Eternal aeoniums and their complex nature

Among indoor succulents, there are many plants both with a classic appearance and flaunting their unusual details. One of the most popular representatives of the Tolstyankov family, aeonium is rightfully considered a plant not only hardy and long-lived (which is what its name says), but also extremely effective. Succulent leaves, gathered in flower-like rosettes, most often rise on bare shoots, creating the feeling of exotic trees in a mini-format. And although it is not so easy to grow aeoniums, they can become real stars of large indoor collections, and decorate a table setting or a work corner.

Aeonium domestic variegated (Aeonium domesticum variegatum). Farmer isa.margil

Juicy green rosettes-flowers of the aeoniums

The appearance of aeoniums reminds many flower growers of a succulent garden star – an amazing “stone rose” young. Aeonium really forms rosettes of leaves, also similar to flowers of a rose or dahlia. But these plants are completely different in nature and can boast of a much greater variety in height, and in the form of growth, and in the color of the leaves. Among the aeoniums, there are both the most modest and unremarkable indoor succulents, the beauty of which can only be appreciated closely, and imposing exotic plants, in which it is not so easy to recognize the decorative leafy culture from the Tolstyankov family.

Aeonium (Aeonium) Is a large genus of succulents that develop in the form of compact shrubs or herbaceous crops. These are real long-lived plants that have been introduced into the interior of rooms for decades. As with all succulents, the aeonium is characterized by fleshy, water-accumulating leaves and shoots. Stems are powerful, straight, branching or growing one at a time, gradually lignified and flaunting marks from fallen old leaves, resembling scars. Some aeonium species develop spectacular aerial roots.

The height of these plants ranges from a modest 10-15 cm to almost 1 m. At the same time, in different species, the stems can be either pronounced, resemble woody plants, or almost completely hide under squat rosettes of leaves. The fleshy leaves are always sessile, taper towards the base, resemble petals or rhombuses in shape. A sparse edge or an absolute glossy surface is combined with edges decorated with thin white eyelashes or small denticles.

The leaves are collected in very dense, flower-like rosettes, arranged in tiles, patterned. The rosettes range in diameter from a few centimeters to almost 1 m, but are always located at the ends of the stems.

The color of the leaves varies from the usual light green to various reddish, brown, purple shades, most often unevenly distributed over the leaf blade. In indoor conditions, aeonium blooms very rarely. The pyramidal clusters of bright yellow inflorescences are very effective and last for a long time. But the lack of flowering has its own plus. Species that develop a single rosette of leaves most often die after flowering.

Blooming aeonium nobleFlowering of the noble aeonium. Farmer Norbert Grass

The best types of indoor aeoniums are rightfully ranked as:

  1. Eonium noble (Pozsgasok fine) Is a spectacular indoor succulent with very juicy olive leaves curving at the edge, forming flower-like rosettes up to half a meter in diameter.
  2. Eonium Burharda (Aeonium x burchardii) Is a medium-sized, but very effective hybrid species with a rather dark beautiful stem and rosettes of leaves up to 10 cm in diameter, in which the pointed tip and brownish-orange edge turn into a bright green color at the base of the leaf.
  3. Decorative aeonium (Aeonium decorum) Is one of the most spectacular branching species of aeonium, which develops in the form of a surprisingly delicate, loose shrub, the rosettes of leaves of which rise to a height of 50 cm. … Green-pinkish smooth leaves up to 3 mm long look like young rose leaves thanks to the small sharp teeth along the edge.
  4. Eonium canary (Aeonium canariense) as if it consists of some sockets. The stems of this succulent are practically invisible; the rosette of leaves, especially in young plants, practically lies on the ground. The leaves are unusually large, with an original curvature of the leaf blades, an unusual color that seems brown-green. Gradually, the rosette of leaves becomes loose, in diameter it can reach about half a meter.
  5. Aeonium virginian (Pozsgasok canariensis var. virgineum) Is a charming succulent plant, the most attractive part of which is the thick cilia along the edge of the leaf blades. It forms almost flat, very beautiful rosettes of rounded leaves. It produces many leaves, which together form a kind of pillows of numerous green flowers. The velveteen-like edge, rich green color and light aroma that comes from the greenery only add charm to this amazing succulent.
  6. Eonium home (domestic Pozsgasok, today retrained into a hybrid Aichrizon home (Aichryson domestic x)) also branches quite strongly, but at the same time it is limited to a height of only 30 cm.It flaunts with practically open branches, curving only at the top and darker leaves of an obovate shape with a rounded edge. Rosettes of leaves of this aeonium resemble zinnia inflorescences.
  7. Eonium wavy (Aeonium undulatum) Is a spectacular, but somewhat unusual and very powerful plant with a thick, silvery stem covered with scars and large rosettes of leaves up to 30 cm in diameter located at the top of the shoots, resembling a half-open bud. The leaves of this species are round, strongly narrowed at the base, densely set, with a bright color.
  8. Aeonium arboreal (Aeonium arboreum) Is a spectacular shrub with practically no branching shoots, woody only at the base, dense rosettes of leaves of which are located at the tops of the shoots, painted mainly brown with rare splashes of light green. Rosettes of leaves in diameter reach 20 cm, spatulate in shape, due to different angles of the bend seem more lush.
  9. Eonium golden (Aeonium arboretum var. holochrysum) forms original bushes with straight, slightly hanging only at the ends of the shoots and narrow spatulate, very thick leaves, with a purple stripe along the edge of the leaf and in the very center. The yellow-green color in combination with colored stripes looks very variegated. Rosettes of leaves reach 20 cm in diameter.
  10. Eonium Lindley (Aeonium lindleyi) – compact, reaching a height of only 30 cm, but highly branched shrub with very thin curved brown shoots, crowned with dense small rosettes of dark green color. Slightly pubescent leaves with a round edge resemble sedum foliage. The foliage of this species is sticky and quite aromatic.
  11. Ionium layered (Aeonium Tabulare) – one of the shortest species, forming a sitting, almost flat plate-like rosette of sitting, tiled leaves, creating a kind of green “cobblestone” up to 50 cm in diameter. The stem is very shortened, almost invisible. The leaves, narrow at the base, turn into an extended spatulate upper edge with beautiful whitish cilia. It stands out for its perfect symmetry and stunningly beautiful tile patterns.
  12. Eonium Haworta (Aeonium haworthii) – a spectacular branching “tree” with unusual widely spaced thin stems and massive aerial roots, which seem to support arcuate bending shoots. At the tops of the stem, dense rosettes similar to green flowers are located with gray-green leaves decorated with a reddish stripe along the edge.

