Codonanta, do not confuse with columnea – leaving

Codonanthe (Codonanthe, family Gesneriaceae) is a beautiful ampelous plant with leathery, elliptical, opposite leaves of a dark green color. The stems of the codonants have a pinkish tint; with age, they become woody. The codonanta blooms with white tubular flowers with a bright red pharynx. A flowering plant looks charming in a hanging basket. In place of the flowers, red berries are tied, which serve as an additional decoration for the codonant. Most often in indoor floriculture there is a graceful codonant (Codonanthe gracilis).

Codonanthe Farmer Kcgrant

Codonanta prefers a light location, but feels good and blooms in partial shade. The plant is thermophilic, requires a temperature of at least 20 ° С throughout the year, only in winter it is advisable to keep the codonant at +15 ° С. The codonanta needs high air humidity, it needs to be sprayed frequently, especially in the hot season.

Water the codonant regularly, but not too abundantly. The topsoil should have time to dry between waterings. The codonant is fed from March to September twice a month with full mineral fertilizer. They are transplanted every year, adult specimens – after a year, in spring – into a substrate of leafy and soddy soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1: 1. The codonant propagates by green, non-lignified cuttings in the middle of summer.

CodonantheКодонанте (Codonanthe) Farmer Christian Feuillet

Of the pests of the codonant, aphids are affected, which sucks the juice from the tops of young shoots. To combat, you can use infusion of tobacco or insecticides (karbofos, actellik). Falling buds from a plant occurs, as a rule, as a result of fluctuations in air temperature. Other reasons for the dropping of codonant buds can be called overmoistening or overdrying of an earthen coma.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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