How to store peeled potatoes


When it comes time to prepare for the holidays, the first dish on the table is mashed potatoes and jacket potatoes in their uniforms. Potato is the most delicious and sought-after dish on any table. In preparation for the holidays, many housewives think about how to store peeled potatoes.

  1. Why does the potato get dark
  2. The easiest way to store
  3. Long-term storage
  4. Potato storage at the plants
  5. What to store with
  6. The final part

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Storage of peeled potatoes

Why does the potato darken

To to be able to preserve peeled root vegetables, you need to understand what processes occur in tubers. The composition of potato tubers contains the thyro enzyme Inase and tyrosine are an essential amino acid. These components and some others are designed to capture complex compounds and convert them into simple ones, thereby ensuring normal plant nutrition.

Tyrosinase molecules themselves are colorless, but when they enter in reaction with oxygen, they acquire a bluish-brown hue. If this component were not in the potato, then the fruits would stop darkening under the influence of air. The more nitrogenous fertilizers were introduced during the growing season, the higher the level of tyrosinase will be.

When oversaturated with nitrogenous fertilizers, the tubers will darken in the cut literally in a few minutes. If you want to check how much quality vegetable is offered to you in the market, ask the seller for a knife and cut potatoes.Root crops that were grown on organics can retain their original color for 0.5 hours.

The easiest way to store

How to store peeled potatoes? The easiest option is to store potato tubers after peeling in cold water. At the same time, you should not cut it into small pieces, otherwise it will lose its quality characteristics, although the taste will remain.

If you leave the vegetable at least for 1-2 hours in the open air, it will be covered with a dense crust and become unattractive view. This is provoked by the fact that its composition contains a lot of starch and enzymes that go outside and thicken to form a dark coating. You can store peeled potatoes in water for no more than 2-3 hours, otherwise all soluble vitamins will be destroyed, and carbohydrates, minerals and organic acids will go into the water. To preserve the nutrients to the maximum, you need to:

  • thoroughly wash the peeled tubers;
  • put in a container;
  • pour cold water so that the root crops are completely covered;
  • to maintain color, you can add a little lemon juice or citric acid to the water.

If you plan to store peeled potatoes in water all night, the pan should be refrigerated. In a warm room, in the morning, the tubers are covered with mucus, and bubbles form on the water surface. According to sanpin, perishable products, such as potatoes, are stored at a temperature of 2 to 6 ℃ for no more than 72 hours.

If the next morning bubbles appeared on the surface of the water, you need to smell the water and examine all the tubers. Most likely, they turned sour and are now unfit for food. When the potato has an unpleasant smell after storage, the structure of the pulp has changed, it is better not to eat it.

Long-term storage


Vacuum packaging for a long time to keep the freshness of vegetables

How to keep peeled potatoes for a day? Another option is when peeled potatoes are boiled over with boiling water. In this case, the decomposition of nutrients of the upper layers of potato tubers is deliberately achieved. In this form, tubers can be stored for a long time. Often, housewives pre-cooked boiled potatoes in their uniforms before big holidays for salads in order to facilitate their work. A jacket-cooked vegetable can be stored for 2 to 10 days, it all depends on the amount of nitrates added to the soil during cultivation (you can determine their content in tubers when buying, as described above).

If you are thinking about how to keep the peeled potatoes for a day with minimal loss of quality indicators, this method is not suitable. It is much better to put all the tubers in a plastic bag, pump air out of it and hide it in the freezer. Before cooking, vegetables do not need to be thawed, but should immediately be placed in boiling water.It is preferable to store the potato in its entirety, so it is possible to save more nutrients. But, to cook it whole is often very problematic, because root crops begin to crack and fall apart.

If the vegetable is intended for frying or making soup, it can be pre-chopped and then put in a bag. Storage of peeled potatoes in vacuum packaging with deep freezing is considered the most effective. But, this method is advisable only in large industries or in canteens. At home, it will be unreasonably expensive. The algorithm for preparing chopped potatoes for long-term storage:

  • peel;
  • a thin layer should be removed from young potatoes, peeled off from the old peel along with part of the tuber;
  • wash each root crop;
  • dry it with a paper towel;
  • cut;
  • pack it tightly in cling film;
  • put it in the freezer .

Potato storage at the plants

In the conditions of large plants for the production of chips and other dried raw materials, it is necessary to store raw peeled potatoes in huge quantities. Here, the vegetable is stored in freezers at a temperature of -30 ℃. Under such conditions, the product can be stored for an unlimited time. A thin layer of the peel is removed from the vegetables, and washed, unpeeled potatoes are sometimes used for chips.After all stages of preparation, the root crops are cut into small cubes of the required size and laid out in packets.

Then, air is sucked out of the packets and laid out in freezers. During shock freezing, root crops are not only stored for a long time, but also retain all their useful vitamins and minerals. Also, in large food industries, potatoes are stored in bags filled with inert gas. It helps to preserve the freshness of root crops for 2-3 months, in an unfrozen form.

What to store

When laying vegetables for storage, it is important to consider the food neighborhood. This factor will also affect the shelf life of peeled potatoes even in the freezer. In close proximity to smoked fish, after storage in water, peeled potatoes are saturated with a smell and your dish will be hopelessly spoiled.

The smell will remain even after heat treatment. The best neighbors for potatoes are eggplant and bell peppers. Even in the freezer, it is not recommended to store meat and fish products next to vegetable slices.

Final part

Many housewives find themselves in a situation where they need to prepare for the reception of guests, and still need to have time to do a hairstyle, makeup, manicure and buy a dress. Women in such situations start frantically making blanks a few days before the event. Of course, first all the ingredients for salads are cooked, and then they are taken for peeling potatoes.In cold water in the open air, the product can be stored for no more than 3 hours.

If you put the roots in cold water in the refrigerator, they will be perfectly stored until the next morning. If you need to keep root vegetables in the refrigerator for a day or several days, then it is better to freeze them. Depending on which dish the root crop is used in, it is left whole and cut into small pieces. Stacked in bags and sent to the freezer. The temperature in the freezer should not be higher than -18 ℃.


It will be better to preserve the root crop, in which the content of nitrogen compounds is lower.With constant feeding with nitrogen, the potatoes on the cut darken in just a couple of minutes, grown on organics and without water retain the color of the pulp for 0.5 hours. In addition, there are varieties that are better preserved. Another important factor affecting the safety of the vegetable is the food neighborhood in the refrigerator. Purified crude potato next to the fish and meat. Continuation of the article …

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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