10 best flowering indoor plants

Today, in interior landscaping, the main attention is paid to indoor plants from among the decorative leafy stars. More hardy and reliable, not requiring a special dormant period, such plants are characterized by constancy and unpretentiousness. But no matter how varied the choice of deciduous crops is, no grower can refuse to grow at least one flowering plant. Touching or catchy, nostalgic or modern – they are all surprisingly attractive and irresistible in their own way. And for every grower there is a blooming star – in size, taste and even color scheme.

Evening primroses. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com mygardenlife

Constellation of flowering soloists

Choosing favorites among flowering houseplants is not easy. Their variety knows no bounds and never gets tired of surprising even experienced florists. And it is all the more difficult to understand the range of indoor plants, the more nuances in their cultivation need to be taken into account. Of course, if we are talking about such special plants as orchids or flowering cacti, then it all comes down to the ability to provide the plants with the necessary conditions and care. But finding the ideal flowering soloist from among the most common herbaceous or bushy plants is a simpler task. And in order to find the perfect option, you need to evaluate many criteria.

Indoor plants, famous for the beauty of flowering, are:

  • universal (flowers and greens are equally beautiful) and purely flowering (the green itself is inconspicuous, the plant drops it for a dormant period, etc.);
  • abundantly colored (leaves are almost invisible under the flowers), ordinary (flowers do not hide leaves, but attract attention) and graceful (flowers are rare and solitary or the plant produces only one inflorescence);
  • catchy (the plant plays the role of a color spot), medium-catchy (flowering is noticeable, but not dazzling) and nondescript (to notice the flowers, you need to look closely);
  • producing single flowers or inflorescences – thick, loose, transparent;
  • with tubular, bell-shaped, simple, double or original inflorescences;
  • blooming almost all year long, blooming for a long time (from 3 to 6 months), during one season (spring, summer, autumn and winter flowering), only a few weeks;
  • with a pronounced color tone – red-flowering, yellow-flowering, white, blue-colored, etc.;
  • classic and exotic;
  • large, medium and miniature;
  • with a different form of growth – from woody and shrubs to bushy and soddy herbaceous crops, lianas and succulents;
  • annual, short-lived (in need of frequent rejuvenation and renewal) and indoor centenarians, preserving their beauty for decades;
  • growing rapidly or slowly;
  • not capricious and requiring complex care;
  • blooming only if special conditions are provided at the dormant stage and conditions do not need to be changed.

In fact, there is only one feature that unites all flowering plants: they will please with flowering only with appropriate care. Unlike decorative deciduous crops, flowering crops react much worse to failures in care and require regular watering. To show your true beauty, anyone, even the most hardy blooming pet, needs attention and love.

BegoniaBegonia. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Molly Griffin

Growing conditions for such plants need to be selected more rigorously and carefully. Flowering depends on the intensity of lighting, air temperature at each stage of development, ventilation and even drafts, not to mention the operation of heating devices. And every little thing that does not meet the requirements of plants can ruin everything.

The choice of a flowering plant should be dictated primarily by taste, character and interior. Their influence on the atmosphere in the house and space is much stronger than that of plants with beautiful leaves. Each grower has his own favorites. But in each category of flowering crops there are also plants that have become a kind of “visiting card” – everyone’s favorites, the most colorful and abundantly flowering plants that are hard to find equals.

Let’s take a closer look at a dozen favorites among flowering plants.

For a list of the best flowering indoor plants, see the next page.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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