The formation of pepper bushes


Giving plants a form has a specific purpose. The formation of pepper has a beneficial effect on its productivity.

  1. Need to form a bush
  2. Tall Tall
  3. Middle Tall <
  4. Short Tall <
  5. When you can and when you can’t form bush
  6. Removing the crown bud
  7. Cutting off the excess
  8. Removing the fruitless shoots
  9. Pinching kidney
  10. Conclusion

Формирование кустов перца

Formation of pepper bushes

In our climate, many heat-loving crops can not cope with the quantity fruits, which begin to ripen on them. In such cases, the formation of bushes, including pepper, helps.

The need to form a bush

Varieties of sweet pepper, depending on the alleged bush heights are divided into the following types:

  • undersized (up to half a meter);
  • medium undersized (up to a meter);
  • tall (up to two meters).


It is imperative to form tall varieties of peppers. If you ignore this type of care for the bush, this can lead to a significant decrease in yield.


You can form medium-sized sweet peppers as follows. It is worth removing only the barren, as well as the lower shoots.This will save him from unnecessary load, and will also contribute to better lighting and ventilation.


The formation of a small bush of sweet pepper is not required. The same applies to the bitter type of vegetable. Such plants bring a good harvest without shaping them. The formation of a bush of peppers in this case is necessary if it grows in greenhouse conditions, and a very dense planting scheme is used.

If the distance between the peppers is too small, the sun does not light them enough. Small bushes of bell or hot pepper can be grown even on the windowsill. Under such conditions, seedlings can also be kept.

When it is possible and when it is impossible to form a bush

It is possible to form a bush of pepper only if it does not have diseases. Clean tools must be used, otherwise there is a risk of infection of healthy bushes with pathogens transferred from diseased peppers.

Throughout the season, bushes must be tied up. The scheme of formation of a bush of pepper involves several stages. Let’s consider them in more detail.

Removing the crown bud

The seedlings of pepper consist of one stem. However, when it grows to a length of about 20 cm, it begins to branch. In the place where the branches form, the first flower begins to form. They used to call him a crown bud. This flower must be removed immediately.This will ensure proper branching, and will also improve nutrition of the ovaries that are above the fork.

Cutting off excess

We remove the excess

Formation of pepper of tall varieties continues when from 10 to 12 leaves grow on them. At this point, you need to remove the extra branches. You should leave a couple of shoots that grow from the forks of the crown flower. The remaining, less viable branches should be shortened by trimming the top.

The remaining branches, called skeletal branches, will become the basis of an adult bush of sweet pepper. They will soon also begin to branch like the main stem and form a fork with a bud in the center. These branches should be dealt with in a similar way – leave one strong shoot and pinch the others above the first leaf. The same procedure must be performed with all the branches that will appear.

Buds will appear on all the branches, and then the ovaries. They need to be left. And those that grow in internodes must be removed. In total, it is optimal to leave from 15 to 25 ovaries.

Removing infertile shoots

The plant continues to grow even after excess shoots have been removed. This process should be monitored, as empty processes will appear over time. They will grow just below the branching point of the main stem.

Nipping the shoots is recommended in dry weather. In this way, injured areas will dry faster and the risk of getting pathogens there will be reduced.

You should also pick off leaves that interfere with lighting and do not participate in the nutrition of the ovaries. Damaged leaves should be disposed of, as they can provoke the development of diseases.

To form a bush correctly, you should be guided by the following recommendations for pruning leaves:

  1. When the fruits of the lower hand reach technical ripeness, you must immediately remove the leaves on the main stem. You should cut two leaves at a time.
  2. Then you need to wait until the fruits of the next brush appear. After that, continue pruning the leaves.
  3. In the same way they do with other leaves under the growing fruits. The last time the procedure should be carried out about a month and a half before the harvest, because the plant will need rest for this period.

Removing the leaves in accordance with the recommendations will help not only to properly form the pepper, but also will have a beneficial effect on plant health.

Torn leaves and shoots are not recommended to be left in the garden. They need to be removed from the site and disposed of, otherwise they can attract pests.

Pinching the buds

To form the plant correctly, you should proceed to this stage after the fruits have grown in sufficient quantities. To accelerate their growth, you need to pinch the tops on the main branches. After this procedure, sweet pepper stops growing and begins to spend energy only on those ovaries that have already appeared. To form pepper using this process, it is also necessary one and a half months before the fruits fully ripen.

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Formation of pepper. Part 2
How to shape peppers. Pinch the first flower, remove the side shoots.
Formation of pepper bushes


Following the above rules is important element of plant care. Of course, it takes quite a lot of time and effort. However, it’s worth it, because it will help to form healthy bushes with pepper, as well as increase their productivity.

You need to understand that there is no one true scheme. You can form both two and four shoots. And in which case the yield will be higher, only practice will show.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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