Characteristic Orange Orchid

The orange orchid surprises with its bright and unusual colors. Characteristics of plants will help to understand the features of growing, transplanting, propagating and caring for them.

  1. Description of the variety
  2. Growing
  3. Cattleya <
  4. Ascocenda
  5. Wanda
  6. Brassada
  7. Phalaenopsis
  8. Reproduction <
  9. Care
  10. Feeding <
  11. Transplant <
  12. Pests and diseases
  13. Pest control and diseases
  14. Conclusion

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Orange orchid

Variety description

The flowers of the variety come in many different shades:

  • dark yellow with orange m shade;
  • orange with pink or red;
  • orange turning into scarlet.

Plants produce up to 3 peduncles. varieties are many varieties.


To grow plants at home use special soil, the soil from the garden is not suitable.

Mixture for plants is prepared independently or bought in stores. For self-cooking, you need to mix:

  • charcoal;
  • cork;
  • bark;
  • moss;
  • expanded clay.

The main requirement for the substrate is air permeability to the roots, drainage from them.

Poor removal of water from the roots will cause decay and then death of the flower. For growing, choose a pot 2 cm larger than the root system. Also suitable pots, nets, baskets.


This is one of the most beautiful representatives of the variety.

Large inflorescences , yellow-red, there is a large velvet lip of orange size. This type tolerates temperature extremes. At the beginning of flowering, the allowed deviation in temperature is 5ΒΊ C.

Favorable temperature is 16-20ΒΊ C, moderate humidity, watering stops during dormancy, heavy watering in summer.


This is a beautiful hybrid of an orange orchid with large bright orange inflorescences with a diameter of not more than 8 cm, the inflorescences are collected in brushes. The leaves and roots are bright green in color.

Ascocene is capricious and requires special conditions: to start flowering, she needs daily illumination from 12 hours a day, plentiful watering, favorable temperature (23-27ΒΊ at night, 16-22ΒΊ at night) , humidity 80% during the day and 60% at night.


Wanda is a popular member of the variety, it is colorful, bright orange and coral in color.

Moody and demanding of growing conditions: good lighting, high humidity, regular ventilation and fertilizer, open access to Rnyam. It tolerates a temperature of 10ΒΊ C.

Wanda’s orchid


The breaststroke has a bright orange color. Growing conditions: cool room, partial shade, humidity. If the conditions are met, abundant flowering occurs in the summer, which will last more than a month.


Fiery phalaenopsis have a natural orange color. The lip is pink, the peduncle reaches 50 cm in size and bears 14 inflorescences.


The flowers propagate in a vegetative way. From time to time, airborne babies appear on peduncles, which are transplanted to a separate place after the formation of the roots. The plant is separated with a knife, cut into several parts, each with its own roots.

Rejuvenate the plant by cutting the upper part and re-rooting it. Residues in the future will sprout and begin to grow.


For plants of this variety, the western or eastern side is suitable on the windowsill with a summer temperature of 24-30ΒΊ C, the winter – not less than 14ΒΊ C. New inflorescences may appear due to the difference in night temperature.

If it is cold and overcast on the windowsill in winter, additional lighting will be needed. Water the flowers with plenty of warm water, focusing on the dryness of the substrate. In summer, the plant needs to be sprayed.


Feed during every 2nd watering.For this, Azofoska fertilizer is suitable, the dose of watering is 1-1.5 g / l, after which orchids bloom profusely. Once a month, fertilize the orchid with magnesium sulfate 2-3 g / l.


The transplant depends on filling the pot with the roots (about every 2 years). It should be done carefully so as not to damage the root structure.

Pests and diseases

Plants most often suffer from improper care:

  • burning foliage due to sunlight;
  • the yellowness of the leaves due to hypothermia;
  • the leaves become pale green, the stems are elongated due to weak light;
  • roots rot due to the bay.

Pest and disease control

To save a flower from rotting roots, it is urgently needed to transplant it.

When identifying diseases in orchids that manifested in the form of spotting on the sheets, the flower must be removed from all other plants. The treatment will be pruning of diseased leaves and smearing with iodine the cut sites. Plants are rarely exposed to rust and powdery mildew.


Orange orchids will attract attention with their unusual color. With proper care, the plants will be healthy and beautiful, and also avoid the effects of pests and diseases.

Anna Evans

Author βœ“ Farmer

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