Pomegranate, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

It seems that about the wonderful taste of pomegranate fruits
and about their health benefits, people have known almost their entire history.
Since ancient times, the gallbladder was treated with pomegranate, interruptions in the work of the heart,
fever. With its help, intestinal parasites were expelled,
bleeding and fought anemia. Over time, some therapeutic
the settings have been revised. Today, with the help of a pomegranate, doctors already
do not restore iron deficiency in the blood. But on the other hand, this fruit
discovered many other useful properties that open
him broad prospects in medicine.

Useful properties of pomegranate

Composition and calorie content

Fresh pomegranate contains (in 100 g): .

Calories 83 Kcal

Vitamin C 10,2 Potassium, K 236 Vitamin
B4 7,6 Phosphorus,
P 36 Vitamin E 0,6 Calcium, Ca 10 Vitamin B5 0,377 Magnesium, Mg 12 Vitamin
B3 0,293 Sodium,
On 3

Full composition

Depending on the variety (and there are sour and sweet varieties), the amount
sugars can vary significantly, also varies markedly
calorie content and juiciness of the fruit. But, in general, the juice of any pomegranate
contains tannins and nitrogenous substances, flavonoids, catechins,
at least 15 amino acids,
up to 20% fatty oil, which includes (in descending order) linoleic acid,
oleic, palmitic, stearic and some other acids.
Various macronutrients (potassium, calcium,
magnesium, iron) and trace elements (copper, zinc, manganese, chromium, nickel
and others), in flowers – punicin, and in the leaves – ursolic acid,
which in the dosage form can potentially prevent
process of atrophy
skeletal muscle.

Medicinal properties

Scientific evaluation of the pharmacological activity of substances contained
in pomegranate, speaks of their potential in preventive and therapeutic
measures to lower blood pressure, normalize
cholesterol and glucose levels
in blood serum, elimination of oxidative stress and inflammatory

The antioxidant capabilities of pomegranate juice are rated higher
than green tea
and red wine.
Various antioxidants are “responsible” for this. One of the main ones is
punicalagin, which is found in pomegranate juice and peel, is effective
prevents damage to the walls of blood vessels and, as a result, reduces
the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol deposits. Thanks to antioxidant
the activity of punicalagin also slows down inflammatory processes
in the brain, which prevents the development of memory degradation,
thinking and other manifestations of dementia.

80% water-methyl extract derived from pomegranate oil
seeds and including linolenic acids, exhibits anti-inflammatory
activity, which, according to some studies, you can
use to suppress breast cancer cells, lungs,
Prostate.… Currently, the possibility of treatment is being studied
colon cancer with pomegranate juice..

Scientists recommend using pomegranate for everyone who plays sports
with great physical exertion or leads a very active image
life. In addition to the fact that the grenade gives more strength and increases endurance,
extracts of its fruits are able to block enzymes responsible
for the development of osteoarthritis (in particular, the pro-molecule playing
a key role in the degradation of cartilage tissue).

Prescribe pomegranate juice for the prevention of iron deficiency
(along with other foods containing iron). However, if
the problem has already occurred, to restore normal performance
blood and pomegranate, and its juice are ineffective.

Use in medicine

As a remedy, pomegranates (the so-called spherical
fruits), pericarp and bark of the plant were especially actively used
during the formation of various schools of scientific medicine.

  • In the ancient Greek therapeutic tradition, gruel made from ground
    pomegranate fruits and flowers were used for “liver weakness”,
    to get rid of hemoptysis and bruises (in the recommendations of the military
    Doctor Pedanius Dioscorides). Pomegranate juice and pericarp were used
    to get rid of worms,
    what, for example, did Aulus Cornelius write about in his works on medicine
    Celsus. His 8 books, united in the treatise “De medicina”, contained
    for its time the most reliable and proven knowledge about
    theory and practice of treatment of various ailments. And what he mentioned
    pomegranate in various recipes more than 20 times, speaks of the demand
    pomegranate component.
  • In the Arab East, whose medical traditions were laid
    in the writings of Avicenna, raw materials from various parts of the pomegranate
    used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation
    lungs, bleeding, liver and eye diseases.
  • The founder of European medicine of the Renaissance, Paracelsus
    critically revised the ancient norms of healing, but the pomegranate,
    the pericarps and bark of the tree are preserved in his descriptions of the ways
    removing worms and treating diarrhea.

