composition.

After emergence, produce foliar fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (May-early June). Also in May, a young vegetable can be fed with organics. The second foliar top dressing is done in the summer (June-July).

If the stalk and shoots of the plant look powerful, do not overdo the top dressing. An overabundance of trace elements affects the plant as negatively as their lack.

Composition of the soil

If the tips of the leaves of winter garlic turned yellow immediately after germination, then most likely the point is increased acidity. Reduce the acidity of the soil through wood ash. True, dispensing with a handful of ash fails. The site should be abundantly covered with this natural material. If we talk about the norms, to reduce acidity by 1 square. m of land contribute about 700 g of ash. Alternatively, you can prepare a solution of ash (for 8 l of liquid 200 g of ash). This solution is watered even planting a young vegetable that has turned yellow.

It is possible to lower the soil acidity with lime. 40-50 kg of lime are added per one hundredth. To make this natural material is best in the winter. We do this while digging the garden. When mixing with soil, the desired effect is achieved faster. After liming, you can grow crops that need neutral soils for 10 years. After this time, liming is repeated.

It is possible to lower the acidity of the soil using green manure. In late August or early September, rye, oats, white mustard or fatselia are planted on the site. The green mass is mown before the buds begin to form. She is dug into the ground. It is advisable to mow siderates 2 weeks before the landing of white cloves.

Pest and disease control

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Garlic can be saved

If winter garlic turns yellow due to diseases or pests, you should first determine which disease or pest you encountered.


Considering why young garlic is turning yellow, you should first talk about Fusarium. In this fungal disease, the tops of the leaves turn yellow first, then brown stripes appear, then the leaves, arrows and stem dry, as a result the plant dies. The disease develops rapidly. If you move the leaves and look in the sinuses, you can see a pink coating. In a bulb with fusarium, the root system dies and the base softens. Most often, the disease affects plants in the southern regions of the country.

There are no drugs for the treatment of fusarium. To prevent the disease from spreading, the affected plants are removed from the garden bed and burned. Since fungal spores can live in the soil, the place where the diseased plant grew is treated with a concentrated solution of copper sulfate.

Bacterial rot

If garlic turns yellow, and onion appears brown dots, the plant is affected by bacterial rot. First feathers turn yellow, then the stem and arrows. At the advanced stages of the disease, an unpleasant smell comes from the bulbs.

Plants infect bacteria in the soil. If there is no mechanical damage on the vegetable crop, the disease is not dangerous. If there is damage due to the activity of parasitic insects, the bacterium penetrates the plant and begins to destruct.

There are no drugs for treating bacterial rot.

Stem nematode

When the stem nematode is damaged, the garlic plantings turn yellow early. This is the most dangerous pest that feeds on the juice of a vegetable crop, which leads to its death. The ends of the leaves turn yellow first. Then, light streaks appear on the sheet plate. As the disease spreads, the leaves begin to curl, the plant withers. A bulb affected by a stem nematode dries up.

It is difficult to save a plant affected by a stem nematode. Today there are no effective drugs against nematodes. Alternative methods are also ineffective, so the plant needs to be burned. You can only destroy the tops, and leave the bulbs if they have formed: they can still be saved.

Treatment of the bulbs from the nematode

You can fight the worm in popular ways. The first involves the use of an ash solution in which the bulbs are soaked for 2 hours. The second method involves the use of a potassium permanganate solution in which the bulbs are soaked for 24 hours. You can also try formalin solution. Salt solution is also effective. For every 10 liters of water, 100 g of salt is taken.Common table salt is suitable.

Preventive measures

We figured out why the garlic turns yellow in spring. The main cause of yellowing is disease. In order not to think about how to treat crops affected by various diseases, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis even before the vegetable begins to fade and turn yellow.

Regardless of why the garlic turns yellow on the garden, the preventive measures will not differ .

  • Most bacteria, fungi and parasitic insects live in the ground, so the main preventive measure is crop rotation. Every year they try to change the place of landing. Diseases still accumulate in the white cloves themselves, so periodically the seed material is updated. This is done at least once every 3 years.
  • Before planting, white cloves are treated in a fungicide. This makes the plant resistant to many bacterial and fungal diseases.
  • Marigolds or calendula are planted along the perimeter of the beds with this vegetable crop. These plants smell repel parasites that move through the air (for example, an onion fly). And their roots are poisonous to some insects found in the soil. In particular, they kill the stem nematode, which is one of the most dangerous diseases of this vegetable crop.
  • Onions should be planted next to the vegetable, which also repels some pests.
  • When fungal diseases are detected, affected plants are removed from the site, and the rest are treated with systemic fungicides.
  • Pest prevention is another mandatory preventive measure against diseases.

There are not so many objective reasons for the appearance of yellowness on young greenery. If you quickly determine why my yellow ode to garlic, you can fix the problem by minimizing crop losses.  Continuation of the article …

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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