Almost all aeoniums are represented not only by species, but also by decorative varietal forms. All Variegatum varieties and the so-called “black” varieties are especially popular.

Aeonium nobile. Farmer Liz21UK
Eonium Burchard (Aeonium x burchardii). Farmer carlesjbox
Decorative aeonium (Aeonium decorum). Farmer HEN-Magonza

Aeonium care at home

It is very easy to grow aeonium. This is a photophilous succulent plant, sensitive to an excess of moisture, which, despite its natural preferences for cool wintering, tolerates well even room temperatures. It is not at all difficult to care for aeonium, this plant is suitable even for novice flower growers. Compact and surprisingly beautiful in detail, they require attention in only one parameter – the aeoniums are meant to be admired. These are piece accents that deserve a special place in the interior.

Lighting for aeonium

All aeoniums, without exception, are sun-loving plants, which, even in winter, require the selection of the most brightly lit locations. In varietal plants, as well as species with variegated leaf color, any shading causes a complete loss of characteristic color. Moreover, even in light partial shade, in any aeonium, the stems become much thinner, elongated, bent, and the plants form small and not so spectacular rosettes.

For this indoor succulent, it is advisable to select only southern locations on the windowsills. The windows oriented strictly to the south or southeast are considered optimal. Moreover, during the hottest period in summer, when the plants are in temperatures outside the optimal range, it is better to protect the fleshy leaves of this succulent from the sun’s rays.

Eonium already needs to be placed in the brightest places in the room, so in winter it is simply impossible to increase the illumination for it. This succulent does not like artificial lighting in any form.

Aeonium canariense. Farmer Joyce-Tex-Buckner
Эониум виргинский (Pozsgasok canariensis var. Virginal). Farmer SamwiseGamgee69
Eonium wavy (Aeonium undulatum). Farmer FarOutFlora

Comfortable temperature

Despite its love for the brightest possible lighting, Eonium cannot be ranked as heat-loving plants. This culture looks most effective only when maintaining optimal conditions, alternating different modes of maintenance in the phase of active development and during the rest period. Eonium feels great at air temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees during spring and summer. Lower temperatures can be detrimental for a plant, but higher temperatures can increase the sensitivity to direct sunlight and the dependence of plants on fresh air.

In winter, all types of aeonium, without exception, prefer coolness, content in a temperature range of 10 to 12 degrees. But at the same time, you should not be afraid of ordinary room conditions. Unlike many other plants, aeonium adapts well to normal indoor conditions even during the winter. It’s just that the plant will form fewer outlets, and their diameter will decrease slightly.

Eonium can be safely ranked among indoor cultures that adore fresh air. In summer, it feels great outdoors, in the garden or on the balcony. At the same time, the mandatory callout affects the beauty and attractiveness of both the leaf rosettes themselves and the color of the leaf plates. You can keep aeonium outdoors all summer long. It is taken out as soon as night temperatures rise above 10 degrees Celsius and left until the moment when the first cold weather comes. During the rest of the year, the plant needs to be ventilated as often as possible.