Despite its long history, widely in modern scientific medicine
and pharmacology, pomegranates are practically not used. However, the composition
food additives and dietary supplements, various manufacturers include it willingly.
There, it often becomes the main element, the action of which
amplified with the help of auxiliary components that provide
complex activating effect on the body.

  • French VISION Granatin Q10 (Pomegranate
    with coenzyme Q10), in addition to pomegranate powder, contains grape
    squeeze. This dietary supplement is claimed as a preventive measure
    cardiovascular disease (helping to reduce the risk of
    heart attack
    and ischemic
    heart disease) and a drug to control and lower blood pressure.
  • Japanese “Pomegranate tablets” from “FINE” is positioned
    as a remedy for women to help restore estrogen deficiency
    in the climacteric period, thereby prolonging female youth,
    normalizing emotional mood, improving skin condition, providing
    prevention of breast cancer. Except for the seed extract
    pomegranate fruits, ginkgo extracts are present in the supplement,
    royal jelly and a number of vitamins.
  • Indian mono-dietary supplement «Pomegranate» from «SANAVI»
    Is a pure pomegranate extract (excluding the emulsifier,
    stabilizer and anti-caking agent), which is recommended
    manufacturer for the restoration of the circulatory system (heart,
    vessels), lungs, liver and kidneys. Indicated to be particularly useful
    this dietary supplement for people in contact with sources of increased radiation
    or staying in an area with high radioactive levels.

In folk medicine

In folk medicine, pomegranate is used to combat atherosclerosis,
dysentery, hypertension,
hemoptysis, stomach ulcers, liver and kidney diseases, for
wound healing for burns
and cuts, to restore hormonal balance, relieve nervousness,
irritability and headache. At the same time, the most proven
methods of treatment with pomegranate exist among those peoples on whose lands
this fruit is the most common.

So, for example, in the traditional medicine of Italy, pomegranate partitions,
added to tea during brewing, relieve tension and anxiety,
improve sleep and, in general, normalize the state of the nervous system.
Infusion of fruits and dried flowers has been used since ancient times
as a hemostatic agent. Dried and then brewed
the peel of the fruit is prescribed when
diarrhea as a binder and also as an anthelmintic agent.

Each part of the pomegranate tree “answers” in folk medicine
for your set of diseases:

  • Bark. It is used to treat arthritis,
    kidney disease and the fight against helminths. For medicinal purposes
    the bark is removed not only from the branches, but also from the roots of the tree.
  • Flowers. Pomegranate flowers harvested in spring are frayed
    into powder and then either brewed as tea to improve
    work of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, elimination of toxins from the body,
    or used as an external agent for skin inflammations
    and damage, with tonsillitis
    and stomatitis.
  • Leaves. Folk pomegranate leaves
    medicine is also used in the form of a powder, which is prescribed
    cough and sore throat.
  • Peel. Infusions and decoctions of the peel improve appetite,
    stabilize the digestive tract, relieving diarrhea and worms. how
    external remedy peel mixed with oil, applied to wounds,
    cracks, scratches.
  • Grains and partitions. With the help of pomegranates
    grains and partitions in folk medicine, it is customary to improve the reproductive
    function of men, relieve menstrual pain in women and in general
    normalize the work of hormonal glands. In addition, grains
    with bones strengthen the nervous system, improve sleep, eliminate
  • The juice. In healing practice, it is assigned
    with anemia,
    diseases of the kidneys, liver, spleen and heart. It is included in
    courses of getting rid of atherosclerosis, scurvy,
    uric acid diathesis, asthma.
    With sugar
    diabetes they drink 60 drops four times a day, moreover,
    it is argued that to improve blood counts, it is enough
    one course in 3-4 days. Choleretic and diuretic effect produced
    juice, used for diseases of the pancreas and
    the kidneys.


