How to choose a name for a rabbit

When choosing fluffy as a pet, you should first think about how to name a rabbit, by what criteria to choose the most suitable name for him. After all, the nickname of a pet determines not only his adaptation, in many ways it reflects his character.

  1. Features for choosing the nickname
  2. What to look for
  3. A few secrets of teaching rabbits to the new nickname
  4. How to choose a name according to the nature of the animal
  5. Human names for rabbits
  6. Help is better looked for in the calendar
  7. Our favorite characters

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How to name the rabbit

People are used to living near animals. Some people decide to get a dog, others decide to have a cat. But the list is up to you don’t end with car pets at this point. You can still get a decorative rabbit that will be no less beloved and affectionate than other animals. And if there is a small child in the family, the eared dog will become his real friend for 5-8 years. creatures.

Features for choosing a nickname

Nicknames for rabbits are as necessary as for other animals.

When With the right choice, the eared one quickly gets used to its name and runs to the owner at the first call. Each newly made breeder should know only one thing: cute creatures respond more quickly to a resounding short nickname.But if a person has a desire to dig deeper into the pedigree of his pet, you can use some conditional rules adopted by ordinary breeders many years ago. A newborn hare is called by the name having the first letter the same as that of the name of his father.

Not all breeders want to delve into the pedigree. In addition, to dwell on a certain framework in their own fantasies when choosing a funny or serious nickname for rabbits is silly. Nicknames are just a way of communicating between a pet and a person. And most often, breeders treat the animal not only as a faithful friend and favorite, but also as a toy, so the secret to all the rules for choosing a name is that there are no secrets. A hare needs to be given a name only so that he understands that a person is addressing him.

Study a large list of literature, search the entire Internet or look for a suitable name in some external features of hares – each person has his own methods of achievement goals. But finally deciding on what to name your long-eared girl or boy, you can’t expect a lightning reaction, responsiveness and others from them. You will have to have patience, as well as treats for a decorative bunny, so that he quickly understands that the word sounding from the lips of a person is his new name.

What to look for

Having decided to deal with the question of what can be called a rabbit, you need to determine the search criteria.Most often, the pet gets nicknames that have a connection with some features of the soft fluffy. They can relate to:

  • appearance;
  • character;
  • date of birth;
  • personal associations of the owner;
  • human names;
  • names of characters from famous works of art, films and cartoons.

Those who decide to “link” the search for a name with appearance should pay attention on the shape of the body of the animal, its color, fatness, or even excessive leanness. So, for a red decorative rabbit, a good option for a nickname would be “Ginger”, “Squirrel” or “Red”. For black – “Corner”, “Chernysh” or “Chocolate”. For gray – “Smoke”. For white pets, names are also enough (“Crayon”, “Snowball”, etc.), as well as for rabbits of any other color.

If the owner was attracted by the fatness of the animal, you can come up with cool nicknames: “Ball”, ” Bun, Donut and others. For dwarf lop-eared breeds, nicknames are suitable that take into account their external features: “Kid”, “Ushastik”, “Gnome”, etc. In addition, some owners of rabbits prefer to give their pets funny nicknames taken from the names of a set of products that most often fill the shelves in the kitchen or refrigerator. You can often find such names as “Zephyr”, “Donut”, “Sausage”, “Sausage”, “Sweetie” and even “Duchesse.”

A few secrets to teach rabbits to get a new nickname

Choosing the right name for your rabbits is not an easy task.In addition, there are some features of how quickly the eared one can get used to a new way of communicating with a person:

  • the shorter and louder the name, the faster the rabbit will learn it;
  • in the first few days it is necessary to pronounce the name with the same volume;
  • one person conducts training (the rabbit gradually gets used to a large family, you need to start communication with only one of its members).

It is equally important to pamper your favorites with treats. This is especially important during the training of a new nickname for him. Calling it, you need to give the baby a piece of carrot, or another vegetable. So, the animal will quickly understand that there is no threat from a person, and his intentions are kind. Gradually, the number of treats is reduced. Food should be replaced with affection. The rabbit will quickly get used to such human behavior and will also respond to other family members.

If there are small children in the house, they need to explain that the rabbit is not a toy. Kids often go overboard with their own curiosity and mischief, which is why animals suffer. Mistakes of children always lie on the shoulders of adults, so the animal should not be exhausted by small mischievous people.

How to choose a name according to the nature of the animal

Names for rabbits can have that something in common with the character of the pet.

Some breeders are trying to come up with some mystical, beautiful names for the furry animal.So, for a black hare, the nickname “Damn” or even “Demon” is suitable. This name will be especially successful if the animal is playful and persistent. For an active rabbit, picking a nickname is easy. The names of the girl are suitable:

  • “Spark”;
  • “Lynx”;
  • “Lada”;
  • “Witch”;
  • “Bandit.”

For a boy, nicknames may come up:

  • “Player”;
  • “Shuler “;
  • ” Clown “;
  • ” Pirate “;
  • ” Roger “;
  • ” Naughty. “

If a new girlfriend or friend is constantly tired of active games, and they prefer to spend time in a dream, lounging on a pillow or sofa, their calm character can also affect the choice of nickname. The names of the calm girl are:

  • “Countess”;
  • “Cleopatra”;
  • “Sonya”;
  • “Milka” ;
  • “Musya.”

