Description of the Blue Danube potato

The Blue Danube potatoes literally in a few years gained enormous popularity around the world. Due to the fact that breeders took care of his immunity, it can be grown for organic products. Moreover, this type of root crop is resistant to long transportation, and can be stored for a long time in the right conditions.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. Principle of growing
  6. Care <
  7. Prevention
  8. Conclusion

Описание картофеля Голубой Дунай

Description of the Blue Danube potato

Characteristics of the variety

The Blue Danube potato was bred in Germany in the early years of the 21st century.In several years, it received worldwide recognition, and in 2005 it made to the national Russian registry. The uniqueness of this type of root crop is that it shows high yields in all regions of the country. It does not depend on climatic conditions.

Breeders created this variety that ripens in the medium term. the first seedlings until the complete end of the growing season, only 100 days pass.

The basis of this variety of potatoes was the species Sarpo Mira, which differs from other brothers in its high resistance to widespread disease evaniyam. That is why the Blue Danube is popular among amateur gardeners and farmers with high experience.

Description of the plant

The stem of this potato variety is distinguished by its powerful structure.Its height is average, and the maximum reaches 1.2 m in height. Bushes always stand straight, and do not fall apart throughout the garden. A high characteristic of foliage is noted, which does not allow weeds to sprout through the tops.

Leaves, mainly of green color. You can meet the tops, which would have a rich green color. At the edges of the leaves there is a slight ribbing and waviness, which makes the leaves more beautiful. The flowers have a saturated yellow color, and the corollas are presented in purple hues.

Description of the fruit

The fruit has an oval ideal shape. Each of the fruits is covered with a purple peel, a high degree of density. The variety description indicates the presence of medium sized eyes. Eyes are represented in a small amount, which only increases the marketability of the root crop.

A light shade of pulp is observed when cutting. The description suggests that this is a high-yielding variety of root crops. From 1 ha, farmers collect about 400 centners of ideal quality fruits. The average weight of an individual root crop reaches 200 g. The average amount of starch in the Blue Danube. Only 10-13%.

This potato belongs to the table variety. It has a high characteristic of taste and commercial quality. During cooking or frying it is not subject to cracking and rarely boils. This is ideal for making any kind of salads. This is a universal view from which dishes of any complexity are prepared.Specialists in the field of cooking classified this species as category A and B.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important positive characteristics of this type of root crops include:

  • potatoes have perfect taste;
  • there is a high level of yield and the number of marketable fruits, even in bad weather conditions;
  • easily tolerates long shipments and can be stored in utility rooms for a long time indoor;
  • not subject to mechanical damage;
  • is immune to races common viral diseases.

The disadvantages include the fact that this species is very demanding on the irrigation regimen.

Growing principle

Potatoes love the sun

In order to plant this variety, you need choose solar gardens in which water rarely stagnates. Landing is carried out on a north-south basis. This will allow plants to be evenly shined with sunshine and to germinate faster. Since this species does not degenerate, last year’s potato crop can be used for planting this year. It is important to choose only those fruits that are of medium size and have a large number of sprouts.

After the seed has passed the selection and started the roots, it is necessary to treat them with a growth stimulator and substances that block the influence of parasites and diseases. Wait until the soil warms up after spring frosts. The ideal temperature is 12 ° C. A distance of 50 cm should be kept between the rows, but between the bushes it should be 20 cm. The seed material is buried in the soil to a depth of not more than 12 cm.


Do not forget that this potato requires careful care. First, weeds should be regularly removed and the soil loosened. Secondly, hilling is carried out 2 times per season, with an increase in the height of the beds. Do not forget about the introduction of organic fertilizers. The ideal option is a cow or bird droppings.

In order for nutrients to fully absorb the fruits, it is important to pay attention to the degree of growth of the tops. As soon as the tops start to let out color, it is important to break a stalk a little. This is best done 10-15 cm from the soil. This will slow down the growth of the stem, and soak the tubers.

Watering should be carried out in the evening. This will leave moisture in the leaves and more soak the soil. 20 days before harvesting, stop watering. Neglecting this condition will significantly reduce the storage time of harvested tubers.


It is believed that the Blue Danube is not exposed to known diseases and pests.Breeders made sure that farmers did not worry about their harvest. But, do not forget that the invasion of parasites can never be predicted. At such times, prophylactic methods should be kept in mind.

Before planting this potato variety, it is best to treat the seed with special chemicals. You can use Fofatoks or Admiral. During flowering, it is worth spraying the plant with substances that contain copper in its composition. This will protect it from the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle or aphid.

Blue Danube potato description and features
New potato variety with blue flesh


The Blue Danube very quickly earned the title of the most resistant variety to diseases and pests. In addition, it is characterized by a high quality crop, therefore it is used for sale. There are no particular preferences in the care, but it’s still advisable to land and water the garden on time, which will allow you to get the desired result in terms of yield.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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