Description of the plant Wormwood Louis

Louis wormwood (ludoviciana, artemisia) is a semi-woody, southern, perennial shrub. Its healing qualities have long been known. Tincture is made from wormwood, m Asi, its extract is added to cosmetics. It copes with skin diseases. It is used to strengthen hair and make it silky.

  1. Description
  2. Locations
  3. Variety of shrubs
  4. Care rules
  5. Propagation of the plant

Описание растения Полынь Людовика

Description of the plant Louis wormwood


This is a plant with silver-gray foliage. Emits a pronounced aroma. Branches a lot. In height it grows up to 1 meter. Under suitable conditions and soil can grow more than a meter. In diameter it reaches up to 0.5 meters.

The leaves are separated by finger-shaped, oblong segments. All leaves and stem are covered with silky, silvery hairs. Has 0.5 cm yellow inflorescences. It blooms in June and continues flowering until the end of August. Some varieties continue to bloom until October.

The taste of wormwood is very bitter. Therefore, medicines from flowers and leaves are most often used for external treatment.

Places of distribution

Distributed in the Mediterranean regions of Asia and Europe. For normal growth, it needs dry rocky terrain. Perfectly takes root in the drained soil. It is allowed to land both in partial shade and in the bright sun.

Louis wormwood is resistant to drought. If the summer is rainy, with high humidity, the central part of the stem begins to decay.

Variety of shrubs

Biologists have more than 250 varieties of bitter shrubs.

Here are some types of Louis Wormwood:

Artemisia.The following subspecies of the shrub belong to this species:

  • Artemisia Schmidt is a decorative species of perennial. Not a tall bush up to 30 cm. Unpretentious, frost-resistant and hardy to cut;
  • Artemisia Steller sprawling bush. Very grassy and covered with hairs, as if down;
  • Artemisia Hybrid perennial with a long root. It grows up to 40 cm in height. It blooms in early autumn.

Wormwood has many varieties

of Ludoviciana (Ludoviciana). Tall bush with long roots. It blooms from August to September. It is also subdivided into subspecies:

  • Valeri Finning grows to 80 cm. It branches weakly. It has short shoots. It is endowed with gray leaves and a white top;
  • Silver Queen (silver queen) grows to 70 cm in height and branches heavily. Wormwood Louis Silver Queen is a very beautiful variety with silver leaflets. Many are planted in their gardens for decoration. Silver Queen is also attractive because it has ears at the base of the leaves.

Pontic wormwood. Perennial with long roots. Grows up, reaching one meter. It blooms in August. And he gives the seeds in October. Reproduction of the Pontic variety is possible both vegetatively and by dispersing the seeds.

Pursha. Also a tall shrub up to 70 cm. Stems branch strongly.Leaves are covered with hairs on both sides. It blooms in July.

Care Rules

Louis wormwood can often be found in garden areas. After all, the bush looks attractive, and healing properties attract gardeners. In addition, perennial does not require special care. He is able to grow independently under optimal conditions.

Nevertheless, there are several recommendations for caring for this handsome man:

  • Planting seeds of Louis is best done on sandy soil. No fertilizer is required.
  • It is recommended to choose a sunny place, but partial shade is also acceptable.
  • Watering is rare. Only if hot and arid summers. Mostly seedlings get drunk from the rain. It is necessary to pour water under the very root. So that the soil is deeply saturated. Between watering you need to take a break of several days. So the bush will gain immunity to drought. In addition, watering breaks stimulate the formation of new roots.

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Propagation of the plant

Louis wormwood breed propagates seeds. But this perennial can be propagated by processes, if the bush is large enough and branched. Another method of breeding rhizome division. To do this, they dig a bush, shake the earthen lump and carefully divide the root into several small parts. Put in water or plant, having treated with a solution of manganese.

Seed propagation is best done in a greenhouse in the spring. Transplanted seedlings into the ground in a permanent place. With this method, it is important to ventilate the greenhouse, creating a semi-warm greenhouse effect.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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