Bryophyllum is a live-bearing non-Kalanchoe

The unique representative of succulent indoor plants with a unique carved edge of the leaves, bryophyllum, is not only called Kalanchoe, but is often sold as a variety of this plant. Although bryophyllum is an independent genus of crops, which is characterized by vivacity and a rather specific structure of leaves, the details of which can be examined endlessly. The filigree edge of the bryophyllum leaf with ruffles from hundreds of babies, rich colors and friendly character make this succulent one of the best candidates for the role of a small but catchy accent in the collection. And the fact that it remains an absolutely unpretentious plant, which even flower growers can grow without much experience, further increases its popularity.

Trumpet bryophyllum (Bryophyllum delagoense). binary-nature

And let the confusion with the name introduce a lot of confusion, it is this plant that is the very home doctor and belongs to the number of viviparous species, unique in their ability to reproduce themselves.


Unpopular name of a super popular plant

It is difficult to determine why the generic name bryophyllum (sometimes the spelling bryophyllum is found) did not take root and fell in love with us. Everyone still continues to name plants that have long been reclassified into the genus Bryophyllum (Bryophyllum), by all familiar name – Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe). And even when they write about the benefits of a “home doctor”, recommending to have a bush of this plant, they still stubbornly continue to call the healing species Kalanchoe.

Such a specific name is found even in medical and scientific sources. But “home doctor” is an epithet that can only be applied to bryophyllum. So, when you hear another dispute about which plant is more healing – “doctor” Kalanchoe pinnate or “Goethe flower” bryophyllum Degremona – remember that the same pinnate Kalanchoe, in fact, according to the latest classifications is a pinnate bryophyllum and except for the general family, it has nothing to do with the genus Kalanchoe. Both plants, both the Goethe flower and the home doctor, represent precisely the genus Bryophyllum.

Description of bryophyllums

Bryophyllums unite a group of succulents from the Tolstyankov family, belonging to the category of viviparous. These are unique plants capable of forming hundreds of children along the edge of the leaves, ready to germinate instantly when they enter the soil. These plants develop in the form of shrubs or semi-shrubs with succulent shoots and leaves, in nature capable of reaching 1 to 2 m in height.

Among bryophyllums, there are both species with erect, branching shoots, and varieties with creeping or climbing stems up to 2 m long.Opposite or collected in 3 pieces in whorls, leaves along the edge almost always form daughter plants with roots and several leaves that can be used for breeding.

The shape of the leaves of these plants can be varied, as well as their color. Dark green, gray, reddish or brownish leaves can be either oval or lanceolate, with a jagged or even edge, matte or shiny surface. There are even bryophyllums with compound-plumose leaves.

The flowers of these succulents are mostly drooping, collected in half-umbels or panicles, with a brightly colored corolla and 8 stamens, which, unlike real Kalanchoe, are attached at the base of the flower tube. The tubular-bell-shaped flowers of bryophyllums are most often colored pink, red, or lilac. Bryophyllum blooms mainly in winter or early spring, but the flowering period never lasts less than one month. After flowering in bryophyllums, multi-seeded leaflets are tied.

Bryophyllum, or Bryophyllum (Bryophyllum)Bryophyllum, or Bryophyllum (Bryophyllum). Farmer Yasotha.R

Bryophyllum types

The genus Bryophyllum combines more than two dozen plant species, found in nature mainly only in Madagascar, in dry stony soils or along roads. In room culture, only 6 types of bryophyllum are popular.

Briofillum Degremona (Bryophyllum daigremontianum, the more popularly obsolete synonym is Kalanchoe Degremona, Kalanchoe daigremontianum) forms compact rosette bushes. Quite large broadly lanceolate leaves are glossy, with a jagged edge. The beautiful and rich dark green color is emphasized by the matte reverse side of the leaf plates, which seems to be covered with brown strokes. In each notch of the sheet between the teeth along the edge, those very easily falling off children are formed, which in their mass create a kind of openwork or curly frill.

The flowers of the bryophyllum Degremon are truly magnificent. Large pink-purple bells look spectacular, and the beautiful shape of the panicles of drooping flowers is somewhat reminiscent of a crown. Bryophyllum Degremona is better known in our country as the Goethe flower – the most popular plant among indoor healers. It is believed that it can be found on almost every windowsill. The legend, according to which the legendary German poet ate the babies of a plant every day to rejuvenate the body, is still popular today.

