Characteristics of the variety of peppers Fat

Pepper Fat is famous for its excellent taste. It is unpretentious in cultivation and gives good yields, even with minimal care. To obtain the desired results, you must follow the agrotechnical rules for growing the crop.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Planting <
  5. Pests and diseases
  6. Conclusion

Характеристика сорта перцев Толстячок

Characteristics of the variety of peppers Fat

Characteristic of the variety

В the description of the variety of Paprika pepper is marked F1, which means that Paprika sweet pepper is one of the first generation hybrids.

It is irrational to collect seeds of such pepper. According to the characteristics, young seedlings will not inherit all the species characteristics of the parent bush. In some cases, the seeds do not germinate at all. This significantly increases the cost of the vegetable, since planting material has to be bought annually.

Description of the bush

By the time of fruit ripening, the bush reaches a height of 50-55 cm. The plant is semi-spreading, with well-formed skeletal branches. The leaves of a healthy plant of medium size, have a deep green color, wrinkled. Proper planting of young seedlings, care for them contribute to the good formation of bushes. The bush is formed by the removal of all lateral shoots and leaves to the first fork. This non-laborious procedure allows the plant to grow well.

Description of the fetus

The fat man has prismatic fruits. The fruit size reaches 10-12 cm in length. The vegetable has a large fruit diameter, about 7-8 cm. The vegetation period from seedlings of plants to the technical ripeness of the fruit is 115-118 days. Vegetable is characterized by high productivity: from 1 square. 4-4.5 kg are harvested.

The fruits are distinguished by the following symptoms:

  • The vegetable wall is sweet, juicy and fleshy, so the fruits can be used for salads and for preparing first and second courses. Due to the thick pulp, the variety is recommended for canning. Red slices of pepper look great in lecho, assorted salads, sauté, etc.
  • The fruits are red, with a glossy surface. They have an excellent commercial appearance, and due to the dense skin, they can be easily transported.
  • Large-fruited: the weight of an average vegetable is about 150 g, in some cases it can exceed 200 g. For this reason, pepper is not suitable for full-fledged preservation.


Seeds can be planted at the end of February

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out 2-2.5 months before planting pepper in the ground. This period falls on the second half of February and the beginning of March.

Sowing material for seedlings

It is advisable to process the seeds before planting in the ground.To do this, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, in which the seeds are immersed for 20 minutes, then the planting material is thoroughly dried. Next, the seeds are planted in moderately moist soil to a depth of 2.5 cm. The containers are placed in a warm place, covered with polyethylene and left until the first seedlings appear.


In the period from germination to planting seedlings in the open ground of the plant must be watered with a small amount of water. Favorably affecting young shoots is observed in the indoor temperature.

Planting in the ground

This vegetable crop belongs to self-pollinating plants, so you should not grow different varieties of the same species nearby, especially sweet paprika with a bitter (spicy) relative.

Landing in open ground is carried out in late May and early June, when the ambient temperature has stabilized, and there are no sharp changes between night and daytime. When planting plants, it is recommended to adhere to the following planting pattern – 40 x 70 cm. This contributes to better plant growth, facilitates soil treatment, watering and further care. When moving seedlings from temporary containers to the ground, there is no need to bury them in the soil more than 2.5-3 cm.

Pests and diseases

More often In total, the development of diseases is observed with non-observance of the agricultural technology of the variety. Also, the absence of disease prevention negatively affects this indicator.

The most common diseases:

  • Black leg. The causes of the lesion: an overly dense planting, increased soil moisture, sudden changes in temperature.
  • Column. External changes: leaves turn yellow, dry; the fruits are deformed.
  • late blight. Shoots and fruits are covered with dark spots and quickly disappear. The disease is contagious and quickly spreads to neighboring plants.

Another serious problem is pests of sweet pepper. Most often it is attacked by aphids and slugs. The first settles on the back of young leaves, where they drink plant juices. The bush quickly withers and ceases to bear fruit. Slugs like to feast on juicy pulp of fruits.


This variety can be grown on an industrial scale due to its good taste To heristics and attractive appearance of fruits, they will always be in demand in the markets and in shops.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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