Why do the leaves of pepper seedlings curl

Any seedlings of vegetables may be exposed to various diseases and pests. As a result, the plant develops disproportionately and is deformed. Leaves of pepper seedlings are curled due to pests and lack of necessary conditions for development.

  1. First symptoms
  2. Main causes
  3. Temperature conditions
  4. Poor root system development
  5. Uneven development plates
  6. Lack of nutrients
  7. Pests
  8. Infections
  9. Methods of control
  10. The distance between plants
  11. Feeding <
  12. Pest Prevention
  13. Prevention
  14. Conclusion <

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Leaves of pepper seedlings curl

First symptoms

Identification of the first signs of twisting allows you to start treatment in time to grow a healthy and strong bush of pepper. Ignoring the first signs can lead to death.

The first symptoms of twisting may be:

  • gradual yellowing;
  • the appearance of a web;
  • leaf deformation along the midrib;
  • white bloom and holes on the shoots;
  • twisting into a tubule and lowering the leaves down.

After that, the bush begins to gradually dry out and the plant completely Bast. Attentive supervision and timely elimination of the first symptoms will help prevent the death of seedlings.

Main reasons

The reasons for twisting can be:

  • inappropriate temperature conditions;
  • poor development of the root system;
  • uneven development of the leaf plate;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • the presence of pests or infections.

Fighting with pests or infections accompanied by monetary and labor costs. The causes must be eliminated as soon as deviations in the development of the plant are found.

Temperature conditions

Pepper is a vegetable that came from warm countries. Light and the right temperature are important to him. A sharp cooling or insufficient heat leads to curling and discoloration of the leaves. They can first turn pale and curl, turn yellow, and then gradually dry out. If the seedlings are planted in the ground, then this deformation will take place gradually.

Not only the lack of heat, but also the excessive dry weather harms the seedlings. Due to the bright sun and high temperature, the plant is trying to reduce the evaporation area, so the upper leaves begin to curl.

When there is not enough heat, the greenhouse is heated or additional lighting is installed. And with excessive stuffiness, the greenhouse needs to be ventilated.

Poor root system development

Be sure to look after the plants

Underdevelopment of the root system may occur due to the presence of larvae of different pests. They not only damage the root of the plant, but also the entire sprout. Because of what, pepper seedlings are curled leaves. If you do not conduct a timely fight with parasite larvae, then in the spring they will spoil the entire crop.

Fused roots of seedlings can provoke such deformation of the leaf plate. This occurs due to closely planted seedlings. As a result, the roots cannot receive enough essential elements.

Uneven plate development

One of the most common causes of leaf curl. This is due to the rapid growth of the central vein. The leaf grows in length, and its surface does not keep up with it. Most often, the upper shoots are twisted.

Such twisting does not harm the development and formation of a further crop. Over time, the leaves will take their normal shape.

Lack of nutrients

If the necessary trace elements are insufficient, the leaves of the pepper can not only curl, but also fall off. The seedling itself will develop poorly and give a poor harvest.


Signs of a lack:

  • yellowness appears;
  • the edges of the leaves begin to dry;
  • a small crop is possible;
  • the fruits will be small.

The amount of potassium depends on the soil in which the seedling is planted. Clay and loamy soils contain a sufficient amount of trace elements. In peat and sandy soils, they are not enough for full growth.


With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves turn blue or green, the seedling stem can turn red-violet. The leaf blade bends over time, the flowering period is delayed, and as a result the seedling is depleted and dies.


Nitrogen deficiency manifests itself in a pale color of shoots. The plates twist around the edges and yellow spots form.

Like the lack of trace elements, their excess harms the seedling. First, the seedling grows quickly, then the leaves are curled at the seedlings of pepper. In this case, the ovary may not appear at the bush.


When infected with a spider mite and aphids, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • the formation of a web between the shoots;
  • partial or complete yellowing;
  • the leaves curl into a tube and fall off.


Aphids are very dangerous

Aphids first damage young seedlings.Starting from the bottom of the plant, it moves up and drains the plant, sucking out all the juices. Because of this, the bushes do not develop gradually and cannot form the necessary ovary. Aphids occur on bushes that grow in the desired temperature range, are watered in a timely manner and are not prone to drafts.


