The principle of picking pepper seedlings at home

Growing seedlings of bell or pepper at home always causes certain difficulties, because the root system of a young plant is fragile in structure. We will tell you how to correctly and accurately dive pepper seedlings in the article.

  1. Why do you need to dive
  2. Duration of the procedure
  3. Preparatory stages
  4. Soil preparation
  5. Preparation of containers
  6. Watering
  7. Diving
  8. Care <
  9. Conclusion

Принцип пикировки рассады перца в домашних условиях

The principle of picking pepper seedlings at home

Why you need to dive

Pepper seedlings are demanding for proper transplantation. Pepper roots are very fragile and bad tolerate changes in growing conditions, and if their structure is violated, they need a longer recovery time.

The picking process consists in the fact that each young bush (aged 20-25 days after planting seeds) should be transplanted into a separate container, so that seedlings can receive more nutrients than if planted in a common container. Separate containers help seedlings to quickly form their growth and the entire root system.

When growing elongated seedlings in a common container, some negative points are observed:

  1. Plants begin to obscure each other.
  2. Root systems are intertwined, which significantly complicates the process of planting in a greenhouse or open ground.

It is for this reason that you need to dive pepper seedlings. This will have a positive effect not only on the formation of stem growth, but also on the characteristics of the root system.

Procedure time

The best option is to pick pepper seedlings in the early stages. Young plants grow better in new places and take root faster in the soil. Peppers seedlings should be picked only at the moment when 2 pairs of fully formed leaves appear on the plants.

It is believed that the ideal time for a dive is 2-3 weeks after the first shoots appear.

Some gardeners prefer to transplant the plant at a time when cotyledons have just begun to form. Another part of summer residents thinks that the best time to dive seedlings of sweet pepper is after 3-4 pairs of leaves are formed. But this can cause certain difficulties, because the root system has already been practically formed and can make the transplantation a little difficult.

Preparatory steps

Before diving pepper seedlings, you need to prepare it correctly.

Soil preparation

The best mixes are peat, garden soil and sand, in a ratio of 1: 2: 1. You can also add a small amount of minerals (superphosphate or ammonium nitrate), which will make the soil lighter and more nutritious.

Preparing containers

Convenient jars for seedlings

Next, pay attention to the capacity for planting. The ideal container volume is 250-350 ml. In principle, containers of large volumes are often found. But, they are not particularly suitable for diving, because the roots of the plant are located close to the surface of the earth, so it will be difficult for them to fill the entire perimeter of a glass or pot. As a result, oxidized areas can arise from scratch, which will lead to the risk of diseases.

Diving seedlings should be carried out only in a tank with a drainage system.


A few days before planting, it is recommended to abandon irrigation, because moisture will soften the soil, which will significantly complicate the process of replanting in open ground or a greenhouse.


  1. First you need to compact the earth in a pot or glass. A hole is made in the central part, with a depth equal to the length of the roots, and poured with a small amount of water.
  2. From the container you need to carefully remove the seedling. In principle, for ease of action, you can use a small garden shovel.
  3. The seedling should be moved to the prepared hole and the roots should be distributed so that they fill the entire space of the hole.
  4. Transplantation is carried out to the depth, so that the roots are up close. Excessive emptiness will lead to decay of the root system.
  5. After transferring the seedling, it is necessary to compact the soil around it.
  6. Now you need to water the roots with 0.5 l of warm water.

Quite often, there are conflicting disputes over pinching the plant. If you pay attention to the fact that the roots are sensitive to damage, then this procedure is better not to carry out. Specialists are convinced that pinching can only be carried out if the plant has gained great growth or the root is quite long.

The root should not bend in the clockwise direction, because in this case it’s instant the growth of the seedling is suspended and further development will be impossible. For proper placement of the roots, you must initially put the plant in the ground, and after compaction of the earth, pull up a little. This will allow the spine to be in an optimal position and level out in the ground.


Dive pepper needs proper care.

After a dive, the seedlings need a lot amount of sunlight. Place them on a windowsill or balcony only for 3 days. Until this point, it is better to keep containers near the battery, where the seedlings can get the right amount of heat.

The next important principle of care is feeding.The first fertilizer application should be carried out one and a half weeks after transplanting. At this point, it is advisable to use mineral fertilizers. The ideal option is 50 g of nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium, diluted in a 10-liter bucket of warm water. No more than 120 ml of fertilizer should be poured under each plant.

To protect seedlings from pests or diseases, you can feed. To do this, 4 g of boric acid, 3 g of copper sulfate and 2 g of manganese should be diluted in 10 l of warm water. Watering is carried out at the rate of 20 ml per 1 bush. The following 2 top dressings are carried out with an interval of 2 weeks, with alternating mineral and organic substances.

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The pick is carried out accurately and only at a certain time. It helps to increase the term of further fruiting of an adult bush. Also, after this procedure, the bush grows better in open unprotected soil.With good care, you will receive a high-quality crop in large quantities.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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