“Pomegranate” decoctions are usually prepared from the tough parts of the plant,
when long-term exposure is required to obtain nutrients
high temperatures:

  • Fruit peel. For colitis and diarrhea tea
    a spoonful of peel is poured into 200 ml of water and kept on slow
    fire for a quarter of an hour. Then the hot broth “ripens” the wrapped
    in the blanket for about 2 more hours. The filtered agent is taken up to
    food on a tablespoon.
  • Leaves. For inflammation and sores in the mouth
    about 20 g of crushed dry leaves are poured 400
    ml of water, which should lose ¾ of its volume during boiling.
    The remaining half a glass of broth is filtered and used for
  • Bark. To combat helminths, 50 g crushed
    the barks are poured with 400 ml of water and first infused for
    6 hours, and then additionally boiled in boiling water
    so that after evaporation, half remains (1 glass). This
    the broth (strained and cooled) should be drunk within
    hours. After half an hour, you need to take any laxative, and after
    another 5 hours – to do an enema.


There are many folk recipes for infusions of peels, flowers.
or pomegranate bark, but one of the most talked about is the recipe
water infusion of dried pomegranate peel from the healer G.I.
Gluboky, published by him in 2007. The author promises in the publication
cure for all strains of salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera,
typhoid fever in five hours, as well as getting rid of stomach ulcers
and small intestine, inflammation of the lining of the colon (colitis),
dysbiosis – in a week. In addition, the healer believes that
if you follow the method, you can cure with the help of pomegranate infusion
acute appendicitis and thus avoid surgery (this statement
causes already open protests from doctors).

The process of making the infusion is simple and the same for all diseases.
In an approximate ratio of 1:20 in a slightly preheated
a glass container (cup, glass, jar) is filled with 10-12 g of dry
peels of pomegranate fruits, which are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and covered
saucer (thick paper). This is where the infusion procedure begins,
which lasts 25-30 minutes, and during this time the patient
must be present next to the container. The crusts can be poured and
cold raw water, which is then brought to a boil, but not
boil. After completing this preparatory stage, the crust
are not thrown away.

The second stage – the method of using the infusion – for “five-hour” and “seven-day”
diseases will be specific:

  1. 1 “Five o’clock” diseases. First, the patient drinks 0,5 cups
    uncleaned infusion and listens to sensations for 10
    minutes (at this time, the remnants of the infusion are again covered with a saucer).
    Improvement after 10 minutes is considered a sign of recovery.
    and common indigestion, and no improvement is evidence
    the presence of a more serious illness from those listed in the list. To
    recuperate, you need to wait 3 hours and finish the infusion. Since convalescence
    expected in 1,5 hours, the whole procedure from the beginning of the first stage
    fits in 5 hours.
  2. 2 “Seven-day” illness. To get rid of ulcers
    colitis and dysbiosis on the first day, the infusion is taken 4 times
    25 ml per dose at regular intervals, calculated so that
    drink the first portion in the morning on an empty stomach, and the last one directly
    before bedtime. The infusion is taken during the week on odd
    days – that is, 4 days during a week of treatment. All this
    time it is forbidden to drink alcohol. The procedure can be repeated after
    week, although the author claims that one course is enough for
    therapeutic effect.

Given the danger of these diseases, doctors are alarmed
refer to this technique, but among the supporters of folk methods
healing she finds many adherents.

In oriental medicine

A classic herbal medicine describing Chinese medicinal
plants, three types of pomegranates are mentioned:

  • with red flowers and sweet fruits (more than others appreciated
    in medicine);
  • with yellow flowers and sour fruits;
  • with white flowers and bitter fruits.

It is noted that sweet fruits get rid of intestinal parasites,
relieve thirst and heal advanced breast inflammation.
However, following the list of useful properties, a warning follows:
with excessive consumption of sweet pomegranate, it can harm
easy. The sour look has been used to stop diarrhea and colic.
For women, this pomegranate was prescribed for leucorrhoea and heavy menstrual

Pomegranate peel, which exhibits astringent properties due to tannins,
was recommended for men with “loss of semen”, as well as dysentery.
In general, it has been used to reduce the amount and intensity of
secretions of various kinds. In addition, it was prepared upon infection
helminths, rectal prolapse and movement disorders
functions (with poor coordination, paralysis, etc.).

