Pandanus is not a palm tree, but it will do too – leaving

Pandanus (Pandanus, family Pandanovye) is a large decorative deciduous plant that looks like a false palm. The pandanus leaves are gracefully curved, xiphoid, with a serrate edge, linear, dark green, reaching a length of 1 m, resembling dracaena leaves. With age, the lower leaves fall off, leaving scars in their place, due to which the trunk appears to be spirally twisted. The plant forms powerful stilted roots, which serve as additional support for it. They should not be deleted. Pandanus blooms with small yellow flowers, collected in dense inflorescences. The plant looks great both in a single arrangement and in a group as a tapeworm plant.


Farmer Forest & Kim Starr

Pandanus veitchii is most commonly found in indoor culture. This species reaches a height of 1,3 m, it has variegated white-green leaves with jagged edges. There is a kind of compact (Pandanus veitchii compacta), which has a smaller size. In addition, on sale you can find pandanus baptista (Pandanus baptistii) with smooth leaf edges, useful pandanus (Pandanus utilis), covering pandanus (Pandanus tectorius) and Sander’s pandanus (Pandanus sanderi).

Pandanus prefers bright lighting, away from direct sun in summer. The plant needs increased air humidity, responds well to spraying the leaves or wiping them with a damp cloth. The temperature in the room with the pandanus should be average, in winter not lower than 17 ° C.

Pandanus is not a palm tree, but it will do too - leavingPandanus

Farmer Jutta234

Pandanus is watered moderately, 2 – 3 times a week in summer, less often in winter. Care must be taken that water does not accumulate in the axils of the leaves. During the period of active growth, the pandanus should be fed with complex flower fertilizer twice a month. Young specimens are transplanted up to 7 years old every spring, subsequently – once every 2 – 3 years. For transplantation, a soil substrate is used, consisting of greenhouse and sod land, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.

Pandanus is propagated using root suckers, which are separated from the mother plant when it reaches 10 cm in length. Reproduction is also carried out by seeds and stem cuttings.


Of the pests, pandanus most often infect scabies. At the same time, immobile brown formations, similar to scales, and sticky insect secretions can be found on the leaves and stem. A diseased plant should be treated with karbofos or actellik.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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