It is also easy for a calm lazy boy to find a suitable name, especially if these animals, in addition to their laziness, have a proud character. There are many options:

  • “King”;
  • “Sultan”;
  • “Newton”;
  • “Nord”;
  • “Rex”;
  • “Tamerlan”.

Rabbits belong to those pets that are even very difficult to look at seriously. These cute, fluffy creatures are so affectionate and kind that their names are often given the same. It makes no sense to look for deep meaning in such amusing nicknames: “Masyanya”, “Nemo”, “Peanut”, “Stepashka”, “Tishka”, “Khrustik” and others.

The animal world is full of secrets and mysteries, and even the purchase of a domestic animal, a small and tender rabbit, can reveal to a person some peculiarities of his own relationship with nature. A reliable friend requiring affection for adults and children can become a real favorite. And it doesn’t matter if he is black or white, the name that is given to him will be the first step towards communicating with him.

Human names for rabbits

The first thing about it is worth taking care after a pet has appeared in the family in the form of a small rabbit, this is to create all the necessary conditions for life. It should be allocated to him a feeder and a drinking bowl, as well as a berth (cage). The animal will feel the care of people and thank them with its affection. But it is very difficult to establish contact between a person and an eared one without giving a nickname. In addition, some furry owners treat their small brothers as family members. The first thing that comes to mind is to call the rabbit a human name.

Those who do not know how to name the rabbit can use names such as:

  • “Zlata”;
  • “Maroussia”;
  • “Masha”;
  • “Zina”;
  • “Nyusha”;
  • ” Mila. “

There are many options. Each owner of a fluffy girl can choose for her the name that he likes best. People can be guided by different associations or desires. Very often the muzzle of a small animal resembles a celebrity or even a close friend or comrade.Some owners prefer to call their pets their own name, characterizing the comic patronage of them.

If the new pet is a boy, you should choose a more suitable male human name. It can be ordinary or affectionate. The main thing is that the person himself likes it, and the animal will quickly get used to it. The most common names are “Grishka”, “Antokha”, “Alex”, “Roy”, “Rick”, etc.

How to name a rabbit. Good advice. Life story of the gun / Sonya Rey
How to name a rabbit ?!
How to name a rabbit !!!!
I don’t know what to name the rabbit

Help is best looked for on the calendar

Female and male names , which are called rabbits, are not always suitable for one or another animal. Often, among the many options, the best name cannot be found. But do not despair. Solving the question of what can be called a rabbit is not difficult, especially if you use the usual calendar. Particular attention is paid to the month and even the birthday of the pet. That is, for rabbits, nicknames are suitable:

  • “Marta”, “Monya” – for those born in March;
  • “Yan” – born in January;
  • “Maya” – in May;
  • “Summer”, “Spring”, “Aspen” and “Zimushka” – according to the seasons.

Also some breeders when choosing a nickname, the days of the week are used, starting from “Monday” to “Sunday”. Owners of eared ears can leave such a nickname unchanged or redo it at their own discretion. The options that the owners of the animal use are always many, and they all have their advantages and disadvantages. But it’s not always the owner who decides what to name his rabbit.

The male rabbit is also easy to name using the calendar.As a name, the season, month and birthday are suitable for him. The most popular nicknames: “March”, “Martin”, “Feb”, “April”, “May” and others.

Our favorite characters

Solve the problem, how to name a boy’s rabbit is also easy, if you remember about your favorite cartoon characters from childhood, as well as some films and books. The first one that comes to mind is the well-known “Bugs Bunny” from the old, but funny cartoon of the 80-90s. But this character is not to everyone’s taste. Often the owners of the rabbit choose a name for him from “close to the heart” of domestic and even Soviet works. But no less rarely come across not at all nicknames for children. Examples are varied:

  • “Korsh” from the cartoon “Smeshariki”;
  • “Stepashka” from the TV show “Good night, kids”;
  • “March Hare” (ex. “Mart” or “Marta”) from “Alice in Wonderland”;
  • “Playboy”, in honor of the famous adult magazine;
  • “Roger” from the film “ Who framed Roger’s rabbit. “

Some owners of a small domestic hare prefer to choose a name for the rabbit, which has nothing to do with animals, such unusual nicknames for rabbits. Funny animals are given the names of famous characters and actors in Hollywood. Today it’s easy to meet rabbits with the nicknames “Passepartout”, “Rambo”, “Rocky”, “Trinity”, “Neo”, “Sherlock” and others. It’s also funny to watch the namesakes of famous actors: Jackie Chan, Van Damme, Bruce Willis and others, the list can be endless.Such names of rabbits often do not carry a semantic load, but sometimes a fluffy brawler is called so, based on his behavior and aspects of his attitude to other animals.

We must not forget that animals are not toys. To come up with insults as nonsense, on the one hand is stupid, and on the other is immoral. Rabbits are the same living and kind creatures, like all other inhabitants of the planet, it is necessary to treat them appropriately. Everything is in the hands of man, therefore, the attitude towards small animals should be humane.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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