What varieties of sweet pepper are considered the best

Before planting pepper in the open ground, it is necessary to study the features of growing vegetables. To do this, choose the best varieties of sweet pepper: they grow well without a greenhouse shelter and give large fruits.

  1. Early varieties of bell pepper
  2. Big Mom
  3. Merchant <
  4. Mid-season varieties of bell pepper
  5. Swallow
  6. Atlant <
  7. Late ripe varieties of bell pepper
  8. Hercules
  9. Yellow bell
  10. Athlete <
  11. Marshmallow <
  12. Hybrids
  13. Marinkin tongue
  14. Triton <
  15. Atlantic <
  16. Thick-walled large-fruited varieties
  17. White gold
  18. Siberian format
  19. Queen
  20. Conclusion

Описание лучших сортов сладкого перца

Description of the best varieties of sweet pepper

Early grades of bell pepper

The most unpretentious and persistent types of peppers feel good outside the greenhouse. Sissy plants should not be contacted: in unprotected soil, their bushes are slowly gaining plant mass. It is worth paying attention to the varieties of sweet pepper that bring a crop in a short time.

An important advantage of early varieties is their resistance to viral damage.

When the bushes grow , top dress, otherwise the fruits of the Bulgarian grow medium-sized.As a top dressing for fruiting plants, a diluted solution of cow manure is used.

Big Mama

The plant can tolerate cool temperatures without stress. In the open area, the bushes grow in height by 50-70 cm. The average ripening period of peppers is 100 days.

With 1 square. m plantings gardener receives 7-8 kg of sweet orange fruits. The fleshy peppers are large. Big Mom is the best option for stuffing.


This variety was created specifically for cultivation in cool regions, for example, in the Moscow region. Harvest can be obtained 100 days after planting seeds. Juicy bright red peppers are shaped like a cone. Fruits tolerate transportation without problems, are stored for a long time and do not deteriorate.

Bushes of the Merchant variety grow amicably and bring a better harvest if planted with seedlings in a house or apartment. It is advisable to plant seedlings in the garden if warm spring weather is established on the street. In an open area, seed germination is low.

Mid-season varieties of bell pepper

Mid-season crops bear fruit for a long time. You can get sweet pepper from the bush at moderate temperatures 130-140 days after the emergence of sprouts.

The best mid-season varieties of sweet pepper are resistant to pests.


Germination of Swallow seeds is excellent. Bushes need to be tied up, because they are tall enough.Vegetable culture is resistant to disease. The plant feels comfortable in unprotected soil. The fruits have the shape of a cone.

The color of unripe fruits is light green, the color of ripe is red. The mass of the fruit is about 100 g.


140 days elapse from the first seedling emergence to harvest. The shape of the bush is standard. For 1 square. m accounts for 4 kg of fruit. This variety of pepper brings a generous harvest if seedlings were grown at the end of February.

The grown seedlings, planted in open ground, are not plentifully watered, but the plant does not like to dry out. Red peppers are dense, juicy.

Late ripe varieties of bell pepper

Fruits of bell pepper are good for salads

The special value of the seeds of late varieties is that you can enjoy the fruits until mid-October.


A hardy variety with a significant growing season, so seedlings are prepared in advance. The beginning of March is the deadline for sowing seedlings. Bushes are low, sprawling. The leaves are dark green, slightly wrinkled.

A summer resident can harvest from the bushes after 130 days. Juicy, fragrant vegetables are in the form of a cube. Saturated red color indicates their ripeness. The fruits are good in salads, suitable for preservation.

Yellow bell

To grow peppers in the open air, seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May and sown in March.

Foliage on the Yellow bushes the bells are few. The variety is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus and temperature extremes. Ripe fruits are colored yellow. Full ripening of peppers occurs on 150-160 days. They are used for salads, vegetable stews.


Bogatyr is a sweet late-ripening variety. A powerful sprawling bush is undemanding for watering. The variety is resistant to vertex rot, tobacco mosaic. 4 months pass from the day of planting the seeds until ripening.

Advantages of the crop:

  • good growth in unprotected soil;
  • the ability of the crop to withstand thickening;
  • impressive fruit weight (160 g);
  • productivity: from 1 sq. m collect 6-7 kg of fruit;
  • during transportation the quality of peppers does not decrease.


Marshmallows are one of the most interesting varieties of bell pepper. Bushes of the plant are sprawling, strong. You can not tie them up. Dark green peppers look like a bowl. At final ripeness, the fruit turns red. Its average weight is 160 g. The pulp is tasty, aromatic. Variety Zephyr feels comfortable under a film cover.


Hybrid varieties will please you with large fruits

Hybrids are resistant to plant disease and large fruits. Hybrid crop seeds are not suitable for the next planting.

Marinkin tongue

Maryin tongue is an option for lovers of massive peppers. The plant tolerates unstable weather conditions. The bush must be tied up, because it may fall due to the severity of the crop.

The shape of the peppers resembles a tongue. They are painted in the color of dark cherry. The fruits have a pleasant sweet taste and juiciness.


This hybrid is resistant to cold weather, dampness, wind. When planting seedlings in the ground, the first ovary on the bushes is removed. This condition is necessary for the bush to develop well.

45-50 fruits are removed from one bush. At the stage of technical ripeness, the fruits are yellow. They turn red when fully ripened.


The largest fruits are produced by the Atlantic variety. Seedlings are planted in mid-March. The seeds are wrapped in moist tissue and held for two days to ensure good germination.

In late May, seedlings can be planted on beds. The bush is tall, strong. The distance between two bushes should not be less than 40 cm. The fruits are massive, juicy, ripen 3 months after the appearance of the first green shoots.The pulp is tasty, aromatic.

Thick-walled large-fruited varieties

Consider the best thick-walled varieties of sweet pepper.

White gold

This early variety became famous for very large fruits. It is better to start preparing seedlings in February. The plant needs frequent watering. The bushes are strong, with bright green leaves.

The plant needs to be fed, but fertilizers should not be abused. The mass of peppers is from 270 to 450 g. The golden color and the pleasant taste of the fruit make the variety indispensable. It is often grown for sale.

Siberian format

Seeding for seedlings is recommended to be made 2 months before the pepper is planted in a permanent place. On fertile soils, bushes quickly gain plant mass and form fleshy fruits.

Fruit mass is 400 g. The wall thickness is 10 mm. At least 10 peppers are collected from one bush. The taste and smell of the pulp are gentle.

Watering plants with rain water increases the chances of a large crop.

Overview of varieties of large peppers. The best varieties of thick-walled peppers 2017.
The best varieties of peppers for open ground On my site, August 22


A hybrid variety of vegetables. The variety is unpretentious in care. The plant tolerates coolness, is not afraid of pests. The bush needs to be tied up to the branches did not break due to the severity of the crop.

Peppers become ripe on the 105-107th day after the appearance of the first sprouts. The wall thickness of the sweet fruit is 12 mm. The pulp is juicy, aromatic. Vegetables are suitable for canning, stewing, stuffing.


Many varieties are excellent they feel themselves without a film coating. Buying planting material should be based on your goals and taste preferences. The ripening dates and taste of the fruits differ for each variety.

Those wishing to grow peppers for salads should pay attention to early varieties. and aroma make mid-season crops a choice, hybrids are good too. They are resistant to temperature extremes and give a generous harvest.

To seed your favorite varieties well sprouted, you can hold them before planting in aloe juice. In-store germination stimulants Epin and Novosil also give good results.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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