Traditional medicine uses this bryophyllum to treat stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, runny nose and colds, as a quick pain reliever. It is from this bryophyllum, instilled into the nose, that the very uncontrollable and healing sneezing begins. The plant’s medicinal properties have given the plant the popular nicknames of indoor ginseng or home doctor.

Bryophyllum Degremon (Bryophyllum daigremontianum), also Kalanchoe Degremon (Kalanchoe daigremontianum). Farmer Alina Zienowicz

Bryophyllum pinnate (Bryophyllum pinnatum, we are known everywhere under the name Kalanchoe pinnateKalanchoe pinnata), forms strong straight shoots and rather large bushes, branches beautifully and pleases with an attractive silhouette. Light green leaves vary from simple oval at the bottom of the shoots to lanceolate complex-pinnate at the top. The edges of the leaves flaunt with reddish teeth. Babies can be seen in abundance on the plant throughout the year, but even if they are not on the leaf, it is enough to tear it off the bush and place it in a humid environment to form dozens of daughter plants around the edge.

These bryophyllums bloom easily in indoor conditions, delighting with dark red, bright enough inflorescences. Cirrus bryophyllum is also popular for its medicinal properties, similar to Degremon’s bryophyllum, but unlike the latter, even recognized by official medicine. As an excellent remedy for the treatment of non-healing wounds, burns, in dentistry, gynecology, ear inflammation is considered indispensable.

Bryophyllum is pinnate, also Kalanchoe pinnate (Bryophyllum pinnatum). Farmer kyle.scholz

Bryophyllum Fedchenko (Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi), can also be found under the synonym Kalanchoe fedtschenkoimay be inferior in distribution to medicinal species, but it won the hearts of a considerable number of flower growers primarily with its dull, gray leaves and an amazing number of shoots, which form a kind of dense network of aerial roots in the lower part.

Despite the fact that the shape of the bush and the grooved edge of the leaves strewn with lace from children resemble Degremon’s bryophyllum, this gray-gray bryophyllum seems to be a plant of a completely different nature and is more reminiscent of luxurious fabrics. The greenery is only decorated with a pink or red strip along the edge of the leaf plates, as if emphasizing the ruffles. And its flowering is yellowish-orange, not pink. The inflorescences of this species are apical, the flowers are large enough, and after they fade, new shoots begin to develop from the dormant buds.

Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi, as well as Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi. Farmer Sheila’s collection

Briofillum Buvarda or Boveri (Bryophyllum beauverdii) Is one of the rare ampelous succulents and the only ampelous species of bryophyllum that has taken root in room form. The plant produces thin and very long shoots. True, unlike natural plants, in a room culture, twigs, distinguished by their fragility and fragility, can reach not several meters in length, but only 60 cm.

The leaves of the plant are rather narrow, painted in a dark green-brown color. They are more like tubes and bend downward in a claw-like manner. The black and purple, spotted flowers add even more mystery to the whole plant. Its dark unusual leaves look especially original when a plant is formed on a support-ring. This is one of the most exotic indoor lianas.

Bryophyllum Bouvard, or Bryophyllum Boveri (Bryophyllum beauverdii). Farmer Christian Defferrard

Bryophyllum tube-colored (Bryophyllum delagoenseformerly known as Bryophyllum tubiflorum) is distinguished by sitting narrow-linear leaves collected in whorls, covered with unusual specks along the very edge. Babies in this species are formed only in the upper part of the leaves, giving the succulent, already like a bare pine, even more exotic. But the main decoration of the plant is scarlet large bell flowers, collected in panicles of inflorescences.

Trumpet bryophyllum (Bryophyllum delagoense). Farmer vki5805

Rapidly gaining popularity and unique look Briofillum Mangina (Bryophyllum manginii), the main advantage of which is considered to be a unique flowering. This plant forms beautiful bushes from oval herbaceous green leaves and produces delightful drooping stalks with bell flowers that turn a humble succulent into a small ampel or pot wonder.

