Rows, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

This is the collective name of the lamellar genus (family
Ryadovkovy) mushrooms. More than 2,5 thousand representatives classified
of this family. Most of these mushrooms are edible, but there are
and poisonous members of the family. To edible rows
: gray, poplar, scaly, massive, lilac-footed,
yellow ryadovki, giant, matsutake. The main part is attributed to conditionally edible

The row can grow on sandy soil in coniferous or mixed forests.
Fruiting from August to October. The edible fungus has a very pleasant
taste. It is salted, pickled,
fried, pre-processed. But collect for consumption in
food is better only with young mushrooms, since mature rowers have a bitterish
smack. These mushrooms are of great value for tuberculosis patients,
however, they should only be consumed after consulting specialists.
You should not give these mushrooms, like others, to children.

Rows, the main difference of which is the color of the unusual hat,
forms mycorrhiza with conifers. They can often be seen
growing in circles or hardly.

  • Purple or purple-footed row – good edible
    a mushroom whose distinctive feature is the color of the cap. The hat itself
    reaches a diameter of 13-15 cm.In young plants, it looks like
    hemisphere, in mature – with an almost flat shape, the edges remain
    curved. The flesh of the cap is rather dense, with a purple tint.
    The smell of these mushrooms has interesting floral nuances. LPs
    its free and wide. The leg may be paler than the cap. Height
    the fungus reaches 8, and the thickness is 2 cm.
  • Poplar rowwhich belongs to mushrooms
    3rd category – also a rather large mushroom that has in adulthood
    a cap up to 15 cm.In young mushrooms, the cap has a rounded-conical
    the shape or the shape of a hemisphere, and in mature it becomes flat
    with a small notch in the center. Skin color ranges from light yellow
    to terracotta shades. It is sticky to the touch with stuck litter.
    The leg of such a row reaches 6 cm in length and 3 in diameter. Pulp
    mushrooms are white, dense.
  • Tiger or leopard, the poisonous ryadovka is called
    so because of the gray scales that densely dotted the cap, which has a silvery-bluish
    a shade with a tubercle of black in the center. Young rowers have plates
    off-white with a green tint, later painted in gray-olive
    color. They prefer to grow on calcareous soils in circles or separately.
    This variety causes severe gastrointestinal poisoning. The main danger
    consists in a pleasant smell, which does not in any way resemble a poisonous mushroom.
    In case of poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea appear already in the first 15
    minutes after eating it.
  • Gray row differs from congeners in pale gray
    a hat, sometimes with a purple tint. Young mushrooms are shaped
    conical-convex, and later – flat, with a flat tubercle in the very
    center. The surface of the row is smooth, but as it ripens,
    cracks. The leg has a white or slightly grayish tint. Smooth
    the surface may in some cases be covered with flakes. Pulp
    may have a yellow tint, but more often grayish-white. Has a mealy
    smell and pleasant taste. Mushroom pickers often confuse the gray ryadovka with
    poisonous fibrous, which has a thinner skin on ash gray
    the cap (in the edible it is white-gray) and the flesh, burning to the taste.
  • Brown row Is an attractive mushroom, but
    recognized by many as inedible because of the bitter taste of its pulp.
    The color of the cap is reddish-brown, the skin is dry to the touch, with scales.
    The edges are lighter than the middle, in whose center there is an obtuse tubercle.
    The plates are frequent and wide. At the beginning they are white, then they acquire
    reddish brown with spots. The pulp of the mushroom is white, dense,
    slightly fibrous. Grows next to pine trees.

How to choose

When collecting a row, you need to know exactly what edible mushrooms look like.
Poisonous twins have caps with a tubercle in the middle, thin legs,
gray plates. The most common and delicious are purple ryadovka,
yellow-red, gray, crowded.

How to store

Fresh rows can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Longer
the term is frozen or salted (about 4-6 months). Keep
mushrooms for about a year can be dried and canned

In cooking

Edible rows do not require pre-boiling. Use
them for the preparation of appetizers, first and second courses, various
salads and fillings.

All familiar methods are suitable for cooking: they are stewed, fried,
boiled, salted, pickled. When exposed to high temperatures, mushrooms become
light gray and acquire a rich taste. They pair well
with fried onions, meat, potatoes.
In salads, they are most often used with egg, rice, garlic, Bulgarian
pepper, paprika, mayonnaise.

