Why do indoor plants leave leaves?

Many houseplant problems are easier to prevent than fix. And this rule especially applies to care: an individual approach to indoor pets, careful adherence to the irrigation and feeding regime, control of the degree of drying of the substrate guarantee the plants the preservation of both health and attractiveness. The loss of leaves by indoor plants, even if it is partial, is a problem, after which the attractive appearance is not restored as quickly as we would like. Most often it is associated with improper watering, although in some cases other factors also cause this problem.

Leaves fall on a houseplant. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Brian Ward

Loss of leaves by indoor plants varies.

Shedding foliage in indoor plants is a common and serious problem. Along with dry tips, loss of color and spots on the leaves, it has the greatest effect on the attractiveness of the plant. But unlike other problems, it can sometimes be solved quite simply, especially if you do not hesitate. Of course, with significant baldness, the release of new leaves and the growth of the old crown sometimes requires a very long period. But the fight itself is not that difficult.

Most often, flower growers encounter this phenomenon during the winter. The discrepancy between the typical room conditions and the parameters required by the plant, a sharp decrease in light, drafts, the need to adjust the frequency of watering only increase the risk of leaf fall (as well as the appearance of any other problem). But you can meet this phenomenon at other times of the year, even on plants that look like actively growing.

Falling foliage is usually considered a similar problem, but in reality it can be very different. Depending on the accompanying phenomena, such varieties of this phenomenon are distinguished:

  • fast or massive foliage without other changes;
  • dropping the lower leaves;
  • falling leaves after rolling;
  • falling leaves after yellowing;
  • partial shedding of foliage in newly acquired plants.

Oddly enough, all these types of shedding are caused by different reasons and require a different approach to correcting care. The factors causing loss of leaves depend on the frequency of watering, and on the location, and on the age of the plant, and even on the form of its growth.

Rapid leaf fall in indoor plants

Rapid shedding of foliage, including young leaves, a sharp denudation of the crown is typical only for deciduous shrubs and woody (figs, pomegranates, etc.) and is rare in indoor culture. Leaves fall off in both tuberous and bulbous (amaryllis, gloxinia, begonia, zephyranthes, oxalis, etc.) during the transition to the dormant stage, but this is rather an exception to the rule. If your plant drops its leaves abruptly and does not belong to the listed categories, then there can be only one reason – the plant has experienced a strong traumatic factor, a sharp change in conditions. For such exposure, it is necessary to really radically violate the rules of care. The factors that caused such a fall may be:

  • rearrangement of a shade-loving plant in direct sunlight;
  • temperature difference by 10 degrees or more (in any direction);
  • draft with icy or frosty wind;
  • complete drying of the substrate in woody plants when installed in a hot place.

Pruning dry leaves on a houseplantPruning drying leaves on a houseplant. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Kathy Purdy

Falling leaves of indoor plants after folding

This type of subsidence is caused by a systemic violation of the comfortable conditions for the plant in the direction of an undesirable decrease in temperatures and an increase in humidity. It is called by:

  • using too much water that stagnates in the substrate;
  • lowering the air temperature in comparison with the recommended (not short-term);
  • drafts for plants that are very afraid of them.

Falling leaves of indoor plants after yellowing

For indoor shrubs and fast growing crops, gradual yellowing and dropping of old leaves is natural, occurs as they grow, and is not considered a sign of serious health problems. But the massive yellowing of foliage, followed by the same massive dropping, indicates a serious mistake in the care. This type of subsidence is caused by the following factors:

  • waterlogging of the soil for non-moisture-loving species;
  • placement in a constant cold draft for sensitive plants.

Drying and falling of the lower leaves of indoor plants

This process is not natural. Insufficient conditions lead to it, as a result of which the plant is forced to get rid of the lowest leaves in order to preserve the rest. This phenomenon is caused by factors opposite to waterlogging and hypothermia:

  • content in heat, in temperatures exceeding the recommended ones by more than 5 degrees;
  • very poor lighting for light-loving plants;
  • constant drying out of the soil in moisture-loving species.

Loss of leaves from newly purchased indoor plants

As a rule, partial fall of foliage in this case is always associated with a sharp change in conditions due to moving. Plants did not undergo gradual adaptation and perceived lighting or temperatures as “shock” in the new location. If the shedding of foliage is not massive, then there is nothing wrong with it. Over time, the plant will recover and get used to it. But it is better to ask carefully when buying about the conditions in which the crops grew and provide at least an intermediate option with a soft transition so as not to lose a single leaf.

Caring for a houseplant that is losing leaves. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Michelle Slatalla

The first thing to analyze is watering

Dropping the leaves of a houseplant in most cases is associated with improper watering. And it is by analyzing what mistakes you could have made that you need to start looking for both the source of the problem and its solution. Regardless of whether there are other factors that may have triggered the leaf loss process, always consider this factor carefully.

Houseplants are watered not as conveniently, and even more so – not when you want, and not even with a certain “correct” interval, but as they need it. To find the correct schedule of procedures for each specific plant, you need to study the recommendations and draw up a table. You can attach tags or short notes to plants that are different from most (such as colored tags). Most indoor plants have similar requirements, and you can develop your irrigation system without wasting time. But general guidelines do not replace an individual approach: before pouring water on the substrate, check how dry it is.

Perhaps, due to the combination of temperature and lighting at a particular time of the year, the soil dried out more slowly or faster, and, accordingly, the plant needs a different frequency of procedures. During the dormant period, the frequency of watering for all plants is adjusted in accordance with the rate of drying out of the substrate and their need for the dormant stage. But even for flowering plants, watering is still reduced. Check the information for a particular plant and compare if your watering meets its needs. Any deviation, in any direction, is a serious factor in the loss of leaves.

Other factors that can cause the leaves of indoor plants to fall:

  • incorrect wintering temperature;
  • lack of lighting correction in winter;
  • dry air;
  • depleted soil;
  • late or unnecessary plant transplant;
  • transplanting with soil replacement instead of transshipment;
  • scanty or excessive feeding;
  • incorrect water characteristics;
  • type of substrate that does not correspond to the type of plant;
  • the impact of heating appliances;
  • the appearance of pests on the plant (including soil ones);
  • accumulation of dust on leaves and dirt around the plant;
  • lighting for plants that can only grow in natural light.

Watering a houseplant. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Julie Bawden-Davis

How to stop the loss of leaves from houseplants

The strategy for dealing with shedding leaves directly depends on the cause of this phenomenon. Eliminate the unfavorable factor – and your plant will again delight you only with growing, not falling leaves. So, in drafts, you need to rearrange the culture, in too bright lighting – install screens, adjust the frequency of watering according to the rate of drying out of the substrate, change the room at the wrong temperature, etc.

If the loss of leaves of indoor plants is caused by pests or diseases, the strategy is completely different.:

  • the plant must be immediately isolated from the rest of the collection;
  • if possible (if the leaves are not pubescent and we are talking about pests), carry out mechanical processing – washing with soapy water, showering;
  • treat the plant with biological products;
  • in case of an advanced problem, apply insecticides or fungicides, the action of which is directed at specific pests or fungi, and if affected by soil pests, carry out an emergency transplant.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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