Riverside Tradescantia – lush and fast-growing-Care

The indomitable character and constant growth of the riverside Tradescantia have made it a real favorite among the fast-growing ampels. Even in rooms, the plant’s ability to grow with a lush carpet is not in the least tamed. With elementary care and the absence of big mistakes, the riverside Tradescantia will not disappoint anyone. Variegated varieties, decorated with stripes, almost ousted the basic dark green plant from the interiors. And thanks to its much greater unpretentiousness, this Tradescantia is increasingly recommended as an alternative to the more popular zebrin.

Riverine Tradescantia is lush and fast-growing. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com little_plant_stash

The fastest growing of the Tradescantia

Tradescantia riparian, or Fluminensis (Tradescantia fluminensis) is known to most florists under the name tradescantia belotsvetkova (Tradescantia albiflora). It is not without reason that it is considered one of the simplest Tradescantia. But simplicity is not synonymous with boring nondescriptness.

Long, drooping, knotty, much more graceful and slender than other Tradescantia, the shoots form pillows and hang elegantly from the edges of the container. The length of the shoots is up to 80 cm. Riverside tradescantia grow tirelessly, in width they are limited only by formation. If you give the plant free rein and forget about pruning or grow Tradescantia in the winter garden, it can spread out to one and a half meters or more.

Beautiful small, ovoid or broadly lanceolate leaves are one of the main trump cards of the riverside Tradescantia. In length, pointed, neat leaves hugging the stem reach only 4 cm, in some varieties – up to 7 cm. The special edge and texture give the plant a velvety-velvety shine and nobility.

Forest shades of greenery in the brightest variations, the most beautiful green colors are characteristic of this particular species. But still, the main plant has long supplanted beautiful varieties with striped white-creamy-pink patterns.

The flowering of the riverine Tradescantia is not as inconspicuous as in other varieties. It is from him that varieties are guessed, because this species has white, bright and fairly large flowers with a typical three-petal shape. A lush bunch of stamens seems to be a fluffy hemisphere, and pointed large petals of a flower up to 2 cm in diameter are luminous.

The best varieties of riverine Tradescantia:

  • “Aurea” (aura) with light yellow stripes;
  • “Tricolor” (Tricolor) with cream and pink stripes;
  • Quadricolor (Quadricolor) with four delicate shades from white to pink;
  • Albovittata (Albovittata) with wide white stripes, almost completely hiding the green background;
  • Laekensis (laekensis) with light pink stripes on a light green background, appearing strikingly “colored”.

Riverine Tradescantia, or Fluminensis (Tradescantia fluminensis), “Tricolor” (Tricolor). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com PttPch
Tradescantia fluminensis is a variety of Albovittata. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com limundo
Tradescantia fluminensis, or Quadricolor, is a variety of Quadricolor. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com thegreenery_norfolk

Growing conditions for room tradescantia riverside

This type of tradescantia is very good in hanging baskets, but when formed, it can be planted in pots, and create cascades, and even planted with large-sized plants, including ficuses and dracaena as a filler partner. It is a very “docile” plant. It is enough to find the right place and all the beauty of a fast-growing unpretentious star will reveal itself in full force.

Read also our article Legendary Rheo – Coated Tradescantia.

Lighting and placement

Since riverine Tradescantia is most often bought in variegated, bright, “colored” varieties, it should be considered more light-loving than other species. Even in the middle of the rooms, she can’t keep the patterns. Soft diffused light with protection from direct sun will perfectly reveal the features of variegated colors and make the stripes brighter. The ideal location is at the west and east windows, or with diffuse screens at the south. Only green-leaved, common riverine Tradescantia can be displayed at a small distance from the window.

Increasing the light intensity, moving closer to the window or to brighter windows is an important condition for maintaining the shape of the plant in winter. Otherwise, its shoots will stretch and deform. The minimum duration of daylight hours is at least 8-9 hours. Of course, after a simple spring pruning, the riverine Tradescantia will easily recover, and you can always renew the plant from cuttings. Still, supplementary lighting or moving is the only way to keep the plant bushy and attractive even in the middle of winter.

