Why the yellow leaves of the orchid

Orchids feed not only through the root system, but also through their green mass, as these plants are epiphytic. If the leaves of the orchid turn yellow, you should find errors in the content of the plant, because often the mistakes of the grower lead to such problems.

  1. Natural process
  2. Errors in agricultural machinery
  3. Irregular organization of watering
  4. Lack and oversupply of lighting
  5. Oversupply or lack of fertilizer
  6. Diseases and pests
  7. How to save the plant
  8. If you have problems with watering
  9. Restoring the balance of minerals
  10. Lighting <
  11. Fighting diseases and pests
  12. Foliage turned yellow after transplantation
  13. Conclusion <

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Why the leaves of the orchid turned yellow

Natural process

The yellowing of the flower, as well as the dryness of its tissues can be the result of a natural process – the plant’s life cycle. After overcoming flowering, Orchids fall into a state of sleep, and get rid of some of their old green tissues.

Yellowing is characteristic of all types of Orchids. Some subspecies even get rid of all unnecessary foliage (Dendrobium Nobile and others). Take some action is not worth it. After the flower itself drops the foliage, it will grow a new green lush mass.

Errors in agricultural engineering

If the orchid turns yellow and leaves fall, the reason for this phenomenon may be errors in the content of the plant:

  • incorrect organization watering;
  • lack of light;
  • overheating of the plant in the sun;
  • improper feeding;
  • diseases and pests.

The yellowing may be due to errors in the plant

It is important to detect a change in the state of the plant as quickly as possible and learn to respond effectively. With timely assistance, the likelihood of recovery of the indoor flower remains high. With inaction, the yellow spots that appear will spread throughout the green part of the orchid and it will die.

Improper watering

Caring for the varieties of a roomy beauty is for the most part focused on organizing comfortable conditions to the plant. He needs suitable soil, light and moisture. The latter is most important for a pet. If the leaves of the orchid suffer, turn yellow, wither, etc., problems may lie in:

  1. excessive watering. This is the most common cause of yellowing leaves in orchids. With an excess of moisture, the plant does not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, which leads to a deterioration in its condition. Black spots may also appear on the plates;
  2. insufficient watering.A lack of moisture leads to a slow death of the plant. If under the top layer of soil, in its middle, the substrate has dried up, it is urgent to take measures;
  3. as water. If white spots appear on the surface of the plates and soil, this is a sign of a high concentration of salts in the water. The use of such water contributes to infection with chlorosis, which threatens yellow formations on the plates and their gradual decline.

The Phalaenopsis species or the Dendrobium Nobile often suffers from root decay, if the plant was preliminarily flooded with water, and the flower pot itself is cool. Water does not evaporate, accumulating in the ground. As a result, part of the root system disappears, making the flower harder to nourish. So they turn yellow, fade and dry out. If the roots are rotten, it will require the removal of damaged parts of the root system.

Lack and excess of lighting

Home orchid care varies depending on the time of year. In winter, the flower should be illuminated, and in summer, during the heat season, shaded (lighting the flower with direct sunlight threatens to burn).

The culture also needs to lower the air temperature to 22-24 ° С. Therefore, if the leaves of the petal have dried at the base, bifurcated or fall off, this indicates a pathological change in the mechanical density of the flower under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and abundant evaporation of moisture.If the integrity of the green tissues of the flower is violated, it is important to choose a different place for its content.

In winter, the flower needs to be illuminated, and in summer shaded

There are also individual characteristics of Orchid species, which also should be considered for gardeners:

  1. Dendrodium, Cattleya and Oncidium should be located on the southern windowsills windows. Such plants like light and high air temperature during the day.
  2. Cymbidia, Miltonia and Cumbria are best placed on the western or eastern windows, where the light is less bright.
  3. Phalaenopsis, Slipper and Venus are planted on window sills near northern windows, since they are less in need of frequent natural light and actively develop at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C.

In winter, to avoid problems with the state of green mass of Orchids, phytolamps are used daily. They are turned on in the evening for 3-4 hours to supplement the daylight cycle without the risk of overheating.

Oversupply or lack of fertilizer

If the lower leaves of the orchid turn yellow, this often indicates problems with feeding. The amount of mineral fertilizer applied is important. Their deficiency and excess lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the plant. The first signs of such a pathological condition of a flowering pet can occur in the first weeks after its purchase.A tropical plant overfed in the store suffers from a gradual decrease in the supply of mineral substances, and responds capriciously to this by changing the color of the foliage and dropping it.

Another reason is the lack of minerals. The main source of quality growth and the formation of greenery is nitrogen. His houseplant is not enough. If only the ends of the leaf plates are affected, the nursery does not have enough potassium.

Diseases and pests

If the orchid leaves turn yellow, it is worth checking for signs of diseases and pests. The sooner the symptoms of the disease are identified, the more effective the treatment will be. Yellow spots on the green mass of Orchids often arise from pests such as:

  • aphids;
  • spider mite;
  • nematode;
  • scutellum.

