The best grades of pepper for polycarbonate greenhouses

Pepper varieties for polycarbonate greenhouses choose both early and late. The main thing is to comply with all care requirements in order to get a high-quality crop.

  1. Features of polycarbonate greenhouses
  2. Selection of variety
  3. Hybrid and true variety
  4. Features of growing pepper in a greenhouse
  5. Variety of greenhouse varieties
  6. Features of the care
  7. Conclusion <

Лучшие сорта перца для теплиц из поликарбоната

The best varieties of pepper for greenhouses made of polycarbonate

Features of polycarbonate greenhouses

Recently, polycarbonate is increasingly being used as a material for construction greenhouses, because it retains heat better than glass. This is especially important if pepper is grown in a region with a changing climate.

Polycarbonate is quite flexible, it allows you to create greenhouse rooms of different shapes and types: in the form of a sphere, with hemispherical roof, etc. Also, this building material is resistant to mechanical damage and weather conditions (strong winds, showers, degrees).

Grade selection

Careful selection of the right seed is an important criterion when growing vegetables. To plant pepper in greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to select the seeds intended for this.

There are several features for choosing a variety:

  • Growing conditions. Pay attention to the size of the greenhouse.Initially, it is determined which plant you need: short or tall.
  • Maturity. Clarify what is needed: early or late variety. If the size of the greenhouse allows, you can purchase both varieties.
  • Diseases. They learn what diseases and pests vegetables are most susceptible to in the region, and select species with increased immunity to these ailments.

It is important to consider the lighting needs of some varieties. If there is a backlight in the greenhouse, you need not worry about it, otherwise you need to install phytolamps: they give the light radiation and the heat that the seedlings need.

Not only lighting, but also plant ownership can become a barrier to fertility to another region. Even in a fully equipped greenhouse, it is impossible to grow species intended for another locality. It is best to purchase seed supplies in seeds.

It is important to clean the greenhouse every fall. Later types of vegetables are usually dug up and transplanted into large pots to grow them at home. This method will extend the yield until mid-winter.

Hybrid and true variety

If a hybrid labeled F1 is grown in the greenhouse, it makes no sense to get seeds from it. In such plants, the fruiting qualities do not extend for several plantings. This is a disadvantage, because every year you have to buy new seeds.

But there are advantages: hybrids are good in high yields, as well as good resistance to many diseases.

The advantage of these varieties is that they can be re-grown for many years (the exact value depends on the particular variety). They are usually not whimsical to growing conditions, resistant to temperature extremes and high humidity. The main disadvantage of this variety is unstable productivity.

Features of growing pepper in a greenhouse

Follow the recommendations

When choosing the best seeds for a greenhouse, it is important to study all the features of growing plants in this way:

  • The soil needs preliminary preparation before planting seedlings. Garden soil must be mixed with humus or peat and sand.
  • Water is supplied to plants artificially (rain bays do not take part in cultivation), so the soil needs to be fed. It is fertilized 3-4 times a season.
  • When planting pepper varieties for a greenhouse, make sure that sweet and sharp self-pollinated varieties of such a vegetable do not grow near, since pollination can occur and the taste of the fruit deteriorates.
  • Vegetables should be planted to a depth of at least 20 cm and 40 cm apart.

In a polycarbonate greenhouse, at least 1-2 windows must be made; in hot weather, it must be aired so that the plants do not dry out. The vegetable is sensitive to high temperature and dry air, and if agricultural technology is disturbed, even the best varieties of salad pepper for the greenhouse will not yield a quality crop.

A variety of greenhouse varieties

Modern selection is rich in various types of greenhouse peppers, distinguished by good taste, appearance and high yield.

The best seeds of salad peppers for a greenhouse with names and description:

Features of care

Each variety, regardless of its characteristic immunity to disease, needs good care.It includes:

  • planting seedlings;
  • planting in the greenhouse at the appropriate time;
  • control over the moisture level in the greenhouse and soil;
  • regular fertilizing with fertilizers.

In the event of flowering, pay attention to the moisture level. Such a reaction may occur due to waterlogging or due to dry air. 300-500 ml of warm water is enough for one bush.

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Peppers can be damaged by Colorado or May bugs, aphids. It is necessary to protect the greenhouse plant exclusively with the biological preparations Fitoverm and Lepidocide. They are good because they do not contain chemical poisons. If phosphorous or potassium fertile fertilizer is added to the care, this will prevent the propagation of aphids.


High yields of greenhouse peppers are achieved by the proper selection of seeds and thorough care for them. It is important to pay attention to the characteristics of each vegetable individually in order to choose the right variety for the polycarbonate greenhouse.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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