Riverside Tradescantia does not like frequent rearrangements and turns; sometimes it reacts painfully to a sharp change in conditions or position in relation to the light source.

Fluminensis do not tolerate hypothermia very well. The temperature for these tradescantia should not be allowed to drop below 15 degrees. But the heat will inevitably affect their leaves. Normal indoor readings from 16 to 20 degrees without extremes are the best choice for a plant.

This type of tradescantia is quite resistant to drafts, it can not stand only sudden hypothermia, but it grows more luxuriantly in a protected place. Ventilation should be regular even in winter.

Riverside Tradescantia is more photophilous than other species. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com platinumflora

Riverside tradescantia care at home

Lush bushes of Tradescantia fluminensis should be protected from waterlogging and drought. But otherwise it is very easy to look after her.

Watering and air humidity

Riverine Tradescantia cannot stand the complete drying of the substrate, inevitably losing part of the greenery. At least the minimum humidity must be maintained constantly. The ideal watering regime for this species is with drying of the topsoil, draining excess water 5 minutes after watering and slightly more drying the substrate in winter. The approximate frequency of watering is up to 3 times a week in the summer and once a week in the winter.

The velvety texture of the riverine Tradescantia should not be misleading. Variegated varieties are quite hygrophilous, do not tolerate too dry air, especially during heating seasons, they lose their resistance to pests when the indicators fall below 60%. The ideal humidity is about 70%. Foggy spraying, in the heat up to several times a day, or the installation of any humidifier (for example, a pallet with pebbles) can achieve the greatest decorative effect.

Read also our article Purple Tradescantia, or Setkresia – bright and unpretentious.

Top dressing and composition of fertilizers

Riverside Tradescantia is better to underfeed than overfeed. For a plant, you should always lower the standard doses of fertilizers recommended by the manufacturer and carefully select the type of mixtures. Riverside Tradescantia prefers fertilizers dominated by potassium and phosphorus. Despite the status of an ornamental deciduous plant, fertilizers are more suitable for flowering crops.

It is better to regulate the frequency of feeding according to the growth rate. If the plant is actively vegetating, fertilizers are applied every 2-3 weeks, in autumn and winter, reducing the frequency to 1 time in 6 weeks.

Riverside Tradescantia loves regular pruning. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com beloved.botanicals

Pruning and shaping the riverine tradescantia

The plant not only adores regular pruning, but without them it also quickly grows old, losing its decorative effect. Simple pinching of shoots is a great way to thicken riverine Tradescantia. Long strings can be shortened as desired. But the bushes still need rejuvenation every 2 years or a little less often, with cutting to short stumps.

Transplant, containers and substrate

It is better to replant this type of Tradescantia annually, carefully rolling over the bushes after rejuvenating pruning.

For this type of tradescantia, you need to find a light, loose, versatile substrate. Mixtures of equal parts of sod, leafy soil and sand or with a dominance of leafy soil, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction (pH 5,0 to 7,0) are excellent. The plant cannot stand too nutritious and heavy soil. As well as very large, spacious containers: their volume must correspond to the root system. The increment (when transplanting) is 2-3 cm in diameter. But the main attention should be paid to the shape of the container: wide, but not too deep, pots corresponding to a strong root system are suitable for the plant.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Rot, spider mites, aphids, scale insects, and other pests threaten tradescantia in the heat, too dry air, with problems with watering. Most often, the plant suffers from waterlogging and root decay. But any deviations from optimal conditions or care can cause a loss of decorative effect.

Riverine Tradescantia is characterized by 100% rooting rate. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com plants.etc.etc

Reproduction of the riverine tradescantia

This is one of the easiest indoor plants to propagate. Apical and stem cuttings up to 15 cm long are rooted in water and substrate even without a cap. And shoots can be rooted not only in spring or summer, but also in autumn or winter. It is convenient to use the branches left after pruning. Roots form very quickly, sometimes in a few days.

This species is characterized by 100% rooting rate. You should not rush to plant cuttings rooting in water: in order for them to successfully take root in the substrate, you need to allow a good root mass to form.

Large bushes can be simply divided, and if desired, it is easy to get a strong plant from the layers, fixing long shoots in the soil in a small pot next to it.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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