The spider mite is almost invisible. It can be recognized due to the cobweb between the leaves and grooves. From the bush, he destroys all nutrients, leading to the death of pepper. It can appear on the bush even before planting in open ground. Due to its microscopic size, it cannot move, and gets on seedlings from infected tools.


Vertex rot is characterized by:

  • curling and curly leaves;
  • dark spots on the fruits;
  • rotting fruits.

Rotting occurs due to insufficient watering or potassium in the soil. Excess nitrogen can also provoke the disease.

Control methods

Having identified the first symptoms and causes of twisting, it is necessary to choose methods of control.

The distance between plants

For the normal development of the root system, the bushes are planted at a sufficient distance. When transplanting, you need to straighten the roots and only after planting in the soil. At night, you can cover the seedlings with lutrasil or other covering material.


To determine which trace element is missing the seedling, you need to feed it with one of the nutrients. If the plant returns to normal after 1-2 days, then the missing element is determined. This is one of the easiest ways to solve such a problem. You can do complex fertilizers. They are prepared in the same way as simple top dressing, but the dose is reduced several times.

Periodically, the soil can be fertilized with bird droppings, which contains all the necessary nutrients. Only from it the effect will not be immediately noticeable.

For feeding, wood ash is often used. You must adhere to these rules:

  1. The soil under each bush is evenly sprinkled with ash.
  2. The layer thickness should be 3 mm.
  3. After this, you need to water the seedlings.

Wood ash can be applied in the fall, before digging a site, or in the spring before planting directly.

Potassium nitrate is used instead of wood ash for a quick effect . In 10 l of water you need to dissolve 2 tbsp. tablespoons of saltpeter. Under each bush, pour 0.5 l of such a solution. Before making potassium nitrate, the soil must first be moistened.

Pest Prevention

Fight with pests in different ways


If the bush, which has fruits or is in the flowering period, has damaged the aphids, it is necessary to inspect manually. In this case, the leaves are washed with warm water.

Some gardeners practice planting mustard, basil or dill next to pepper seedlings. Their pungent odor repels aphids. Ladybugs and other insects that feed on aphids will help in the fight against this pest.


Folk remedies also help in the fight against pests. They are budgetary, but time consuming to prepare. Use various decoctions and infusions:

  1. Onion husks. In 1 liter of water, 1 cup of onion husks is added and infused all day. You need to spray the bushes every 5 days.
  2. Dandelion and garlic. A mixture of garlic and dandelions is made, 1 tablespoon of honey is added. The resulting mass is dissolved in a bucket of water. After 3 hours of infusion, you can process the bushes of pepper.

You can add dried tops of potatoes or tomatoes to the mixture. A solution of tar soap (10 grams per 5 liters of liquid) or calendula. Such solutions will save you from invading aphids.

You need to process not only damaged places and bushes, but also neighboring plants. This will not allow aphids to multiply and damage the crop.

Spraying the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate will help get rid of the larvae. To destroy pests will help warming the soil. You need to do this for 14 days. Another option is to pour boiling water over the place where the seedling will be planted 2 days before planting.


In the fight against spider mites, onion husk or garlic infusions will help, the same as with aphids. It quickly adapts to such tools, so they should be alternated. You can use chemicals that are aimed at killing the pest.

The greenhouses in which the mite is wound are recommended to be treated with a solution of chlorine lime. To do this, dilute 200 g of the product in 10 l of water.


To prevent the spread of fungi and infectious diseases, you need to handle inventory and greenhouses. Some pathogens can live for several years.

Crop rotation and tillage after previous plantings will reduce the development of bacteria. To disinfect the soil, pour boiling water over it 2 days before sowing.

For the treatment of plants, proven and effective remedies should be used. To prevent the transmission of infection, weeds should be removed on the planted area.

It is better to grow peppers at an air temperature of 19-23 ° C. To eliminate dry air, it is necessary to spray the seedlings.At home, you can use a spray gun.

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Very often, the cause of the curl of leaves in seedlings of peppers is an incorrect agricultural process. The first signs can be eliminated due to temperature and timely watering.

In order for the pepper to be strong and bring a crop, it is necessary to properly care for and spray from pests. Regularly inspect the bushes and monitor whether the leaves are curled or in excellent condition.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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