Pomelo, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

Pomelo (eng. pomelo) Are citrus fruits of the same name
evergreen tree. The rind of the fruit is thick enough, and the slices
large, separated by hard white partitions, bitter
the taste. Ripe pomelo color can range from light green
to yellow-pink. Usually only one becomes pink.
the side that, during ripening, was turned towards the sun. Fetus
holds the record for citrus fruits. Its diameter can be
30 cm, and weight – up to 10 kg. The taste of pomelo is very close to grapefruit,
however, the pulp is not so juicy and when peeled, the inner membranes
easier to separate from the edible part.

The first mention of the use of pomelo dates back to 100 BC
AD The records have been preserved in Chinese manuscripts. The homeland of the pomelo
considered Malaysia, southeastern Asia, the islands of Fiji and Tongo.
The pomelo is considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity, therefore, in
It is customary to give this fruit to China on the eve of the Chinese New Year. For
offerings to the gods and ceremonies of the fruit is used in Thailand.
The pomelo was brought to European countries by a British navigator
in the 14th century. Today, on the scale of export, pomelo is cultivated
in China, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, India,
Israel and Tahiti.

Selection, consumption and storage of pomelo

Pomelo ripens in February, so it is best to buy
fruits during this period. However, when choosing, you must be guided by
simple rules:

  • the pomelo skin should be shiny, smooth and free from obvious damage;
  • a pleasant citrus aroma should emanate from the fruit;
  • the color of the pomelo should be fairly uniform. If large
    part of the fruit is yellow, and one of the sides has a green spot, then the fruit,
    most likely – not ripe.

At room temperature and in the absence of damage to the pomelo
can persist for a month. The peeled fruit quickly
begins to deteriorate, so it is better to store it in the refrigerator under
cling film and should be consumed within 2 days.

Pomelo, in spite of its size, is quite simple and easy to clean.
To remove the peel, just make a small incision and then peel
hands like an orange. The peeled fruit should be halved and
make incisions from the inside of the membranes of each lobule. Pulp
between the membranes lies quite freely, so when they are removed
separates easily. You should also remove the bones from the slices. Usually
there are 5-6 of them. in each of the lobules.

Useful properties of pomelo

Composition and presence of nutrients

Fresh pomelo contains (in 100 g):

Calories 38 Kcal

The pomelo contains a wide range of vitamins (A,
B5), minerals (calcium,
fiber, essential oils and organic acids. Nutritionists attribute
this product is useful and it is recommended to use it in compliance with
diet. This is due to the ability of the pomelo to speed up metabolic processes,
which in turn leads to the burning of body fat and

Useful and healing properties

The high content of vitamin C in pomelo increases resistance
organism, helps fight viruses and bacteria, especially in
autumn-spring period. It is also used to relieve blood pressure,
prevention of blood clots in blood vessels and tumors of various

In cosmetology

In addition to the beneficial effect on the internal state of the body, masks
using pomelo has a positive effect on the skin of the face. They provide
moisturizing and nourishing effect. To prepare the mask, you need
pomelo pulp (100 g) thoroughly crush, add honey to it
(1 tsp.) And lemon juice (1 tbsp. L.). To prevent the mask from spreading
on the face, you can add 0,5-1 tsp. oat flour. Superimpose
it follows an even layer on the face for 10-15 minutes, bypassing the area around
the eye and the triangle around the mouth. Then rinse off the mask with warm water, and
lubricate the skin with cream. The optimal time to apply the mask is
evening before bedtime. This will allow the skin to be sufficiently nourished,
rest and recover.

For everlasting freshness of the face, it is recommended to wipe the skin in the morning
freshly squeezed pomelo juice. This procedure will tone the skin and
will get rid of oily sheen.

In cooking

Traditionally, pomelo is eaten raw or used in cooking
national dishes of Asian cuisine. Use the pulp of the fruit for cooking
salads, marmalade, pie fillings, as well as a savory
additions to meat and fish dishes. From the peel at home
you can make jam, candied fruits or aromatic additives to tea.

Dangerous properties of pomelo

Pomelo should not be consumed by people who are allergic to citrus fruits.
fruits. This can lead to throat swelling and asthma attacks.
It is also not recommended to introduce pomelo into the diet during an exacerbation.
diseases such as ulcers
stomach and duodenum, increased acidity of the stomach,
accompanied by bouts of heartburn, hepatitis,

Video on how to properly cut a pomelo.

See also properties of other citrus fruits:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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