How to deal with pepper pests

Pests of peppers can interfere with a good harvest. To avoid this, you need to know how they look, what harm they cause, and how to deal with them.

  1. For <
  2. Spider mite
  3. Bare Slugs
  4. Whitewing
  5. Colorado potato beetle
  6. Medvedka
  7. Conclusion <

Борьба с вредителями перца

Pest control

There are both folk and industrial means of dealing with the problem. Consider what diseases and pests of bell pepper are the most common.


The most dangerous of all pests of nightshade.

with clump of a bush. Aphids can be seen on leaves, flowers and ovaries. Leaves are curled or a sticky shiny layer appears on them. After a while they dry up. Aphids also carry viruses that cause nightshade diseases. The control of these pests is as follows.

  1. Processing with a solution of tobacco dust or wood ash. You will need a glass of dust or ash per 10 liters of water. The solution must be left for 24 hours. After that, it must be mixed. Then you should add one spoon of soap with a liquid consistency. This means you need to spray the bushes in the morning. Also, the solution will help in the fight against such insects as leaf-eating caterpillars.
  2. Processing with special chemicals. It is necessary to act according to the instructions, observing the safety rules.Before starting use, it is advisable to process one bush. If during the day no deterioration of the leaves is noticed, you can proceed to the processing of the rest. You can use the following tools: Aktara, Komandor, Corado.
  3. A solution of tansy or yarrow will also help.
  4. The beetle will be scared away by fragrant plants planted nearby. It can be onions, garlic, lavender, mint, parsley.

Spider mite

This beetle is no less dangerous and no less common than the previous one. Also drinks leaf juice. It can be seen on the underside of the sheet.

You can process peppers from such pests using this recipe. You need to take a glass of garlic or onion and the same number of dandelions. Then grind using a meat grinder. Dilute in 10 liters of water. Add a spoonful of liquid soap to the solution. Then strain the mixture and spray the bushes.

Naked slugs

These pepper pests eat leaves. If the plant is small, it can be destroyed by pests to the ground. On the bushes because of them you can see sticky translucent mucus. The methods for dealing with them are as follows:

  1. Weeds must be disposed of.
  2. You can treat the soil with superphosphate, a mixture of tobacco dust and lime, and potassium salt. The procedure should be performed in the evening with an interval of about 40 minutes.
  3. On slugs, you can pour special industrial preparations according to the instructions.Well proven such means: Ferramol, Thunderstorm, Sludge.
  4. They are also doused with hot water.


Insects can be washed off the leaves with water

When invaded by whiteflies, seedlings may lose juice, because these insects feed on them. Such methods will help in the fight against them.

  1. Treat the leaves on which the whitefly has been found with simple water. After this procedure, it is necessary to loosen the soil. It is necessary to sprinkle the soil with peat, humus or sand, so that the layer is at least 2 cm.
  2. After harvesting, it is necessary to get rid of bushes on which insects were noticed.
  3. If red Bulgarian or sharp pepper grows in a greenhouse; you can plant tobacco in it, which whitefly loves. He will lure the butterfly, distracting it from peppers.
  4. The use of various chemicals will also be effective. Such funds are suitable: Actellik, Confidor, Pegasus. The instructions for them should describe in detail how to apply them.

Colorado potato beetle

It feeds on plant leaves. On our mainland, the beetle has few natural enemies, so it is very common. There are such methods of dealing with it.

  1. The most ancient and relevant method so far is to collect beetles from plants in a jar of kerosene. You also need to get rid of insect eggs.
  2. You can dust the bushes with ash. It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning when the plants are wet from dew or after the rain has passed. You can also sprinkle ash between the plants with ash.
  3. Sprinkle the soil between the bushes with sawdust of pine or birch. It is important that they are fresh. The beetle does not like the smell of fresh wood.
  4. Vegetable infusions — walnuts, poplars, sunflowers, dandelions, bitter peppers — will help in the fight against beetles.
  5. Spray the bushes with special chemicals. Such drugs will do well: Killer, Destroy, Gulliver. It is important to follow the instructions for use.


Reaches 8 cm in length. The insect is not easy to detect because it hides at the slightest danger.

Destroys the root system of the plant. You can fight insects in the following ways:

  1. Dig the soil in the spring, as well as in late autumn. This will destroy the bear’s moves.
  2. In late autumn, you should fill the hole with manure. There, these insects usually winter. When the temperature is below zero, you need to scatter manure on the surface of the soil. Because the insects will be in hibernation, they will freeze. In the spring you can make traps of manure. Insects will lay eggs there.
  3. You can plant garlic or onions near the bushes.
  4. Make a trap. Place a can in the ground into which a small amount of fresh beer is poured. The neck should be at the level of the soil surface.The bear will attract the smell, it will fall into the container. She will not be able to get out.
  5. They also use various industrial preparations, such as Rubit, Medvetoks, Tzipi. How to use them should be described in detail in the instructions.


When growing peppers, there is a risk that the plant may be attacked by diseases and pests. them.

Some gardeners prefer to use folk methods, considering them more secure Others act more radically by resorting to chemicals that can be purchased in stores.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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