The root of the pomegranate tree, growing to the side
east. It also possessed anthelminthic action, and, in addition to
this, it was used to treat the oral cavity (teeth, gums).
Chopped dried pomegranate flowers mixed with iron,
restored shine and color of hair, stopped bleeding.

In Indian healing practices, sweet pomegranate juice was used
for the treatment of kidneys and the removal of high fever. Semi-sweet juice
fruit was needed to get rid of kidney stones and gall
bubble. And the sour fruits were taken to stop vomiting.

In Tibetan medicine, pomegranate refers to foods with a very warm
nature, which allows him to eliminate Stomach Cold (including,
Cold stomach tumors). Pomegranate helps in digestion
and assimilation of food, relieves nausea, vomiting, belching and hiccups,
protects the stomach when taking strong medications. During treatment, this
the fetus is taken twice a day (in the morning and between 16 and 18
hours of the day), washed down with boiled water. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is used
decoction of fruits, which also enhances the fiery warmth of the stomach.

Among the indications for use, in addition, the Wind of the heart is mentioned,
unreasonable depressive states, confusion of thoughts, insomnia,
kidney weakness and back pain.

In scientific research

The pharmacological activity of the raw materials obtained from pomegranate allows
use it in various therapeutic programs.

  1. 1 According to research presented at the annual meeting
    American Association of Urology in 2009, daily use
    8 ounces (235 ml) pomegranate juice may slow cancer development
    the prostate.

The experiment involved 48 men who had
increased PSA levels (prostate specific agents – markers
prostate cancer) due to radiation therapy or surgery
to eliminate localized prostate cancer. At the start
studies in 2003 in these men, PSA levels ranged from
0,2 to 5,0 ng / ml, and the mean PSA doubling time (the criterion of the degree
aggressiveness of the development of prostate cancer) was 15,4 months.
In 2006, scientists reported that men who took
235 ml of pomegranate juice daily, the PSA doubling period increased.

However, the study did not stop there. 15 participants continued
take part in the experiment for 64 months. Those
who drank juice all this time, the average doubling time of PSA increased
4 times compared with the beginning of the experiment and compared with
those who stopped drinking juice..

  1. 2 Pomegranate has antioxidant, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory properties

The researchers decided to test whether the pomegranate
juice have a positive effect on the lipid profile, oxidative
and inflammatory biomarkers of hemodialysis patients.
The experiment involved 41 patients. They were divided into 2
groups: representatives of the first were given 100 ml of pomegranate juice at once
after the hemodialysis procedure three times a week. The study lasted
4 weeks, and then the groups changed places.

After the end of the experiment in patients who used
juice, there was a decrease in the level of triglycerides (in the control
groups – growth), an increase in the level of “good” cholesterol high
density (the control has a decrease). And here is the total cholesterol level
and the level of “bad” low-density cholesterol is practically not
changed in none of the groups. The indicators of the first group decreased
upper and lower pressure, increased levels of antioxidant
protection of the body (in the control – decreased). When comparing analyzes
of patients of two groups, changes in biomarkers were quite significant,
to argue that the pomegranate has a positive effect on the condition
of patients..

  1. 3 Ellag polyphenols from pomegranate are effective for gestational
    diabetes mellitus (a form of diabetes that occurs in pregnant women).

Experiments on pregnant rats with gestational diabetes
it turned out that ellagic polyphenols prevented pathological
changes and apoptosis of cells in the tissues of the pancreas and placenta.
They also normalized the weight of the pregnant female and her fetus. Besides
in addition, blood glucose levels returned to normal, insulin resistance disappeared
(decrease in the sensitivity of insulin-dependent cells to the action
insulin and with the subsequent disruption of glucose metabolism and the development

According to scientists, these results create the prerequisites for creating
medicines needed by women, patients
gestational diabetes..

