master class from an agronomist. Video – care

If you notice that the spathiphyllum has begun to turn yellow, the edges of the leaves are drying out, and the flower has already become cramped in the pot, then it is time to transplant it to a “new place of residence.” The transplantation of spathiphyllum does not cause any particular difficulties. But at the same time, it is important to know how to select the soil, what should be the capacity for transplanting and how to properly transplant. To find out the intricacies of transplantation, read our article and watch the video, there we will figure out together how to do it correctly.

Spathiphyllum Transplant

Spathiphyllum: plant description

Spathiphyllum has many different names: “White Sail”, “Flagleaf”, “Female Flower”, “Female Happiness”. It is an evergreen plant with a lush green crown, the height of which can reach 1 m. It belongs to the Aroid family. In the natural environment, it most often grows in tropical and equatorial forests. Prefers to settle near water bodies.

Over time, the flower began to grow at home. Today it is one of the most popular indoor plants. It is well acclimatized and pleases flower growers with beautiful snow-white flowers, similar to a white sail. The main plus of the plant is its high decorative qualities and almost continuous flowering. But in order to achieve this, the plant needs proper care and timely transplantation.

When is it necessary to transplant?

Spring is the most favorable period for transplanting spathiphyllum. At this time, the plant undergoes active vegetative growth. All biological processes are faster. The survival rate improves, the plant experiences less stress from the procedure.

Sometimes, however, it happens that the plant needs an “emergency” transplant. This happens when the flower is not properly taken care of, or when it has already outgrown the volume of the pot and begins to lack space and nutrients. Then, of course, one should not wait for spring and an urgent need to transplant the plant into a new, more spacious pot.

Signs that spathiphyllum needs a transplant

In case of improper care, the flower will always give a signal. You just need to see these “symptoms” and help the plant. Signs of improper care:

Yellow leaves – the flower lacks moisture and nutrition.

Dark, brown spots on foliage say that the plant is exposed to prolonged excessive flooding.

Wilting leaves… There may be several reasons: overdried earthen coma, heterogeneous soil, decay of roots.

Dry leaf tips – the air in the room where spathiphyllum grows is dry. Spathiphyllum is a tropical plant, so the air humidity should be high enough. To achieve this, the flower must be periodically sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

Dried leaves – the flower has some problems with the root system. Perhaps it was too flooded with water and the roots began to rot.

Signs that spathiphyllum needs a transplant

How to choose a pot for a transplant?

For spathiphyllum, it does not matter in which pot it grows. But what is really important is to choose a pot, taking into account the volume of the root system. The new container should be slightly larger than the previous one – by about 2-3 cm.

Important! It is not necessary to take a pot that is too large for a transplant. In this case, flowering will have to wait for a very long time – 2-3 years. The explanation is simple – spathiphyllum will bloom only when its root system completely fills the space of the pot.

When choosing a container for transplanting, pay attention to its shape. It should not be too deep, but wide. The fact is that the root system of the spathiphyllum does not develop in depth, but in a horizontal direction, so the diameter of the pot should be larger than its height.

What soil is best for replanting?

The soil can be taken with ordinary, universal, floral. The pH is neutral or slightly acidic. Another option is to buy a special soil for aroid plants. And do not forget to purchase expanded clay or any other drainage when buying soil. It is needed for the health of the root system and the plant as a whole. After all, stagnant water in a pot is a direct path to the death of a flower. Drainage will create an air gap and will help drain excess water after watering.

Step-by-step transplant master class

Does the plant no longer have room in the pot for normal growth? We offer to transplant spathiphyllum into a new pot. A step-by-step master class will help you quickly and easily transplant a flower.

For a transplant you will need:

  • Spathiphyllum for transplant;
  • New pot;
  • Soil mixture;
  • Secateurs or scissors;
  • Soil shovel;
  • Watering can with water at room temperature;
  • Drainage – fine expanded clay, pebbles or brick chips;
  • The pallet or substrate on which the work will take place.

The transplant is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Spill the plant with water at room temperature – this way it will be much easier to remove it from the pot and the roots are less injured. You need to poke the ground well at least half an hour before transplanting.
  2. Remove all dry and yellow leaves. If the plant is in bloom, you must also cut off all the peduncles at the base. The leaves that have just appeared are also removed.
  3. Remove the plant from the old pot. Examine the root system. If there are rotten, dark areas, they must be cut off.
  4. Remove the old soil, at least the upper part of it. In this case, you need to try not to damage the root system.
  5. Fill the drainage at the bottom of the container. The layer width should be about 2 cm.
  6. Pour the same layer of fertile soil on top. Periodically, the soil needs to be compacted, removing voids.
  7. Carefully transplant the plant from the old container into a new one. Cutting off flowers and young leaves is essential. After all, the plant is under stress during transplantation. It needs strength for root formation, and flowering shoots and young leaves will require nutrition. The plant survival rate will deteriorate. When transplanting, the flower must be set at approximately the same level as in the previous pot – not raising or deepening the plant too much.
  8. Place the flower in the middle of the pot, sprinkle it on top with a layer of soil. It is not necessary to fill up the earth along the very edges of the container. Leave a few centimeters from the top of the pot so that it will be more convenient to water the flower in the future. Lightly compact the soil around the rosette of leaves.
  9. Sprinkle the soil well with room temperature water.Life hack from an agronomist… Pour expanded clay into the pallet from the pot. Due to drainage, an air gap forms between the bottom of the pot and the pan. It will not allow the soil to draw in excess moisture from the pallet.

Basic rules for caring for spathiphyllum

As already mentioned, spathiphyllum is a tropical plant. This must be taken into account when caring for him. The flower loves abundant sunlight. But at the same time, the direct rays of the sun should not fall on the foliage, otherwise there is a risk of burning the green mass of the plant. North, east and west windows are ideal growing areas for spathiphyllum. If the windows face the south side, then it is better to rearrange the flower deeper into the room or place it near a slightly shaded window.

Read more about caring for a plant in the material Spathiphyllum, or “Women’s happiness”.

Watering should be abundant, but rare. A sign that the flower needs to be watered is the drying of the top layer of the soil. After 30-40 minutes after watering, it is advisable to drain the water accumulated in the pan. The air temperature should be high enough – about 20-25 ° С. To prevent the leaves from drying out, you need to spray them with a spray bottle or put a humidifier near the plant pot. Top dressing is carried out once a month. In autumn and winter, the frequency of fertilizing is reduced to 1 time in 1-2 months. At this time, the flower is dormant and needs less nutrients.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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