How to prevent the flowering of pepper seedlings

If the seedlings of peppers have bloomed, you need to stop the growth of the bushes. Otherwise, they will not be able to take root in a new planting site, and nutrients for the formation of ovaries, which will lead to loss of crop.

  1. Reasons <
  2. Consequences
  3. Methods of struggle
  4. Prevention
  5. Recommendations
  6. Conclusion <

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We prevent the flowering of pepper seedlings


Usually the situation when the seedlings bloom pepper, occurs when growing early-ripening varieties, especially if they are planted earlier on February 20 in the southern regions or earlier than March 1 in the northern.

Other reasons that bloom t vegetable crop:

    1. The temperature of the air in the room where the pepper is grown exceeds 25 ° C, this is a frequent occurrence when planting is carried out at home and the bushes are on the windowsill. , then it will grow faster. Especially if the first true leaves have already appeared on seedlings.
    2. Adding drugs that stimulate growth, until the bushes are transplanted into the main soil.
    3. Watering more than 3 times in a week so the plant will bloom a month after planting, the sprouts will stretch and become thin.

Soil saturated with fertilizers. This is especially true for phosphorus fertilizing, which are responsible for the growth of plants.


Growing peppers at home on the windowsill, you need to know that if the seedlings of peppers bloomed, you should urgently fix this problem. The consequences of inaction can adversely affect the crop.

The consequences of the early appearance of flower seedlings:

  • the formation of fewer ovaries;
  • the absence of flowering bushes after transplantation;
  • do not take root in a new place.

But the worst result is the lack of harvest. This may be due to the fact that when the pepper blooms, all its forces go into the formation of new shoots and flower buds.

There is often not enough room for growth, because at the time of early flowering, picking has not yet been carried out. As a result, the roots can begin to weave, and the plant will simply fade even before transplanting into the ground. Due to the poor root system, the bush will not be able to take root. Later, there will no longer be forces for the formation of yet another flowers and ovaries. And for the fruit, there will not be any nutrients left at all.

Another option is to reduce productivity when the weight of one pepper increases by 1.5 times. The fruits will lose their juiciness, meatiness and delicate aftertaste. Some may dry out. Their immunity will decrease, and the risk of contracting diseases or pests will increase.

Methods of struggle

First flowers must be nipped

The following measures should be taken:

  1. Remove the first flowers, that is, those that formed and bloomed the very first. Pinching is carried out using a secateurs or picking flowers with their own hands. Do this carefully so as not to harm the whole plant.
  2. If the plant not only blooms, but the formation of peppercorns has already begun, they are also removed. The ovary itself is not touched, only the fetus is removed.
  3. Change the temperature in the room. It is necessary to reduce the daytime temperature to 18-20 ° C, the nighttime temperature to 13-15 ° C. To do this, you often need to ventilate the room at home. But remember that you can’t put pots with a plant on a draft, because it can fade and die.
  4. Remove seedlings from the sunny side. For a week it is better to place it on the windowsill, which does not fall on the sun. The lack of sunlight perfectly stops the growth of seedlings of pepper.
  5. Reduce the amount of watering by 2 times. That is, carry them out no more than 2 times a week.
  6. Stop fertilizing. This procedure is best not to apply to young shoots. Completely remove fertilizing based on phosphate-containing drugs.
  7. Spend a pick. Sometimes the root system is formed quickly and has nowhere to grow, so the bush begins to grow up.Transplant the sprouts into separate pots, preferably peat.

But there is an exception to the rule – if one bush is selected to receive seeds, then you should not remove flowers from it. You need to act according to the first principle – just transplant the plant into the ground in the form that it will reach before planting. Cover the seedlings with lutrasil and add a hydrogel that retains moisture to the ground.


It’s enough to adhere to the basic rules for planting pepper. Initially, a variety is selected in accordance with the particular climate of the region. For the southern regions, it is better to choose early and mid-ripening varieties, for the northern ones, mid- and late-ripening varieties. You should first know when to plant seeds and transplant seedlings in the open ground of a certain variety.

Do not forget about the quality of the soil. It must be rich in nutrients. It is better to choose soft soils. The worst case scenario is acidic soil, where the plant may fade. If there is no other choice, liming is mandatory.

It is important to pay attention to the temperature regime. Only until the first leaves appear, you need to observe at home a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C. After this period, be sure to reduce to a maximum of 20 ° C. To do this, often ventilate the room or transfer pots with sprouts to the corridor, cellar, pantry.


  1. Keep humidity at 70-80%.
  2. Plant seeds at least 3 cm apart.But it’s better to immediately plant them in different pots.
  3. Water no more than 2 times a week. Navigate by the state of the soil.
  4. Before planting, conduct hardening. Thanks to this, the plant will not fade, but will be able to acclimate normally to a new planting site. To do this, pots with sprouts for 2-3 hours are taken out onto the street, and then back to the house for 5-7 hours. Gradually increase the time spent on the street.
  5. Dive in time. Especially if 10-15 bushes grow in one container. The picking time is determined by the state of the plant – if 2 true leaves appear, they are transplanted into separate, large containers.

The soil into which the plants will be planted is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid . The landing pattern is 30 * 30 cm.


If the pepper seedlings bloomed early at home, you need to urgently remove the first flowers. If there are a lot of them, remove those that are on the top of the bush. You can also change the temperature regime, reduce the amount of watering, remove feeding, etc.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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