  1. 4 Drinking pomegranate juice in patients with type 2 diabetes
    does not affect the insulin resistance index and level change
    glucose in the blood, but reduces the concentration of inflammatory markers:

Plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) (which is absent in healthy
human), and interleukin-6 (IL-6 – a protein secreted by
inflammation). The study that established this involved 50 people.
ages from 40 to 65 years, divided into two groups. During
For 12 weeks, one group received 350 ml of pomegranate juice daily,
and the other is a placebo drink. The level of markers of inflammation in representatives
the first group decreased by 32% (for CRP) and 30% (for IL-6)..

  1. 5 In vitro and animal studies have demonstrated
    that both external use and the use of pomegranate in food
    reduces skin damage from ultraviolet radiation.

74 women from 30 to
45 years old with type II-IV skin on the Fitzpatrick scale. They were divided into
3 groups and 12 weeks gave them 1000 mg of pomegranate extract, 235
ml of pomegranate juice and placebo, respectively.

It turned out that those who consumed pomegranate and pomegranate juice
the minimum erythemal dose increased significantly (the minimum amount
UV radiation leading to erythema – redness of the skin) in comparison
with participants in the placebo group. Scientists have come to the conclusion
that daily consumption of pomegranate or its juice can increase
protection of the body against damage caused by UV radiation..

  1. 6 From 2010 to 2018, 11 studies were carried out on
    the effect of pomegranate on the state of athletes from different sports
    and just active people.

The aggregate data analysis was based on
the material of the study of the state of 176 people (155 men and 21
women, 45% of whom were professional athletes, and
55% are highly active people). The subjects used pomegranate in
form of juice and supplement tablets at a dose of 50 ml to 500 ml for
different times: from 7 days to 2 months. Conclusions reached

  • all the subjects increased the reserve of physical strength and appeared
    feeling of “freshness” before training,
  • muscle pain after exertion became less acute and appeared
    not as fast as without a grenade,
  • the subjects recovered faster after heavy loads,
  • all those who took pomegranate juice increased the diameter of the vessels
    and improved blood circulation,
  • serum analysis showed an increase in the level of antioxidant
    protection of the body..

  1. 7 Research results of a group of Swiss scientists (Ecole Polytechnique
    Federale de Lausanne) indirectly correlate with the conclusions to which
    came the previous researchers.

During the experiments, it was found that
that the substances contained in pomegranate, under the influence of intestinal
flora are converted to the urolithin A molecule, which is responsible for the restoration
mitochondria, which are called the power plants of the cell.
With aging mitochondria, muscles weaken (endurance is lost
and strength), but urolithin A introduced into the body increases their vitality
and energy potential.

The experiments were carried out on old mice, the endurance of which
increased by 42%, and on laboratory worms, which urolithin
And he extended his life twice. Of course, transferring these results to human
the body is in no way impossible. Yes, and the effect of urolithin A
largely depends on the individual characteristics of the composition of microflora
intestines. However, the results provide new grounds for developing
regenerating food additives based on pomegranate[11,12].

  1. 8 Anthelmintic and anticoksidozny activity of methanol
    pomegranate peel extract has been tested in laboratory rodents.

The mice were divided into 4 groups for each of which a specific
mode of infection with parasitic organisms Eimeria papillata
and Allolobophora caliginosa and processing (oral gavage)
fruit extract (300 mg / kg) and pomegranate bark extract for
5 days. Pomegranate extracts inhibited weight loss
mice, by 36% reduced the number of apoptotic cells caused by
E. papillata, had a detrimental effect on adults A. caliginosa, paralyzing
and killing worms..

For losing weight

Nutritionists warn those who like to use pomegranate fruits and juice
in programs aimed at losing weight:

  • Pomegranate “snack” quickly relieves hunger, but,
    as after other “fast” carbohydrates, the effect of suppressing appetite
    has a short-term character and hunger soon returns. Moreover,
    often it becomes more powerful, since the contained in the pomegranate
    acids increase the activity of gastric juice.
  • Pomegranate juice is more nutritious than, for example, orange juice
    (traditionally used in breakfast) by about 30%. On the
    100 ml, this difference is not very noticeable, but since usually a serving
    2-2,5 times more, “extra” calories gradually accumulate.
  • There is no reliable information that the pomegranate diet affects fat
    exchange in the body.

