Dieffenbachia – care secrets – care

Dieffenbachia is a plant that attracts attention with its brightly colored leaves. Adult dieffenbachia reaches a height of 1,8 m and above, but in indoor conditions the lower leaves fall off, therefore it is still popularly called a false palm. In our conditions, painted Dieffenbachia and adorable Dieffenbachia are widespread. They grow well in rooms with central heating, while other species need a constant temperature, they cannot tolerate cold drafts and low temperatures in winter. There are varieties that can die from temperature changes.

Дифенбахия (Dieffenbachia). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Jerzy Opiola


Dieffenbachia easy breeding advice

The top of the Dieffenbachia can be trimmed at a height of 10 cm from the soil level and root, and the remaining stem easily releases new leaves.

Attention! Dieffenbachia juice is poisonous. Protect children and pets from interacting with the plant.

A few secrets of dieffenbachia care

1. The temperature for dieffenbachia should be moderate or slightly moderate, but not lower than 17 degrees in winter.

2. Lighting for Dieffenbachia in summer is partial shade, and in winter bright light is required, or for variegated varieties – a bright place, and varieties with whole green leaves – light partial shade.

3. Watering dieffenbachia should be done as the soil dries out. In the summer, it requires high humidity, the leaves must be sprayed and washed from time to time.

4. Dieffenbachia is transplanted annually in the spring.

DieffenbachiaDieffenbachia. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com LucaLuca

Possible difficulties in growing Dieffenbachia

1. The lower leaves of Dieffenbachia turn yellow and curl – reasons: low temperature, drafts, cold;

2. Change in color of dieffenbachia leaves – too bright light, or direct sunlight falls on the leaves;

3. Soft base of dieffenbachia stem and loss of color – this is facilitated by waterlogging of the soil and low air temperatures;

4. The edges of the dieffenbachia leaves are brown – this is facilitated by the drying out of the soil or cold air;

5. Dieffenbachia leaves die off – the temperature is too low for young leaves, dry air, cold drafts. With age, old dieffenbachia leaves die off.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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