Turkish peas (chickpeas), Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Chickpeas – annual, leguminous plant, grains
which have an unusual shape that resembles a head
ram with a bird’s beak.

Stem erect, covered with glandular hairs.
Leaves are pinnate. It reaches a height of 20-70 cm.
Stubs are short, swollen, contain from 1 to 3 grains,
lumpy-rough surface. Color – from yellow to
very dark. Weight of 1000 seeds, depending on the variety
fluctuates between 150 and 300 g.

Chickpea is a thermophilic, self-pollinating plant,
pollination occurs in the closed flower phase, sometimes
cross-pollination. The growing season is 90-110 days
in early ripening varieties and up to 150-220 days in late ripening varieties.
Germination begins at a temperature of 3-5 ° C, seedlings
withstand short-term frosts up to 8-11 ° C. IN
flowering period – bean formation optimum temperature
should be between 24-28 ° C.

Central Asia is considered the homeland of the cultural chickpea. Plant
cultivated in the countries of Central and Central Asia,
East Africa, Eastern Europe, India, Mediterranean

It is believed that chickpeas were known and consumed by humans
for food long before the beginning of our era. So in Greece
chickpea peas were found, the age of which is at least
7,5 thousand years, and chickpea seeds have been preserved in Iraq.
to the “bronze” age. In ancient times, chickpeas often
was used not only as food, but also as a medicine.

Chickpeas are the third most popular in the world
among legumes after peas and beans.

Useful properties of chickpeas (chickpeas)

Chickpea sprouts contain high quality
proteins and fats, fiber, large amounts of calcium,
as well as magnesium, potassium,
vitamins A and C.
They are low in calories and outperform other legumes
crops by the amount of essential essential acids –
methionine and tryptophan.

Modern scientists have found that it is not for nothing that people always
appreciated this type of legume. Chickpea grain contains up to 30%
protein, which in quality is close to egg,
up to 8% oil, 50-60% carbohydrates, 2-5% minerals,
many vitamins: A, B1, B2,
C, B6, PP.
Due to its high nutritional value, peas can be consumed
instead of meat, as many people do during fasting.
Such a diet serves to prevent heart disease.
and vessels.

Thanks to their high fiber content, chickpeas improve
digestion, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, and
also regulates blood sugar levels. Chick peas
supplies the body with energy, which is used gradually,
without increasing blood sugar levels.

Dioscorides Pedanius, one of the famous doctors of the time
Emperor Nero, reports that the tender young grains
chickpea has a beneficial effect on the stomach and recommends
use them for dessert. Hippocrates recommended chickpeas
as a component of proper nutrition for skin diseases.
Scientists in Egypt have found evidence of love for chickpeas
where on one of the frescoes Pharaoh Akhenaten is depicted with a twig
hummus in hand. It is believed that this plant symbolized
the masculine power of the Egyptian ruler.

Oxalic, lemon and apple are found in chickpea leaves
acid. Depending on the variety, the fat content of the beans
ranges from 4,1 to 7,2%, according to this indicator, chickpeas
outperforms other legumes except soybeans.

Traditional medicine knows the fact that the use of
chickpea is able to protect eye diseases from such a terrible
diseases such as cataracts (clouding of the lens and as a result
complete blindness).

The transparency of the lens depends on metabolic processes
in the body, which, when disturbed, slag the intestines,
liver, blood. And chickpeas help to cleanse and, accordingly,
helps to establish normal intraocular circulation
liquids. Therefore, healers recommend not only for
treatment and prevention of cataracts, but also for health
the whole body to include chickpeas in the diet.

As a cleaning agent, chickpeas are recommended
apply as follows. Soak peas in cold
boiled water for 8 hours at room temperature
in ceramic dishes (preferably at night). Through the expired
time to pass the peas through a meat grinder with a fine grid.
Eat in small portions throughout the day (add
in cereals, soups, salads). The next day, the whole process
repeat. Therefore, consume within a week.
It promotes weight loss, cleansing and additionally,
saturation of the body with valuable vitamins and minerals.

Cleansing can be carried out in weekly courses with breaks
in Week. The full course is 3 months.

Travelers and tourists may be surprised by the variety
methods of cooking chickpeas. In arab
countries, it is the main ingredient of national
dishes such as: hummus (mashed potatoes), falafel (a warm snack
in the form of balls) or couscous. It is also ground
into flour, which is then added to sauces or used
to prepare a coffee substitute. Chick peas still
put in soups and salads. In India and Pakistan, young
chickpea pods are eaten as vegetables. In countries
Oriental delicacy are baked Turkish grains

One of the main reasons people often avoid
include peas and other legumes in your regular diet
– duration of preparation and problems with digestion.
After a heavy bean meal, it is not uncommon for you to feel
heaviness in the stomach and flatulence. Cause of trouble
– the presence of oligosaccharides in legumes, which are very
difficult to dissolve in water and gastric juice. Legumes
need to be soaked for a long time before cooking, which
makes them softer. Dry chickpeas like the rest
legumes, should be at least 12 hours before cooking
soak in water, then cook for about 1,5 hours.

Dangerous properties of chickpeas (chickpea)

Chickpeas are non-toxic and practically have no contraindications.
But remember that legumes are a so-called “heavy” meal,
that how long it takes to digest and is able to induce fermentation. therefore
do not use this product for people who suffer from disorders
gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, gout,
inflammation of the bladder, constipation, and poor circulation.

In addition, it is worth consulting a doctor before use.
chickpeas for children and the elderly. An allergic reaction is also possible.
on chickpeas in case of intolerance.

In order not to cause unnecessary discomfort, it is not advised to drink it down.
chickpea dishes with water. Also, take a break after consuming
chickpeas before the next meal should be at least 4 hours to
this product had time to be digested.

From the following video, you will learn how to prepare delicious chickpeas for use in different dishes.

See also properties of other products:

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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