Sill to the north – care

If the window of the room faces north, then sunlight rarely enters the room. Not only does the lack of sun adversely affect the microclimate and mood, there are also problems with landscaping. Not all plants will be able to grow with such a small amount of sunlight, which is the case in rooms on the north side. And some plants, even if they take root, acquire an unattractive appearance, begin to stretch towards the light, violating the natural proportions of their form. Pale color of leaves, lack of flowering becomes a frequent problem. But you really want the mini-garden to turn green and bloom on the windowsill!

Houseplants on the window. Farmer denovich

This problem can be solved by choosing the right plants for landscaping the northern windowsill. In fact, there are quite a few plants that do not like a lot of sunlight and prefer the north side over any other. In addition, these plants are the owners of bright and abundant greenery, flowers of bright colors that are always pleasing to the eye.

So, which houseplants should you opt for? The most common and unpretentious among them are fern, spathiphyllum, clivia, peperomia, violet, “money tree”. These plants are not only very beautiful, but also have other benefits. For example, fern is an excellent natural humidifier, which is very important during the heating season. 90% of the moisture used for irrigation, the fern gives into the air of the room from the surface of its many thin leaves, so it needs to be watered more often than other flowers.

Спатифиллум (Spathiphyllum)Спатифиллум (Spathiphyllum). Farmer elis82

“Money tree”, besides that, according to feng shui, attracts prosperity to the house, pleases the eye with fleshy rounded leaves, and if this plant is old and grows in a medium-sized pot, it looks like a real tree and resembles a fashionable bonsai.

Spathiphyllum, clivia and violet bloom beautifully on the northern windowsill. Violet is a mountain flower, she is used to the lack of light, but she herself is able to bestow the charm of long flowering and bring bright colors into the room. The flowering of clivia is always an event, since the large bright orange inflorescence is admirable. And the white flowers of spathiphyllum persist for a very long time, and at the same time do not fade, but gradually turn green to match the color of the leaves.

Peperomia. Farmer Viperalus

Peperomia has dark green glossy leaves and releases bactericidal substances into the air, which is especially beneficial for children. Having planted all these plants on the northern windowsill, you can completely forget that this is still the north, and not a lush tropical paradise.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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