Characteristics of the variety of pepper Blondi F1

F1 category Blondi pepper is a sweet pepper hybrid released as part of a project by Syngenta AG, the largest Swiss seed company.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Nursing <
  5. Diseases
  6. Powdery mildew
  7. Bacterial cancer
  8. Pests
  9. Wireworm <
  10. Colorado potato beetle
  11. Slugs
  12. Conclusion <

Характеристика сорта перцев Блонди F1

Characteristics of the variety of Blondi peppers F1

Characteristics of the variety

Breeders all over the world are looking for a way to increase productivity and marketability The best result was the cultivation of hybrids created by crossing two original varieties.One of the results of this crossing is pepper Blondi F1.

According to the description, the hybrid has the following characteristics:

  • early ripening of the fetus (the hybrid reaches the ripening stage 60 days after transplanting);
  • possesses a number of medicinal properties ( pepper is able to thin blood and lower blood pressure; it is recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, anemia and various cardiovascular diseases; it is able to relieve depression, enhances immunity to viral diseases, contains more vitamin C that people need than lemon);
  • ease of adaptation to any lovia (has increased resistance to cold temperatures, continues to develop quietly in high heat, transportable, which makes it profitable for bulk purchases in supermarkets);
  • high yield: one bush gives up to 18 kg of peppers;
  • indeterminacy;

Description of the bush

Blondi pepper refers to medium-sized plants, reaches up to 60 cm in height. It has a semi-spreading form of a bush, has short internodes, and a strong foliage.

Description of the fruit

Blondi’s pepper fruit:

  • has a cuboid shape and 4 seed chambers;
  • has a large mass, about 200 g; average size – 10.5 x 10 cm;
  • in ripe form has the color of ivory, lemon or orange;
  • has thick walls, smooth skin;


This hybrid is designed for growing both outdoors and in various types of greenhouses, however, preference should be given to heated rooms with high-quality lighting and aeration.

The advantage of this variety is its easy adaptation to any natural and weather conditions: tolerance of frost and drought.

In contrast to the determinant varieties and gi breeders whose development stops when a certain point is reached, indeterminate cultures need pinching and pinching.

When cultivating Blondi F1 hybrid, it is necessary to remember the following, most important points:

  • To prevent the plant from decaying and not being affected by diseases, you need to regularly ventilate the premises of the greenhouse.
  • If there is not enough lighting in the greenhouse, the Blondi flowers will fall off, which threatens with a loss of crop.
  • To control it development and growth, you need to pinch and pinch the bush .


The disease can destroy the entire crop

Like many other sweet pepper hybrids, Blondi F1 has good immunity to a number of diseases:

  • potato virus PVY;
  • tobacco mosaic virus;
  • black bacterial spotting of sweet pepper;
  • cucumber mosaic virus.

Do not forget that, In addition to the above diseases, to which Blondi F1 has developed immunity, there are a number of others that are a real threat for the whole crop. Consider some of the possible diseases of Blondie’s sweet pepper.

Powdery mildew

One of the most dangerous fungal diseases common in all climatic zones. It occurs due to increased humidity and temperature, is characterized by numerous dots and yellow spots on the leaves, leading to a halt in the development of plants and fruits.

Prevention and treatment of downy mildew:

  • it is necessary to adhere to crop rotation rules;
  • removal of diseased plants;
  • treatment with Kuproksat or Oksikhom at the initial stages of the development of the disease

Bacterial cancer

Bacterial cancer is also a very dangerous potential disease of the Blondi hybrid because mainly affects peppers grown in greenhouses.During bacterial cancer, the leaves of the plant become crusty in the form of brown spots. An infected plant cannot be treated. The following methods are suitable for prevention:

  • disinfect the greenhouse with methyl bromide 2 times a year;
  • observe the balance of temperature and humidity in the room;
  • apply drop watering.


In addition to diseases, pests are a threat to the plant. There are a lot of them, and you need to know how to prevent their attack and how to deal with them if the attack occurs.


It lives in the soil, feeds on the roots of the plant , because of what they stop in development. To combat wireworm, they resort to the following measures:

  • destruction of larvae during digging of the soil;
  • establishment of bait grass for beetles and their destruction;
  • root treatment pepper pesticides.

Colorado potato beetle

Colorado potato beetle eats any parts of the plant, and thus can destroy it completely. The following pesticides are suitable for controlling it:

  • Commander for the whole plant;
  • Actara for soaking pepper roots.


Slugs eat peppers and leaves of the bush, eating holes in them and leaving traces of mucus, resulting in damaged plants rot. To combat slugs, you must:

  • regularly clean the area of ​​weeds;
  • fill the soil with quicklime;
  • use pesticides.


The medium-tall, high-yielding and early ripe hybrid of sweet pepper Blondi F1 has a number of medicinal properties, good adaptation to any conditions and high immunity to diseases.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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