Characterization of a Falabella Horse

Falabella horse got its famous name in honor of the good and honest farmer. It was he who became the first who began to breed Falabell on his farm. The uniqueness of this breed is that its representatives are very small in size. Often these babies are mistaken for Scottish ponies.

  1. General description
  2. What are the differences from a pony?
  3. Features of such a horse
  4. Care and maintenance rules
  5. Feeding horses
  6. Breeding

Описание лошади Фалабелла

Description of the Falabella horse

General description

Horses This breed cannot be called a pony, since they have their own history of existence and are a unique and separate species, but very small, even miniature in size. they reach only 87 cm and their weight is 50 kg. An interesting fact is that all subsequent generations grow even less.

No one can clearly say where exactly this breed came from. Today, several theories stand out its appearance.

  1. The first says that the horses are of Japanese origin. This opinion is based on a legend according to which Japanese magicians combined several wonderful herbs, welded a magic barrel and created a miniature copy of a large horse. Most often, no one takes this version seriously.
  2. According to the second version, once a very long time ago, representatives of wild horses fell into a strange, natural trap and, unfortunately, could not get out of there. Other neighbors of the breed heard their neighing, which also made them trapped.They began to live and breed there. The cubs could not get enough calcium and vitamins, and therefore they grew small. Then the farmer Falabell found them, took them out and began to breed them on his farm, gave this species its name.

No one can say for sure exactly how this species appeared, because of this it’s difficult trace their genetics, where they got their qualities, beautiful and bright colors from.

What are the differences from ponies?

Although Falabell is often called a pony, they have a lot differences among themselves. Ponies are by nature small in stature and not as fast as a horse, he has a powerful physique that looks very rude. But Falabell’s everything is quite the opposite: they are very elegant, calm, all the lines of their bodies are soft and refined. There is no angularity or sharpness in the structure of their bodies.

The largest horse of this breed has reached 86 cm. The weight of these bay horses will never be more than 66 kg, and ponies gain up to 130 kg. The most striking and memorable representative of this breed was the stallion, its maximum height in adulthood was 35 cm and its weight was 9.5 kg.

Each new generation comes out less than its parents.Why this is happening, so far no scientist in the world can explain, although a very large number of specialists have studied this feature of the breed. Even if they try to cross a horse with a mare of another breed, the Falabella genes will always triumph over others. As a result, a mini-horse will be born. Such a procedure is only possible in laboratories.

Falabella was not created in order to transport goods or people. Horses can ride small children, but the main thing is not to overburden the animal. Such individuals are most often planted for decorative and aesthetic purposes. The cost of such an animal is not small, so not everyone can afford such a creature. It’s hard to say how much a copy of a big horse costs now, the price is constantly changing.

Features of such a horse

Outwardly these animals are very attractive and cute, they are proportionately folded. Many horse breeders say that when you look at these miniature creations, it seems that these are small “fakes” of real and pure Arabian horses. As for the character, there are no problems. The animals are very kind, friendly, calm and curious (in moderation). Falabella makes contact very easily and, therefore, it is easy and easy to train an animal.

With children, Falabella makes contact immediately, treats them well.She is always happy to give someone a ride, but only if the child behaves well, because no one will like it if they start pulling hair out of the mane. The main advantage of this breed is that, due to its small size, it is not inferior in speed to horses. Horses can travel long distances in minutes. In addition, they jump very high, play a lot and are generally very playful and active in nature. They are those representatives of the fauna who can’t sit still, they need space.

Care and maintenance rules

Oddly enough, Falabella is a very unpretentious breed , she does not require much attention. But this does not mean that pets do not need to be looked after. Like other animals, these horses need care and a lot of love. Falabella loves nature very much, which is why it is best to keep her in an open pen so she can frolic in the air. It’s best to build a stable near the paddock so that the pets themselves can decide when to stay under a canopy and warm, and when – outdoors.

In winter, the bay must be transferred to a warm stable. Such a structure must be well “stuck” so that there are no drafts anywhere and the heat remains only in the building.Also in the winter, it is necessary that the horses have constant access to hay, and best of all – to cover the entire stable with them. The main rule for caring for bay is timely hair care. It is especially important to carefully watch the animals during their molting: it usually takes place at the beginning or end of winter.

Falabella can become very sick, which is why the room where the representatives of the breed live in winter should be very warm and without drafts. It is required to constantly give vitamins and calcium, to be vaccinated against tetanus and flu.

In the photo you can see how cute and tiny creatures they need to be protected.

Feeding horses

It is important that horses constantly have hay and fresh grass in their diet. In addition, you need to constantly replenish the horses menu with different vegetables:

  • carrots;
  • cabbage;
  • beets;
  • potatoes.

Also, do not forget about apples and other fruits, which can be a source of nutrients. In this case, you should be very careful and give a little of everything: the animal may undergo an allergic reaction. Before pouring grain into the feeder, the animal should be given water so that it drinks as much as it can. Such a breed must be fed at least 3 times a day, water must be available at all times.


The mating period in horses is called hunting.The female simply stands still, raises her tail and thus makes it clear to the males that the moment has come when they should act.

After the conception, the female becomes calm, tries to run and jump as little as possible. When the moment of birth comes, she herself finds a secluded place and prepares for the process.

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Often babies appear in early spring. Mom feeds them more than 50 times a day. The baby eats mother’s milk for up to 9 months, then the female begins to drive it away and teaches how to eat in nature.

Falabella is a very interesting and unique breed that is more suitable for decorative purposes. An unpretentious and calm horse, who loves space and freedom, lends itself well to training.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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