If the leaves become yellow and fall off, the plant could suffer from fungal infections. The greatest danger is gray rot, powdery mildew and anthracnose.

How to save a plant

If the orchid’s leaves turn yellow, the main reason for this phenomenon should be identified. With timely signs of yellowing, the effect of the treatment is favorable. The only exceptions are viral diseases, which are difficult and not always effective to counteract.

Depending on the causes of the pathological condition, the salvation of the pet will have its own characteristics. The simplest solution to the problem is with burns.You should rearrange the flower pot to a new place or shade its trunk with a light cloth. With other factors it will be more difficult. Each reason that led to yellowing of the leaves of the orchid has a specific treatment.

If you have problems with watering

If the soil is excessively moistened, there is a risk of root decay, so you will have to examine the root system and remove damaged roots. The treated plant is planted in a new substrate, and with good quality care, it can be saved.

If the soil is excessively moistened, there is a risk of root rot

If there is insufficient watering, you will need to increase its frequency or choose an alternative to watering – immersion of the pot in water. This procedure is carried out at home daily, provided that the plant does not suffer from diseases and pests, has strong immunity and a healthy root system.

Restore the balance of minerals

The first problems with yellowing of an orchid can begin immediately after buying the plant. In stores, to extend the flowering period of these beauties, a large number of top dressings and stimulants are often used. Overfeeding the plant causes it to bloom and at the same time begins to turn yellow.

If the leaves of the orchid turn yellow, the plant should be treated after the flowering of the store.Feeding the orchid at home will have such features:

  • dressing is carried out during the active growth of the flower;
  • if the flower is yellow, dressing should be done with every second watering;
  • with the beginning of leaf formation, the fertilizer application is interrupted and the usual care regimen is returned;
  • in the winter, top dressing is minimized or completely discarded;
  • if the roots of the orchid rot or wither, it will not work to improve the plant by fertilizing.

If there is an excess of potassium, the roots should be washed under mouth water and avoid fertilizing 1.5-2 months. Avoid such measures only if the plant is healthy and does not bloom.

With a lack of potassium, the upper leaves of a roomy beauty suffer. They sharply become lethargic and their tips cover yellow stripes, which gradually cover the entire green part of the leaf plate. Inaction of the grower leads to the fact that the leaves fall off. To revive a plant, it needs to be transplanted into a new substrate, pre-fertilized with a phosphorus-potassium compound.


Orchids love the sun, but suffer from direct rays of it. The edges of the sheet plate are the most sensitive to light. With a lot of light, the foliage of the pet will wither and dry, as well as when keeping it away from the windows. You should choose a suitable place for the flower, where it will be lit with diffused light, as well as where it will be convenient to use phytolamps.

Use phytolamps should be in the winter, when the daylight hours are shortened. It should be installed at a distance of 25-30 cm from the pot. Recommended lamp power – 40-60 watts. With properly organized lighting, the leaves begin to recover within 3-7 days. Possible and first signs of improvement in their condition in a shorter time.

Fight against diseases and pests

If there is a thin cobweb on the inside of the foliage, the plant is attacked by a spider mite. You should get rid of it by washing the affected parts of the plant with standing water, at a temperature of 39-40 ° C. After the water procedure, the flower is covered with polyethylene. The aging time in this state is 3 days. If this method is ineffective, specialized drugs are used (Neoron, Typhos, etc.).

Ways to combat diseases and pests

If the leaves turn yellow on the orchid, then the plant could attack aphids. It is localized on the back of the sheet. Such pests are carriers of the fungus and the flower quickly dies from their harmful life. You can get rid of aphids this way:

  1. Rinse the affected areas of the flower with warm water.
  2. Treat the leaves with soapy water.
  3. Spray with the Fitoverm preparation. “

Among the diseases, the most dangerous are fungal infections.Gray rot is treated with Immunocytophyte, powdery mildew with Colloidal sulfur, and anthracnose with Mikosan.

If the old leaves of the orchid turn yellow, the cause of the disease is often bacterial spotting. It will be possible to cope with it by removing the damaged area and treating the wound with iodine.

Foliage turned yellow after transplantation

Some flower growers observe a change in color and condition of leaf plates after transplanting the plant in a new pot. Such signs have several reasons for their occurrence. The first is dense soil. The roots of the flower do not receive the right amount of oxygen due to the density of the substrate. The second reason is stress. Orchids are sensitive flowers, especially to a change in the place of detention and are capriciously reacting to it.

It will not be difficult to restore a plant dissatisfied with the new conditions. Carefully remove the flower from the container, inspect its roots (damaged areas should be removed) and plant the pet in a large pot with light and nutritious soil. With proper work, the flower will recover in 1-2 weeks.


If the leaves of the orchid began to turn yellow, the reasons should be looked for in the errors in its leaving Noticing that 1-2 leaves turned yellow and fall off, do not sound the alarm. They have fallen due to natural aging. But, if they begin to turn yellow and fall profusely, it is worthwhile to find another reason for such a pathological condition.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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