What to do with white plaque on orchids


Indoor phalaenopsis have long become habitual inhabitants of houses. The plant pleases with long and plentiful flowering, therefore, it enjoys the love of flower growers. White plaque on orchid leaves indicates a serious disease of the flower.

  1. Causes of the plaque
  2. Therapies
  3. Home remedies
  4. Chemicals
  5. Prevention
  6. Conclusion

Что делать с белым налетом на орхидеях

What to do with white plaque on orchids

Causes of plaque

White plaque on orchids is a phenomenon caused by powdery mildew.

Externally, the problem manifests itself as follows: opaque First, the leaves on the back side are covered with hen, then the mold affects the roots. The substrate and the walls of the pot are coated with white and indelible coating over time.

The following pests cause this phenomenon:

  • mealybug;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite.

The cause of the disease may be improper conditions of the plant, as well as varietal susceptibility of the flower to the disease.

Powdery mildew causes a white coating

The most common mistakes of gardeners, which result in white spots on the phalaenopsis:

  • too low humidity and air temperature in the room;
  • stagnant water in the pot;
  • frostbite of leaves caused by drafts;
  • cold coming from the glass in autumn and winter.

Treatment methods

If a white coating appears on the leaves of an orchid, they help to get rid of it chemically e directed substances and home remedies for the treatment of mold and white plaque on orchid leaves.

The process of controlling the manifestations of the disease in the phalaenopsis is:

  • drying the soil in a pot;
  • treatment with substances against aphids;
  • creating proper conditions for the plant.

Home remedies

Helps to get rid of the disease on leaves and roots home remedies. Rescue drugs are:

  • 96% ethyl alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia.

Also potassium permanganate is useful. Phalaenopsis for the disease is treated in the following order:

  • Drain the soil in a pot with a sick flower.
  • The leaves of the phalaenopsis are treated with any potent substance.To do this, alcohol, ammonia or peroxide is applied to a cotton pad, then they rub the powdery mildew places.
  • Phalaenopsis is left for half an hour in the room. During this time, pests under the influence of the listed substances will die.
  • The pot is transferred to the bathroom, and then the leaves are washed in the shower. Water should be at room temperature. To enhance the effect, sheets covered with white coating are watered from a watering can.

Home remedies

help get rid of the disease on the leaves and roots. Drinking soda or citric acid is sometimes used as a septic tank. These substances are dissolved in water at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of water, then the leaves are rubbed with such a solution as soon as white spots appear on them. Remediation of the soil with a light solution of potassium permanganate also allows you to get rid of the disease on the roots of the flower.

After processing, the flowers are transferred to a warm room, protected from temperature changes and drafts. Excessive waterlogging of the substrate is also avoided.


The best chemicals that help get rid of white plaque and spots on a tropical flower are bactericidal, fungicidal or complex effects, among which are:

  • “Fitosporin”.A universal drug that can get rid of diseases of a bacterial or fungal nature.
  • Bordeaux mixture. Composition of copper sulfate and lime, the effect of which is manifested in the fight against bacteria and foliar top dressing.
  • “Quadrice”. A broad-spectrum drug, based on azoxystrobin, which has a therapeutic effect. It is used for prophylactic treatments.
  • “Blossom”. A drug developed specifically for indoor plants, which, in addition to therapeutic treatment, has proven itself for prophylactic purposes. It is used when spots on the phalaenopsis only appear.

Chemicals can get rid of white plaque

All of the listed substances are used in accordance with the attached instructions. After processing flowers from powdery mildew, hands and equipment are washed with soap in order to avoid poisoning with the contents of the means for the treatment of phalaenopsis. It is also desirable to carry out processing outside the living room: on the balcony, in the courtyard or in the bathroom.


To prevent the appearance of white plaque on the leaves of felinopsis, special granules are used. They are purchased at flower shops. The product is placed in the ground during transplantation. Pellets for orchids are selected.

As a preventative measure for plaque, the plant is placed on a western, well-lit window.Humidity should not fall below 70%.

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Phalaenopsis is not an ordinary indoor flower, it is very picky about the conditions of living and demanding care. Tropical flowers breathe roots, so you need a porous and light soil for planting.

The slightest discrepancy to the conditions of detention, and phalaenopsis withers. That is why it is necessary to deal with white spots on leaves and other Phalaenopsis s should urgently, otherwise there is a risk of the root system of a flower.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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