The principle of Baytril for turkey poults

Want to grow healthy turkey poults? Make it easy! The most important thing that experts advise is to carefully observe the basic rules for caring for these cute birds. Large and sometimes irreparable harm to any farm can be caused by sudden infections. In order to quickly counter most of these diseases, the Baitril medicine for turkey poultry was developed – a broad-spectrum antibiotic necessary for treating birds.Let’s take a closer look at what the instruction of this miraculous drug offers.

  1. Pharmacological action
  2. What are the features and indications for use
  3. Features of the dosage to consider
  4. Side effects and contraindications
  5. Storage rules and reviews about “Baytril”

Принцип действия Байтрила для индюшат

The principle of Baytril for turkey poults

Pharmacological action

The main active ingredient in the drug Baytril is enrofloxacin. This is an antibiotic that has a very diverse effect on bacteria – from destruction to the termination of their reproduction, thus, the drug quickly stops the development and spread of infection. Its use makes the disease gradually disappear and the bird recovers.

Please note that Baytril can be released in 10%, 5% and 2.5% concentrations. When treating turkey poults, it is best to choose enrofloxacin with a concentration of 10. If you have Baytril 5, then remember that its use involves giving the bird a modified, reduced dose. Do not forget that after opening the medicine can not be stored for more than 14 days.

What are the features and indications for use

The effect of Baytril occurs after 45 minutes with the introduction of the drug. The medicine is effective for 1 day. The maximum adherence to the instructions in the treatment of turkey poults showed that the drug is well tolerated by the chicks, remaining in the blood for 24 hours.

Veterinarians recommend treating with Baytril: the genitourinary, digestive and respiratory systems, if these diseases are caused by sensitive microorganisms to this. kind of antibiotic. The use of the drug is recommended if the bird has symptoms of the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • airway inflammation;
  • salmonellosis and enterocolitis;
  • mastitis;
  • cystitis;
  • infections in recently born animals;
  • non-healing wounds;
  • treatment of repeated the infection also gave excellent results.

Dosage considerations to consider

You can inject ktsii 1 times a day, and subcutaneously, and intramuscularly. The veterinarian must calculate the dose for each day: as a rule, it is from 2 to 5 mg per 1 kg of bird weight. If the condition of the turkey poultry has not improved, after 3-5 days it is necessary to once again pass an analysis for sensitivity to this type of antibiotic.When administering the drug orally, keep in mind that it must first be diluted in water (use half a milliliter of 10% antibiotic per 1 liter of water).

Since turkey poults are very easily exposed to various infections, for prophylactic purposes along with the use of ” Baytrila “experts recommend soldering them with a highly targeted preparation” Baykoks “. It acts instantly and practically has no side effects in the treatment of simple microorganisms that cause coccidiosis in turkey poults. Baykoks perfectly strengthen the immunity of the bird.

Side effects and contraindications

Baytril is a strong antibiotic that can cause side effects. For example, due to a violation of the intestinal microflora observed after use in birds, an indigestion occurs. Also, medication is contraindicated if:

  • the female is pregnant or a nursing mother;
  • the animal has a violation of the development of cartilaginous tissues and diseases of the nervous system;
  • allergic to the main substance detected;
  • turkey takes other medications such as chloramphenicol and theophylline or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.

Warning! Slaughter of the bird should be done 1 day after the last dose of the medicine was taken, not earlier.

Storage rules and reviews about Baytril

The medicine is best preserved in a dark and dry place.From the date of issue and for 3 years, without violating the temperature regime (from 5 ° to 25 ° C). Open packaging should be used within a month.

People who have already tried this great tool on their farm respond extremely positively about it. For those involved in the withdrawal of turkey poultry , “Baytril” is a real “magic wand.” Those who decide to deal with this truly complex matter should take it into service. The medicine perfectly fights infections. The main thing is not to violate the instructions and systematically give the drug to the chicks from the very first days of life. Then almost 100% saving of the brood is observed.

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Faced with a number of unpleasant diseases, you should not be afraid to practice what has already been proven effective by time. Many mistakenly believe that you will have to perform complex manipulations, but veterinarians say that the medicine is absolutely harmless animal and no side you do not observe Having become acquainted with the instructions in more detail, it becomes clear that there is an oral route of administration – it is absolutely not necessary to administer them intramuscularly. life! You should not observe the poor appetite of birds or their wheezing – it is better to immediately resort to high-quality and proper treatment.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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