The row is ideal for diet food. By its chemical
the composition of this mushroom is close to meat and is rationally used by vegetarians.
Low calorie intake is used in a variety of programs to reduce
body weight. Harmonious mushroom with complex carbohydrates. For improvement
carbohydrate metabolism correctly combine it with rice, pasta
from durum wheat, buckwheat. Can be combined in dishes
with various vegetables and spices (coriander, cloves, black pepper,
ginger, laurel

Information about the toxicity or allergenicity of the purple row that appeared
at different times are now refuted by a number of studies. However worth
know that cyanosis – one of the most active bioaccumulators
anthropogenic pollution (third place after May mushroom and pigs),
first of all, heavy metals (copper, tin, cadmium, mercury). therefore
collecting these mushrooms in city parks and in forests around
industrial facilities.

Caloric value

The calorie content of the ryadovka is very small – 19 kcal. Therefore, these mushrooms
are often used in diet food.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 3,8 1,7 1,1 0,8 89,5 22

Useful properties of a row

The composition of the rows is quite varied. They contain minerals (calcium,
potassium, porcelain, in small proportions there is selenium, manganese, copper,
sodium, zinc, iron), the whole group of B vitamins, as well as vitamins
PP, C, A, D2, K, D7, betaine, choline.
Huge spectrum in rows and amino acids
– 18 species, with a predominance of alanine, phenylalanine, threonine,
lysine, aspartic, glutamic and stearic acid. As part of
these mushrooms have a sugar substance “trehalose”, which gives the rows
peculiar sweetish-fruity taste.

Rows have a whole range of biologically active substances. They contain
clitocin and fomecin – natural
antibiotics that have a detrimental effect on various
types of pathogenic bacteria, cancer cells. As part of this product
high levels of phenols, ergosterol and flavonoids, contains
in mushrooms and 10 types of polysaccharides.

Useful and healing properties

Rows are known for antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory properties. With regular
use will improve the activity of the cardiovascular system,
restore heart rate, normalize sugar levels
and pressure. Working capacity will also increase, signs will pass
overwork and nervous tension, brain activity is activated,
vessels will be strengthened. In addition, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is toned up,
structure of the liver, the removal of toxins and toxins is activated.

The systematic use of rows suppresses the growth of all kinds
cancers, acts to eliminate the progression of negative
bacteria. Mushrooms increase resistance to viruses, including influenza,
and also suppress the action of a tubercle bacillus.

Vitamin B1 in rows is effective against beriberi disease, lowers
glucose level. On the basis of the purple row, they even developed a nutritional
a drug for the control of hypoglycemia.

In addition, purple ryadovka has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory
activity, helps platelet aggregation.

On the basis of rows, antidiabetic drugs are made, various
antibiotics. An extract of anticancer activity is prepared from the mycelium of mushrooms,
which is used to treat cancers (breast cancer,
cervix, sarcomas).

In folk medicine, an infusion of rows is used in the form of lotions,
ointments for healing skin diseases. Extract from fresh mushrooms
prescribed to neutralize free radicals, cleanse the body,
rejuvenation, increased immunity. Doctors advise to include in the diet
with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, disorders of the nervous system.

Hot extract and powder effectively reduce cholesterol.
It has been proven that the gray ryadovka has an even broader effect than
a-tocopherol. Purple – is considered a good raw material for drugs
diseases of the spleen, liver, genitourinary system, dermatophytosis,

Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, powder from dried rows is used, based on
of which the facial lotion is created. Positive results show up
with excessive grease, acne
rash, irritation.

Dangerous properties of the row

Raw rowers can cause serious intestinal upset. They are
capable of accumulating various anthropogenic pollution (mercury,
copper, pesticides, cadmium), therefore it is not recommended to eat old overgrown

Abuse can cause abdominal pain, heaviness in the stomach,
With low acidity, gallbladder dysfunction, pancreatitis,
chronic gastrointestinal diseases, cholecystitis
reception in limited quantities.

The video tells what a purple row looks like and how to collect it.

See also the properties of other mushrooms:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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