Aichryson homemade (Aichryson x domesticum). Previously classified as Aeonium domesticum. Farmer Liz21UK
Aeonium arboreum. Farmer Mat Lichtenstein
Golden aeonium (Aeonium arboretum var.holochrysum). Farmer Sandrine M

Watering and air humidity

Like all succulents, aeoniums need fairly moderate watering. Between procedures, the soil should have time to dry out almost completely. Thanks to more rare watering, the plant can be grown even by very busy growers. In the winter period, the procedures should be very rare at all, only not allowing the substrate to dry completely (but the humidity is significantly reduced compared to the period of active development).

The most difficult thing in watering this succulent is the need to very carefully carry out the procedure itself. Water should not fall on the base of the outlet and the stem; drops should never accumulate in the center of the bush. Wetting the stems for aeonium is the most common cause of the spread of a variety of rot and fungal infections. Therefore, watering for this plant must be carried out strictly along the edge of the pot.

But the aeonium does not need an increase in air humidity at all. They perfectly tolerate even the driest air and the operation of heating systems; they do not even need spraying occasionally, including during the hottest periods in summer. In fact, all humidification procedures are reduced to the regular removal of accumulated dust.

Эониум Линдлея (Aeonium lindleyi). Farmer laurent houmeau
Layered aeonium (Aeonium tabuliforme). Farmer Tim Waters
Aeonium haworthii. Farmer Juan

Feeding for aeonium

This succulent needs fertilizers only during the period of active growth from spring to summer. At the same time, feeding for aeoniums is carried out even less often than for cacti. For this plant, one procedure every 2-3 weeks is enough.

Fertilizer mixes for cacti or other succulents are best suited for aeonium.

Pruning aeoniums

If necessary, aeonium tolerates formative non-cardinal pruning well. Plants need it only if the shoots are excessively thin, stretch out, and the plants lose their decorative effect. In early spring, at the first signs of the beginning of growth, overgrown, curved shoots are cut off and used for rooting. On the remaining stumps, aeoniums usually form a large number of young rosettes.

Eonium Haworth in a decorative pots. Farmer carolsjadehouse

Aeonium transplant and substrate

Like all succulents, aeoniums need a permeable, very light and friable substrate. Optimal for it are considered to be soil mixtures, consisting of equal parts of leafy, soddy soil, coarse sand and peat. Suitable for the characteristics of this plant and ready-made substrate for cacti. The addition of charcoal to the soil prevents most of the diseases of the aeonium.

Plant transplanting will also not cause trouble for flower growers. Only young plants are transplanted annually, but adults need to replace the container and substrate only once every 1-2 years. Plants can be reloaded or partially removed from the substrate. But since aeoniums are hypersensitive to root rot, a high drainage layer with a minimum height of 3-7 cm must be laid for them. It is advisable to keep the level of deepening the same.

Diseases and pests of aeonium

Aeoniums cannot boast of enviable resistance to pests and diseases. They are especially fond of mealybugs, which settle in dense rosettes between leaves. It is very easy to notice damage by pests, because of them, growth immediately stops, the attractive appearance of the outlets gradually changes to a neglected one. It is better to fight any pests by mechanical washing with soapy water. Insecticides for this culture are used only as a last resort.

On aeoniums, various fungal diseases are very common. But they appear in the plant only when the care is disturbed, in particular, with inaccurate watering, during which the base of the bush or rosettes gets wet.

Common growing problems:

  • stretching of shoots, curvature of the plant and loss of attractive appearance in case of insufficient bright light;
  • the appearance of yellow and brown spots with waterlogging;
  • the appearance of dark areas on the leaves in the shade;
  • depressed appearance, loss of color in the absence of access to fresh air.

Seated aeoniums. Farmer Palm Room

Reproduction of aeoniums

These succulents are very easy to propagate. For aeoniums, both the method of obtaining new plants from seeds and rooting of apical cuttings are suitable.

The seeds of the plant are very small, they are simply scattered over the surface, without covering them with a substrate, and after light spraying with a sprayer, they are covered with film or glass. If the air temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius, then they germinate very quickly and give amicable shoots. Growing a plant requires a gradual change in individual containers.

Cutting is an even simpler method. For rooting in aeonium, stems with rosettes of leaves at the top are used. Shoots are cut with a sharp knife at an angle of 45 degrees, immediately processing the cut surface with chopped coal and letting it dry for 2-3 days. Then the cuttings with rosettes of leaves are planted in a pot with a mixture of leafy soil and sand or in clean sand, deepening 2-3 cm.With moderate watering and light substrate moisture, plants form roots even without greenhouse conditions, but they need to be kept in diffused lighting.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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