Brightly colored, orange, pink or red bells with green bracts appear surprisingly exotic. And they caused the plant to have the popular nickname “Madagascar bell”. This species is rapidly growing in popularity, new hybrid varieties appear, which, unlike classical species, are able to bloom even being in the usual room temperature range all year round.

Bryophyllum Mangin (Bryophyllum manginii). Farmer Stefano

Bryophyllum care at home

Bryophyllum can rightfully be called one of the most undemanding indoor plants. They feel great in indoor conditions and do not require not only complicated care, but also forgive some mistakes, including those with watering. The rules for growing this plant are so simple that they allow you to admire the beautiful flowering every year with very modest efforts. But it is not worth expecting that bryophyllums will be content with any care at all. For good flowering, they need a cool wintering, and feeding should be regular.

Lighting for bryophyllum

Bryophyllums are light-loving plants and are able to bloom effectively only when kept in fairly light locations. A sunny location or diffused bright light are considered ideal for these plants. The only danger for bryophyllum is the midday sun rays, which can leave ugly burns on the leaves and especially flowers. But the more sunlight the plant receives, the more attractive it will look.

The plant signals the lack of lighting, the need to make the keeping regime brighter by stretching the shoots, by which one can judge the correctness of actions when experimenting with different locations. Bryophyllum is most comfortable on the eastern and western windowsills, but the southern windows will create conditions close to its homeland. In summer, the plant can be taken out under the open sky with protection from midday rays.

Comfortable temperature

These crops require two contrasting stages of growing – warm summer and cool winter. Moreover, the latter is not a dormant stage at all, but the flowering time of this culture.

Bryophyllum thrives throughout the spring and summer in temperatures similar to the usual room temperature range. The optimal maintenance regime for this plant is considered to be temperatures from 20 to 27 degrees, but it can withstand bryophyllum and more extreme heat. Temperature drops below 18 degrees in spring and summer should not be allowed.

The main difficulty in selecting temperatures suitable for bryophyllums is to provide them with at least a slight decrease in performance during the winter. The only exception is Mangin’s bryophyllum, which can winter in the room temperature range. Under ideal conditions, bryophyllum should be kept at temperatures between 12 and 14 degrees Celsius during the resting period. But if you cannot recreate such conditions, you should not despair. The absence of a completely cool wintering will affect the beauty and abundance of flowering, but will not be a factor in a significant loss of decorative greenery and still allow the plants to release flower stalks.

The main thing is that from mid-autumn to spring, bryophyllum is kept at at least a slightly lower temperature, at 15-18 degrees. It should be borne in mind that during the winter period of dormancy in elevated air temperatures, from 18 degrees and hotter, the plant may not bloom at all, even if it has formed buds, they most likely will not open. Coolness is necessary for bryophyllum not only to prepare for flowering, but also to bloom the inflorescences.

Бриофиллум Дегремона (Bryophyllum daigremontianum). Farmer binary-nature

Watering and air humidity

According to its requirements for the moisture content of the substrate, bryophyllum is no different from other indoor succulents. A plant capable of storing moisture in the leaves needs moderate watering even when kept in hot summer conditions. Moderate watering is the main guarantee that the plants will maximize their decorative effect and please with active growth and health. In the warm season, during spring and summer, bryophyllum is watered only when the top layer of the substrate is completely dry. But with the transition to the period of winter coolness, the plants are watered very carefully, only maintaining a minimum stable moisture content of the substrate and letting it dry completely even in an average proshkharka. In winter, watering at an optimal temperature is carried out with a frequency of 1 or 2 times a month.

Bryophyllums, like real Kalanchoe, with which they are so fond of confusion, are drought-resistant plants and perfectly tolerate even the complete drying of an earthen coma. Moreover, drying out the soil for the plant is simply necessary for normal development and reducing the risk of dampness. If you accidentally allow too much watering or carried out the procedure earlier than necessary, allow the substrate to dry completely, and only then resume your usual care. There is one more feature that it is better not to forget about: during the procedure, you must be careful and try so that even the slightest drops of water do not fall on the leaves of the plant.

Bryophyllums absolutely do not need any measures to humidify the air. Plants do not like proximity to heating devices or air conditioners, but they tolerate drafts well, they are not afraid of fluctuations in temperature and air humidity, so they can be actively used in rooms such as a kitchen or bathroom. Bryophyllum grows beautifully both indoors and in greenhouses, on terraces or balconies during the summer.

