Varieties of Dwarf Orchids

Among flower growers, a dwarf orchid has become very popular, which is notable for its small size and some care features. Having learned all the subtleties of the content, you can be content with its unusual beauty and long flowering period.

  1. Features of the dwarf species
  2. Varieties of dwarf plants
  3. Phalaenopsis
  4. Cymbidium
  5. Cattlea
  6. Caring for dwarf plants
  7. Temperature and humidity
  8. Watering <
  9. Fertilizer
  10. Transplantation of a dwarf flower
  11. Transplantation of the plant into a closed system
  12. Conclusion

Сорта карликовых орхидей

Varieties of dwarf orchids

Features of dwarf species

Ka flare flowers attract attention not only by their small size, but also by their ease of maintenance (compared to ordinary tall species). Placing such houseplants in your home will not take up much space, and if the variety is selected correctly, it will please a person with long flowering.

Sizes of dwarf flowers may vary. The average length of the leaves is 15-20 cm. The color and shape of the petals are different. Flowering often falls on winter time, but varieties with two periods of bud formation are also found.

Most compact flowers sprout on the ground from sphagnum moss. The presence of tree bark is also allowed. Such plants are demanding on the composition of the substrate and do not like change.In order for a flower to continue to please its owner with its beauty, it is important to provide it with the most comfortable conditions of keeping.

Varieties of dwarf plants

Deciding to purchase a dwarf exotic plant, you should decide on the best cultivar for growing under certain conditions. Types of mini orchids are diverse:

  • Phalaenopsis;
  • Cymbidium;
  • Cattleya;
  • Oncidium.

Each grower independently chooses a suitable flower for himself, both by external characteristics and by other criteria. These species include dozens of varieties that are distinguished by their decorative and demanding care.


Phalaenopsis is distinguished by its abundance and flowering duration. It is also important that such flowers rarely enter a dormant period, which is also appreciated by flower growers. The most popular varieties are:

  1. Orchid Mini Mark. Variety Mark is distinguished by double flowering. Leaf length is up to 14 cm, flower diameter is 4 cm. Petals are white or cream, with pink or orange splashes.
  2. Dendrobium. This variety is characterized by abundant flowering. Up to 35 flowers appear on the peduncle. The color is white or purple.
  3. Variety Ludemann. It differs in the disproportionate shape of the petals and sepals. The color is pink-purple, darker at the base of the petals. There are dark spots on the “lip”. The height of the leaves does not exceed 20 cm, the diameter of the blossoms is 5 cm.up to 7 pieces appear on one peduncle.
  4. Mini Dog. It has compact dimensions. The length of the leaves does not exceed 15 cm, the diameter of the flowers is 3-4 cm. The color is white with a pink tint, the “lip” is burgundy, and some petals may have a yellow tint.

When choosing the Phalaenopsis variety, It is important to consider the features of their content. Caring for such a flower is needed year-round, as it rarely goes into dormancy.


If the main goal is to purchase a flower that is undemanding in care, the best option would be to look Cymbidium . The subspecies of such plants have a pleasant aroma and have a beautiful appearance.

The most popular was the aloe-elite subspecies of culture. Such a plant is compactly located on any windowsill. The height of the stem does not exceed 25 cm, and flowering – 5 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is yellow. Burgundy shades may prevail.


This species is distinguished by a variety of varieties with buds of different colors (from white to purple). The height of such a plant reaches 20 cm. The most famous varieties are Walker, Atland and Skinner.

Plant height of only 20 centimeters

The most popular variety was Walker. It differs in the relative proportionality of the height of the stem and the size of the blooms.The average leaf size is 10 cm, and the flowers themselves can be up to 8 cm in diameter.

Caring for dwarf plants

Caring for a dwarf orchid differs little from the content of ordinary flowers middle length. How to care for a mini orchid:

  1. A schematic watering is required. It is important to consider not only the frequency of the procedure, but also its method.
  2. It is correct and regular to feed. Use only specialized products.
  3. Ensure high-quality temperature and humidity levels. Without the necessary microclimate conditions, the plant will quickly die.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the plant and respond to problems in a timely manner. The appearance of domestic flowers determines the need for moistening the soil (wrinkling of leaves), as well as saving the root system from decay (loss of turgor).