Thus, pomegranate or its juice cannot be called an ideal product.
for weight loss, although to diversify the dietary menu (in the absence
contraindications) they can.

In cooking

Pomegranate in cooking is found in recipes:

  • confectionery and baked goods;
  • meat and fish dishes;
  • layered multicomponent salads;
  • seasonings (for example, sauces for which sour
    grenade variety);
  • cocktails,
    composition wines;
  • compotes,
  • jam, jam, marshmallow, syrup, jam.

In addition, freshly separated pomegranate seeds and beautifully cut
fruits serve as a decoration for various festive dishes. Among the wide
famous – barbecue marinated in pomegranate juice, pilaf with grains
Granta trout stewed in fruit sauce
and etc.

Pomegranate Bracelet salad, according to a number of culinary resources,
is in the top 5 most popular holiday salads. In his
cooking, in addition to the pomegranate itself, is used chicken
meat (legs or breast), eggs,
beets, potatoes,
mayonnaise. The ingredients in this salad are laid out in layers on a plate,
and each layer is a ring. (For these purposes
a glass is usually placed in the middle of the plate, around which then
and the calculation is made). The result is a semblance of a bracelet,
which was called pomegranate here, because pomegranate seeds (as
usually not very sweet) are laid out with the upper bright layer.

Azerbaijani sauce “Narsharab” is also widely known among culinary specialists.
(“Nar” is translated as “pomegranate”, and “sharab” – as “wine”). Produced
seasoning by thickening pomegranate juice. After aging on
sun and digestion, about 20-30% of the original
volume of juice. It is most often added to meat.
and fish,
a little less often – with a vegetable stew. Turkey has its own version
this sauce, but it is usually thinner.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, antibacterial, protective and regenerating
properties of pomegranate components. Seed oil improves microcirculation,
has an anti-inflammatory effect. Juice – able to constrict
pores, regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and reduce the oily skin.
Substances obtained from pomegranate are part of sunscreen
products, creams for removing age spots and lightening (whitening)

Pomegranate masks, creams, lotions, tonics, balms meet
in the care cosmetics of many brands:

  • Weleda presents a regenerating body lotion,
    containing organic pomegranate oil, which makes the skin velvety
    and fresh.
  • Korres Offers a tonic to reduce pore size
    and reduces the release of fat. The tonic is made from 15% pomegranate
    water and is claimed to provide radiance to the skin.
  • Apivita promises a similar effect from application
    my express face mask with the same 15% pomegranate water
    in the composition.
  • Murad offers rather expensive masks with pomegranate
    for exfoliation (peeling) of the stratum corneum.
  • EOS entered the market with an inexpensive moisturizing balm
    for lips, created from a combination of pomegranate and raspberry juice.
  • Burt’s Bees offers his lip balm, as part of
    which is claimed to be pomegranate oil.
  • Crabtree & Evelyn sells organic cream for
    hands, including, in addition to pomegranate juice, shea butter.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of pomegranate.
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

Today, the image of a pomegranate can also be found on the Romanian stamp,
both on the Armenian gold coin of 500 drachmas, and in sculptural compositions
and monuments installed in many countries. But penetration
pomegranate in world culture began much earlier – according to the majority
researchers – at least 2-2,5 thousand years ago.

In regions where pomegranate cultivation has a long history,
the plant and / or its fruits as a symbol become part of the folk
cultural tradition. Moreover, in different cultures, pomegranate symbolized
different, but always positive, things-phenomena-processes:

The interpretation of the image of a pomegranate as a symbol is still very common.
happy marriage. So, already in modern Iran during a wedding
ceremonies, a basket of fruits, placed in the center of the table, should
guarantee a cloudless and secure future for the family. Crete
the first offering to the bride from the hands of the groom at the entrance to the house – pomegranate
fetus. Greek newlyweds exchanged seeds as a sign of love. IN
Turkey with the help of this fruit, the newlyweds “predict” the number of
children in marriage: during the ceremony, the bride throws a ripe pomegranate
on the ground – the number of seeds dropped corresponds to the number of expected children.
A similar tradition exists in Armenia. The more seeds split
after the pomegranate hits the wall, the more children will appear in the family.

