Variety of salad peppers Danai

The benefits of sweet pepper are hard to overestimate. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. The vegetable contains vitamin A (carotene), vitamin PP, and group B vitamins. It is more than twice as much as lemon in terms of vitamin C content. For those who want to grow such a vegetable as early as possible, the Danai f1 pepper hybrid is perfect. Danai pepper belongs to the early high-yielding varieties, suitable for growing in greenhouses and film greenhouses.

According to the description, the Danai hybrid pepper f1 is unpretentious in care and has a lot of positive qualities:

  • early ripeness of the fruit;
  • high yields;
  • stress resistance;
  • resistance to sunburn;
  • disease resistance.

Description of the bush

The bush is medium in size with large roots. The plant is powerful, highly leafy. During fruiting, up to 12 fruits are formed on one bush. During the season, you can get from 8 kg to 10 kg per 1 sq. Km. m.

Description of the fruit

The fruit has a cone shape, smooth, medium in size. The color at harvest is white and cream. After ripening, the fruits acquire a bright red color. The average weight of the fruit is from 140 g to 180 g.In length they reach 13-15 cm. In width – 3-4 cm. Wall thickness – from 5 to 7 mm.

Growing seedlings

Хорошего урожая можно добиться только при правильном выращивании

A good harvest can only be achieved if grown correctly

Danai peppers f1 are grown in seedlings. Seeds are advised to sow in cassettes. This method minimizes damage to the roots when transplanting seedlings into the ground. Cassettes should be taken with a cell volume of 230 ml.

Preparation and sowing of seeds has several stages:

  • 60 days before planting on the bed, the seeds are decontaminated in a weak solution of manganese. 1 g of manganese is diluted in 100 ml of water and the seeds are kept in solution for 20 minutes.
  • After disinfection, the seeds are placed in a solution based on a growth stimulant or mineral fertilizer for 12 hours, then washed with clean water and sown moist.
  • The cartridges are treated with manganese solution before sowing. A suitable soil mixture or peat tablets are placed in the cells.
  • Seeds are laid one by one in each cell, sprinkled with earth and watered, then cover the crops with film or glass and placed on a plastic tray. The optimum temperature for the growth and development of seedlings is about 25 ° C.
  • Watering is carried out through the pan.

If there are no cassettes, they can be replaced with plastic cups or large containers with earth.

In early May, two weeks before landing on a permanent place, seedlings of Danai pepper f1 begin to harden. She is taken out of the room for several hours. 2 days before planting, they leave it on the street at night, sheltering from frost.

Planting seedlings in the ground

The plant loves loose soil, fertilized, moist. The site should be well lit and protected from the wind.

Danai pepper hybrid f1 showed itself well when grown with drip irrigation. The planting scheme for such irrigation is 90 cm x 50 cm. If irrigation is carried out in the form of sprinkling, the planting scheme for pepper will be 60 cm x 20 cm.

When planting seedlings, you should try not to damage the earthen lump: this way the plant will be less sick and beginner to develop rapidly. Humus is added to the wells before planting.

Additional shelters

The Danai f1 pepper hybrid early is suitable for tunnel cultivation.

Seedlings are planted in the ground during when there is a threat of frost and low temperatures at night, so it is very important to provide plants with additional shelter. To create it, arcs are installed over the rows, after which they are covered with thick polyethylene. During the day, the film is folded, and at night the structure is covered again. When the threat of frost disappears, additional shelter is removed.


To obtain a large crop, the plant is properly maintained:

  • observe the temperature regime, use a covering material when the temperature drops;
  • water the sprouts 2-3 times a week;
  • regularly apply fertilizers, seedlings feed 4-5 times a season with an interval of 10 days;
  • periodically loosen the soil on depth about 5 cm;
  • mulch around the trunk with sawdust or mowed grass, the layer of mulch must be at least 3 cm.

Disease Prevention

This culture is prone to diseases such as blackleg, late blight, black bacterial spotting.

They can be prevented in the following ways:

  • for the prevention of the black leg, use only good soil, do not water the plants with cold water, avoid drafts and waterlogging;
  • to protect plants from late blight, spray them They are infused with 150 g of onion husks in 10 l of warm water, allowed to infuse for 24 hours, filtered;
  • for the prevention of black bacterial spotting, the remains of old plants are burned in autumn, they are fruit-bearing, disinfecting seeds in a solution of manganese.

It is important to try to follow the rules of care, then the sweet vegetable will delight in a plentiful harvest.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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