Red currant, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Red currant, or Common currant, or
Garden currant (Latin Ribes rubrum) – small deciduous
perennial shrub of the Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae).

Unlike black
currant bushes are more compressed and elongated upward.
Strong and thick annual shoots growing from
the bases of the bush, go to its formation and replacement
old, dying branches, but over the years their progressive
growth fades.

Most varieties of red currant are characterized by
rather strong growth of basal shoots. Their branches
remain viable and can yield 5-8
years. Under favorable conditions, red currants give
good harvest 20 years.

Red currants are among the most winter-hardy
berry crops, loves light and moderate watering – drought-resistant.

It blooms with pale greenish flowers and produces red
sour berries, collected in drooping clusters. Flowering time.
May. The fruits ripen in July – August. Height 1-2 m.

There are about 19 varieties of red currant.

Red currant originates from Western Europe, where it has long been
cultivated as a medicinal plant and – ‘only then received
recognition as a berry plant.

Useful properties of red currant

Fresh red and white currants contain:

Calories 56Kcal

Red currant berries contain significant amounts of
organic acids and sugars, the combination of which determines
pleasant, refreshing taste.

Red currants are rich in vitamin A,
C, E,
contains iron, potassium,
succinic and malic acid, pectin and nitrogenous
substance and mineral selenium. In red currant berries
found 0,2-0,5 mg / 100 g of B-carotene.

Red currant berries contain many antioxidants,
able to resist cancer cells.

Red currants contain ascorbic acid in red
fruits are 4-5 times lower than in black ones. In red currant
a lot of iron, which is so necessary for blood vessels,
and potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and removes
excess fluid from the body, preventing
swelling and bags under the eyes.

Red currant is very widely used in folk
medicine in many countries, it is used to treat
patients with diabetes, to stimulate appetite, against nausea, etc.

Red currant juice has an astringent, diuretic,
choleretic action. Red currant is anti-inflammatory,
antipyretic, hematopoietic, laxative and tonic

Coumarin substances that make up red currants,
reduce blood clotting and help prevent
heart attacks and strokes, and pectin, binding cholesterol,
prevention of atherosclerosis.

Contained in red currant berries amber and
malic acids belonging to the group of energy-supplying
compounds, effective in old age, with overwork;
currant juice is recommended for athletes for
maintaining tone during marathon races, to accelerate
recuperation after the competition. Currant juice
drink with spastic colitis and enterocolitis. It quenches
thirst, lowers the temperature in febrile patients, especially
in children, has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic
action, helps with anemia.

Fresh fruits of red currants, as well as their products
processing improves appetite, increases the digestibility of food
substances, somewhat enhance intestinal peristalsis.
The juice has a refreshing taste and is considered healthy
with urolithiasis, as it promotes the elimination
urates (salts of uric acid).

Berry juice quenches thirst well, reduces temperature
with febrile diseases, eliminates the feeling of nausea,
suppresses vomiting and stimulates intestinal motility.
Currant juice increases the secretion of sweat and urine and causes
increased excretion of salts in the urine. The juice also has
weak choleretic and laxative properties and anti-inflammatory
and hemostatic action. Berries and juice are
an excellent remedy for improving appetite and strengthening
activity of the stomach and intestines. Red currants
useful for those suffering from long-term chronic constipation.

Mode of application. 3 tablespoons red currant berries
insist 4 hours in 1 glass of boiling water, drain. Accept
4 / h glass . times a day . / g hour before meals.

Dangerous properties of red currant

Despite the large
a range of useful properties, there are contraindications to
the use of red currants: its juice is contraindicated
with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer,
with acute gastritis and hepatitis, as well as with low
blood clotting, including hemophilia.

An unforgettable jam can be made from red currants. Do you want to know how? Watch the video!

See also the properties of other berries:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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