Ancient Greek mythology connects the appearance of the plant with Aphrodite
– the goddess of beauty, love, fertility and eternal spring. According to legend,
Aphrodite has created fruits that can induce sexual attraction.
As a “fruit of love”, some herbalists consider
pomegranate today. As an aphrodisiac, pomegranate juice is served in Turkish
coffee shops.

Since 2006, the pomegranate has its own holiday. It is held from 26
October to November 7-10 in the Goychay region of Azerbaijan, where annually
collect about 50 thousand tons of these fruits. The festival presents
not only the tastiest, but also the biggest fruits. At the moment,
a fruit weighing 1,5 kg is called the festival record holder.

Holiday organizers consider Azerbaijan to be the only country
in the world where all existing varieties are grown
pomegranate tree. However, the largest pomegranate was still grown.
in another country. Chinese manufacturers unveiled a record giant fruit
48,7 cm in diameter.

The capital of the Andalusian province of Granada (Spain) is named after the pomegranate.
According to topographers, the name came about either due to a large
the number of these fruit trees in the vicinity of the city, or due to
the red and burgundy color of most houses. Now the image of pomegranates
flowers and fruits can be found on the coats of arms of the entire historical area,
and on the coat of arms of the country. But, besides this, the pomegranate gave the name to the eponymous
a group of red minerals and a throwing weapon – a grenade,
the fragments of which scatter in the same way as the grains of a ripe fruit.

Pomegranate left a noticeable mark in the ornamental art. “Pomegranate
pattern “, conventionally depicting a ripe fruit or flower, was one
of the most common and recognizable ornaments in the east, and,
from the .th century, – in Western Europe, where it was first applied to heavy
upholstery, and then on light fabrics.

When choosing a grenade, if there is no way to see
and taste the grains, choose pomegranate by its relative weight, sound
when tapped and pressed, size, according to external characteristics
peel and the state of the “crown” of the fruit.

Due to the dense skin (in the absence of damage on it),
unpeeled pomegranate fruits can be stored for about a month without observing
specific conditions. To extend this period, grenades are enough
put in refrigerator or cool place:

It is desirable for the removal of external moisture and the prevention of processes
rotting pack each pomegranate in a paper bag or just
arrange the fruits in boxes, shifting them with newspapers. And to protect
from the loss of internal moisture and drying of the grains, the “crown” of the fruit is filled
clay solution or wax.

To preserve sweet varieties throughout the year, you can
freeze by folding the selected peeled grains into a closed
plastic container (package).

Pomegranate grows best in the subtropics, where the temperature does not drop.
below -15 C. Although the fruits ripen better in deciduous shade,
the tree needs light, so it is planted in open areas. Plant
a variety of soils are suitable, to the composition of which pomegranate is not picky.
In dry regions, it is more important to provide artificial irrigation, since
in such conditions, without irrigation, it is not possible to get a high yield,
but the plant tolerates air drought well.

In the past, the grenade launcher formed its own family of Garnet
(Punicaceae). Later, the family was abolished, and the pomegranate in the classification
moved to the Derbennikov family, the Garnet clan. This genus is represented
only two types: common pomegranate and rare Socotran pomegranate
(growing only in the Socotra archipelago). So all the varietal variety
this fruit, numbering about half a thousand cultivars,
– the result of the selective transformation of common pomegranate.

Pomegranate varieties are noticeably different in both the appearance of the fruit and the taste.
grains that are both very sweet and very sour, or
combine both flavors. But the division into two groups is usually
occurs according to the criterion of bone density: varieties with hard and soft
bone. The second group is more demanding on growing conditions.

Each region boasts its own selection of the best pomegranate varieties,
of which the top 5 can be chosen only on the basis of subjective

Despite all the usefulness of the pomegranate and its decorative possibilities,
for most, it is still a relatively exotic dessert
fruit. However, the popularization of proven traditional methods of treatment
and new scientific research will allow you to look at pomegranate in a new way.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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