Temperature and humidity

According to climatic features , caring for a dwarf orchid is determined by the age of the plant. The younger it is, the more demanding is air humidity. In order to take good care of the dwarf culture and support its growth and development, it is important that the constant humidity indicator in the apartment is within 50-70%.

The content of a room decorative flower also requires maintaining a certain temperature and lighting at home. Favorable for culture, temperature 21-25 ° C.When the indicator is below 15 ° C, the plant drops its buds and dies. The light in the room should be diffused. Flowers cannot tolerate direct sunlight.


The frequency of watering depends on the season. In spring and autumn – once a week, in summer, the frequency increases. It is recommended to moisten the substrate when the soil is dry.

The type of soil also affects. If the mini orchid sprouts in the moss, it needs to be provided with frequent and moderate watering. The plants contained in clay granules or wood formulations are more moisture-consuming, therefore they hold moisture longer.

Watering methods can also be different. Their choice depends on the size of the peduncle. Watering a plant from a watering can is allowed only if its height exceeds 15-20 cm. It is more difficult to work with smaller specimens. Irrigation of the ground part of the plant 1-2 times a day is required.


Dwarf orchids need regular feeding throughout the growing season. The frequency of operations is every 2-3 weeks. During dormancy, flower growers recommend not fertilizing the plant.

Fertilize such plants, both in the root and in the foliar way. The first is only suitable for a dwarf crop grown in a pot with drainage holes. Used specialized fertilizer. It is necessary to dilute the dressing with water according to the instructions, dip the flower into it for several minutes, remove it and let the excess moisture drain.

The flower needs to be fertilized regularly

Second Feeding method is easier. A non-concentrated fertilizer solution is made (1/4 of the proportion specified in the instructions), which is used to spray the leaves of the flower from the spray gun. It is important to carry out such dressing along with watering the plant.

Transplantation of a dwarf flower

The need for transplanting a mini orchid occurs in the first days after purchase of the plant, especially if it was contained in moss . With inaction of the grower, the plant quickly dies, having experienced flowering in the store. It will be possible to reanimate it only with the right care. The most effective option is to transplant a mini orchid after buying into the soil, consisting of fractions of tree bark.

When starting the transplant, it is important to determine the type of new soil, as well as to choose a suitable pot. The best is the fine fraction soil, not more than 1 cm. It will provide them with lightness and the necessary breathability. The pot for mini orchids should be 1.5-2 times larger than the previous one. Varieties of mini orchids do not like to germinate in cramped conditions and will quickly die if the required dimensions of the container are not respected. It is also important to pay attention to such features:

  1. If you need to transplant a house plant that grows in moss, you should do this during the growing season of the plant (in spring).That is, to plant a flower on a new soil, you will need to wait for the period of formation of leaves and peduncle.
  2. Varieties of mini orchids tend to have thin brittle roots that are easy to damage during transplantation. Therefore, you will have to lower the pot into water so that the soil is saturated with water and separates itself from the root system of the plant.
  3. An alternative option for planting soil is a specialized clay-wood substrate Seramis. By its qualities, it is not inferior to wood material, and thanks to the addition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it acts as a biostimulant for Orchids.

A planted flower should not fall out of the container (when rising to a peduncle) . It is located on the western side of the dwelling. South windows will not work.

Transplanting the plant into a closed system

Most often, a mini orchid is grown in a specialized pot.

It is a container that does not have drainage holes. This can be ordinary plastic or clay pots for mini orchids, as well as other plastic and glass containers.

To plant mini orchids in a closed system will work provided that the soil is correctly selected. It is more advisable to use damaged flowers, in which the roots need to be saved. The soil should be specialized clay. It is useful to mix it with tree bark and moss or place them in layers.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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