Tropics on the windowsill – care

A piece of paradise in any territory, even in a small kitchen, you can create it yourself. This does not require significant effort. One has only to visit the store and bring from there a few pots of cacti, geraniums, azaleas … However, living beauty requires that you take care of it. Indoor plants – native to tropical and subtropical countries – have a luxurious look only in their native climate. Therefore, you need to take care of similar conditions in city apartments, offices, and other premises.

Begonia (Begonia). Farmer robin.elaine

In halls, halls and rooms with windows to the south, east or west, almost all newcomers from distant lands feel comfortable and make a wonderful impression. Especially effective in bright light codiaums, dracaena, akalifs, cordilins… The brightness of the colors of the leaves depends on whether they are sufficiently illuminated. These plants can even withstand many hours of sun exposure. But for most exotic species, indirect (diffuse) light is still ideal. And it is not desirable for them to “fry” in the sun, as they may burn themselves. Better to shade them for this time.

But in the “northern” rooms you can put pots with shade-tolerant ferns, aspidistras, aglaonems, spathiphyllums, phytonia, chamedorea… There are even plants (members of the aroid family) that can adapt to a windowless environment and withstand artificial lighting. However, under such conditions, the mentioned representatives of the flora, as well as dracaena, ficus, sanseviera, fatsia practically do not bloom. And the leaves grow smaller and not as bright as in natural conditions.

In addition, small and young plants react more sharply to lack of light than large, strong specimens. But today there are lamps to help solve this problem. If the rays fall on the plant from one side, it needs to be turned around a little every day. Almost all exotic aliens withstand this procedure well. Unless some (gardenia, zygocactus) buds may crumble. As for the palm trees, their young leaves should “look” into the room.

BegoniaBegonia. Farmer cjc4454

Too generous for watering, the owners of the home tropics do the wrong thing, since most often green pets die from excess moisture. The soil is saturated with moisture, there is little air, toxic substances accumulate, the roots gradually rot and die off. but conifers, cisus, azaleas, camellias do not withstand drying out of the soil and die.

Plants with delicate, delicate (adiantum, coleus, balsam, fittonia, kalatea) and leathery (gardenia, coffee tree) leaves if the soil in the flowerpot has dried out at least once. But they like the mixture in the container to dry out between waterings, peperonii, kolumnei, senpolii, ficusy, begonii and other inhabitants of the tropics and subtropics. A separate conversation about cacti and other succulents (aloe, milkweed). They can be drunk every 10-15 days. Especially in winter, when they are “sleeping”.

The general rules for watering are as follows. This should be done in the morning. When buds appear on the stems, the plant needs to be watered more frequently. Chlorinated water needs to be settled for 10-12 hours. The acidified liquid feeds azaleas, gardenias, camellias, and some conifers. The temperature of the water for irrigation should be several degrees higher than the air in the room. By the way, it speeds up flowering. hydrangeas, pelargoniums, gloxinia, hypeastrums.

Кодиеум (Codiaeum). Farmer robin.elaine

Dry indoor air can withstand cacti, Kalanchoe, agave… They are used to this at home. Yes and ficuses, codiaums, shefflers, other people from the subtropical regions of the globe are not too sensitive to the level of air humidity. And for flower growers who dream of growing orchids, ferns, philodendrons, bromeliads and some other types of exotic plants, it is worth putting the pots with them in large containers and filling the gaps between the walls with peat, moss, expanded clay. Such material, subject to good moisture, will evaporate water and create a favorable atmosphere for exotics with spectacular flowers and leaves.

Live plants in flowerpots are sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, lovers of green unique people need to remember about two critical periods of the year: the middle of summer and the beginning of winter. Plants suffer from overheating on hot days. In addition, pests (spider mites, aphids) often develop in such conditions. There is also such a rule: so that the flower does not stretch upward, losing strength and beauty, it needs a lot of light in the warm season. Without this, the shoots will be weak, and the leaves will be pale. In winter, greens that touch the cold window glass can freeze and die. In addition, the roots also suffer from hypothermia: at low temperatures, various types of phytopathogenic fungi and microorganisms actively develop.

Bromelia. Farmer kimubert

The real revolution for the “green friend” is the potting. Plastic, which replaced the traditional ceramic, have, despite numerous advantages, a significant flaw – the plant organism in such a container does not “breathe” well. The best time to move most tropical and subtropical exotic plants from one container to another is spring, when new shoots and roots begin to form.

However, some species (begonias, dracaena, Kalanchoe) can be transplanted almost all year round. Earthen mixtures in which indoor flowers grow are prepared from humus, turf, peat soil and sand. Azaleas, rhododendrons, gardenias and camellias develop well if, in addition to deciduous soil, pine needles and peat are poured into a pot.

Rubber ficus and Nolina. Farmer noricum

There are several secrets to correctly replanting delicate greenery. Two hours before the “operation”, the plant is watered abundantly so that the earthen lump, braided with roots, can be easily removed from the pot. The soil in the new container should be moist and not cold. If the exotic freezes and its rhizome is supercooled, it will die. Experienced flower growers know that the “new settler” in another container is watered abundantly, even if the water flows into the sump. Instead of transplanting large palms or ficuses growing in tubs, wooden boxes, and other large containers, they are poured with fresh earthen mixture, removing a layer of old two or three centimeters thick.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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