Top dressing for bryophyllum

Bryophyllum needs fertilization only during spring and summer. The optimal frequency of feeding is considered 1 time in 2 weeks. For this crop, it is better to use special fertilizer mixtures for cacti and succulents. When using universal fertilizers, the dosage should be halved. But if you want to achieve the most spectacular flowering, continue to apply top dressing in the fall and winter, reducing the amount of fertilizers used by 2 times and performing procedures with a frequency of 1 time per month.

For the plant to bloom, to stimulate flowering, the interval between dressings should be at least 4 weeks. For bryophyllum, during the flowering period, to increase its duration, it is possible to replace the usual fertilizers with mixtures intended for flowering crops and resume feeding with a frequency of 1 every 2 weeks until the end of flowering.

Blooming Bryophyllum Degremon. Farmer A Yee

Pruning bryophyllum

All work on pruning this plant comes down to removing, or rather, breaking out the beginning to turn yellow, dry, as well as damaged leaves and trimming the peduncles after flowering.

If bryophyllum loses its decorative effect, stretches, deforms, then the plants are not renewed by pruning, but rejuvenated, replacing them with young specimens. Formative pruning on this plant will not produce the desired effect.

Transplant and substrate

For bryophyllum, any high-quality and light earth mixture suitable for other succulents is suitable. The plant feels great in a substrate for cacti or fat women. If you mix the soil yourself, then take in equal parts leafy, turfy soil, sand, peat and humus.

Young plants are transplanted annually, older ones only as the roots fully absorb the substrate. Transplanting bryophyllum will not cause trouble, because the plants do not belong to the most afraid of any damage, do not require transshipment and, with careful handling, quickly adapt and start growing in a new container. At the bottom of the pot for bryophyllum, it is necessary to lay a thick layer of drainage with a height of 5 cm.It is best suited to a drainage layer of broken shards or expanded clay.

Bryophyllum containers must be selected carefully. This is a plant with a compact rhizome, in accordance with which it is necessary to select rather small containers. For bryophyllum, always choose pots with a diameter greater than the height. Too large containers have a detrimental effect on the attractiveness of greenery, on the flowering of the plant.

Diseases and pests

On bryophyllums, aphids are considered the most common pest. Even spider mites are not so common on this plant. In the vicinity of an infected plant, bryophyllum can be harmed by scabies. It is better to fight aphids and other insects using combined methods, using washing the leaves with soapy water or herbal infusion and spraying with broad-spectrum insecticides. Infected plants must be isolated from other indoor crops.

When kept in an air temperature below 12 degrees Celsius or when the substrate is waterlogged, plants are prone to the spread of gray mold. The wetting of the leaves during watering can also lead to it.

Bryophyllum of Degremona and the babies taking root. Farmer Sunch28

Reproduction of bryophyllum

Like almost all representatives of succulents, bryophyllum stands out for fairly easy reproduction. You can get a new plant from the very children that nature itself came up with for quick rooting, and with the help of ordinary apical cuttings.

You can get new bryophyllums from seeds: it is bryophyllum that is most often sold as “Kalanchoe seeds” (including pinnate bryophyllum, the seeds of which can be found literally in any garden store as a feathery Kalanchoe). It is easy to figure out whether you are buying bryophyllum or Kalanchoe by checking the botanical name of the plant indicated in Latin. Provided that it is planted in the middle of spring in a nutrient substrate and germinated under a film at constant humidity and an air temperature of about 20-23 degrees Celsius, seedlings will begin to appear quickly and will actively develop. And already next winter you can admire the Kalanchoe bloom.

Both leafy and apical cuttings of bryophyllum take root in wet soil, sand, perlite, or even plain water. Actually, it is easiest and fastest to root them in water. When treated with a growth accelerator, the rooting percentage of cuttings rises to 95%. After the roots appear, the plants are planted in small containers. The care is standard for all bryophyllums.

When they reach sufficient size for rooting, the babies of the plant very easily fall to the ground and window sills, and the bryophyllums themselves generously scatter them around. By shaking the plants slightly, you can collect miniature sprouts and, by placing them on a wet substrate in a new container, quickly get actively developing young bryophyllums.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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