Black Pepper Seedlings


The black leg in pepper seedlings is quite common. Its other name is rot of the root neck of seedlings. Fungal infectious disease carries a danger to young seedlings and often leads to the death of all seedlings.

  1. Characteristic of the disease
  2. Pathogen <
  3. Symptoms
  4. The main causes of
  5. Contaminated soil and seeds
  6. Planting density
  7. Excess moisture
  8. Preventive measures
  9. Soil
  10. Seeds <
  11. Seedling <
  12. Treatment of diseased seedlings
  13. In the initial stages
  14. For mass infection
  15. Popular methods
  16. Prevention
  17. Treatment

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Black leg on pepper seedlings

Characteristic of the disease

In order to identify the black leg in pepper seedlings and begin treatment, it is important to distinguish this fungal infection from other diseases and to know the reasons for its appearance. living in the upper layers of the soil and feeding on the dead remains of vegetation. Under certain conditions, the fungus also moves to living organisms, feeding on the root parts.


The main symptom is the darkened root neck of the stem. With further development, the fungus leads to a thinning of the trunk and becomes the cause of the formation of constriction.The plant begins to rot and after some time dies.

At risk are plantings from the first sprouts to the appearance of 2-3 leaves.

As a result, young seedlings turn black in 1 week, their stems become soft and break for this reason.

Its danger is that the disease is widespread, and in the process of growing seedlings in a small container it is transferred from diseased sprouts to healthy ones, infecting the entire planting for a short period of time.

The main reasons for the appearance

The reasons for the appearance of black the feet on the stalks of peppers are in violation of agricultural regulations, the observance of which is the main measure to combat fungal infection.

Contaminated soil and seeds

Infected soil or seed soil poor quality leads to the fact that the spores of the fungus, located in the ground or on the seeds, activate their activity and begin to multiply rapidly.

Dense plantings

Among the provoking factors – excessive the frequency of planting seedlings, resulting in young sprouts lacking wasps In addition, air between plants circulates poorly, and this leads to a decrease in resistance to fungal infection.

Excess moisture

With frequent and heavy watering, accompanied by insufficient air circulation and sharp fluctuations in ambient temperature, fluid stagnation occurs.This leads to putrefactive processes that contribute to the spread of the fungus. The most common cases of the disease occur in peppers grown in closed greenhouses.

Preventive measures

Preventing fungus

Knowing the source and main causes of the appearance of the black leg in seedlings of peppers, a number of preventive measures can be taken to prevent the development of fungal disease. The main activities are related to the preparation of seeds for planting.


Preparation of soil against the black leg includes several stages:

  1. reduce the acidity of the soil to the required level. This is done using ash powder or dolomite flour.
  2. To disinfect the soil. A hot concentrated solution of potassium permanganate is well suited for these purposes.
  3. For maximum effectiveness, the earth is treated with preparations that have an antifungal effect. Among these is trichodermin.
  4. Before sowing the seed material, the earth is abundantly moistened and warmed up to the desired temperature. This is necessary to ensure active germination and full growth and development of seedlings that are resistant to the black leg.


Against fungal infection simultaneously with soil seeds are also processed.Such timely disinfection makes it possible to save seedlings from the disease. Among biological preparations suitable for these purposes are phytosporin, bactofit, phytoflavin and others.


During seedling growth, it must be treated against fungal infection by spraying with immunomodulating drugs , increasing the resistance of seedlings to the black leg. Sodium humate, epin and other complexes can enhance plant immunity.

Treatment of diseased seedlings

To stop the rapid spread of fungal infection, you need to start treatment.

In the initial stages

At the first signs of fungus presence:

  • pour seedlings with a weakly concentrated potassium permanganate solution,
  • loosen the soil, after hilling on seedlings near the root collar,
  • sprout containers move a sufficiently large distance from each other,
  • soil primer sprinkle top copper sulphate mixed with ash powder in a proportion of 1 to 200 g of small spoon.

In case of mass infection

In case of mass infection of pepper seedlings with a black leg:

  • remove and burn affected seedlings ,
  • pour the remaining healthy seedlings with phytosporin, diluted at the rate of 100ml per 10l of water, repeating the spraying process at the stage of 2-3 leaves growing, while phytosporin can be replaced with Bordeaux liquid with a concentration of 1%,
  • pick healthy seedlings in fresh containers filled with past soil disinfection procedures,
  • containers with preserved set seedlings in a warm place, while shading the plants from direct sunlight.

Alternative methods


Experienced summer residents advise to freeze the ground first or calcine in the oven. to kill fungal bacteria. However, we must not forget that during the process of overcooling or overheating of the earth, it also loses beneficial organisms, which makes it lifeless.

For the purpose of prevention, daily dusting of soil and neck of seedlings with powdered charcoal or river sand is also done.

BLACK KNIFE in seedlings. Problem and solution
How to get rid of the black leg of seedlings
Remedy for the black leg.


A soda solution is prepared for diseased seedlings. For it, you will need 200 ml of water and 1 tsp of baking soda. Pepper seedlings are sprayed with such a solution.

Some gardeners use onion husk for treatment, make a decoction, add calcium nitrate to it and treat the plantings with such a mixture. For 1 liter of broth, 2 g of saltpeter is required.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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