Can prostatitis be cured with honey?

Prostatitis is one of the most unpleasant male ailments, causing discomfort and significantly reducing the quality of life. It is not surprising that men are ready to give any money for drugs that will forever relieve torture.

Unfortunately, this disease is not easily amenable to any methods – both traditional and folk. Treatment of prostatitis with honey cannot replace medication. But it allows you to strengthen the body as a whole, and also partially relieve the symptoms of the disease.

The content of the article

  • 1 Features of the disease
    • 1.1 What you need to know
  • 2 Medotherapy – recipes
    • 2.1 With parsley juice
    • 2.2 With onions and white wine
    • 2.3 With ginger
    • 2.4 With lemon juice and yolk
    • 2.5 With nuts
    • 2.6 With pumpkin seeds
    • 2.7 Microclysters
  • 3 About choosing a variety

Features of the disease

The inflammatory process, originating in the prostate gland, manifests itself almost immediately. The main symptoms are:

  • reduced potency;
  • accelerated ejaculation during intercourse;
  • prolonged nighttime erections;
  • discomfort during urination – burning, pain, difficult or intermittent outflow of urine;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • pain or burning sensation in the perineal area;
  • fatigue, weakness, chills.

Pathology arises as a result of infection of the gland with infectious pathogens – viruses, fungi, bacteria. Also, the reason may be the wrong way of life – long sedentary work, bad habits, prolonged sexual abstinence or too active sex life, hypothermia.

Hormonal disruptions and injuries negatively affect the work of the gland. There are risks of pathology on the basis of a genetic predisposition.

What you need to know

Bacterial forms are especially difficult to treat. Only a third of patients manage to cure such prostatitis completely. Others are less fortunate – the disease takes on a chronic course.

Therapy should be comprehensive and timely. That is why it is so important to visit a urologist, get tested and receive adequate medical prescriptions.

Never use honey or other traditional medicines if prostatitis is suspected! Medotherapy is appropriate only for a chronic course or as an adjunct to drug treatment.

In addition, any inflammatory process in this organ increases the risks of developing oncology. And this is another reason not to neglect a visit to the doctor.

Medotherapy – recipes

Natural honey has natural antiseptic properties. It is active against viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Also, the bee product has a positive effect on the immune, nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

To strengthen the body to fight inflammatory processes in the male genital area, it will be useful to drink honey water in the morning and / or use this beekeeping product in its natural form.

To read:

Why and how they drink water with honey

About the daily use of honey and its amount

The benefits of honey in the men’s menu

With parsley juice

Commonly used in cooking, these greens help relieve swelling, thus making it easier to urinate.

It will be needed in equal proportions:

  • liquid natural honey;
  • juice from fresh parsley.

The mixture is taken twice a day – on an empty stomach and before bedtime in the amount of 50 milliliters. The course is ten to fourteen days.

With onions and white wine

This recipe is indicated for chronic forms. The treatment lasts two weeks. Then a three-week break is taken and the course is repeated.

You will need:

  • half a liter of dry white wine;
  • 100 grams of natural honey product;
  • juice from one large onion.

The mixture should be infused in a shaded, cool place for ten days. It is drunk on an empty stomach and before dinner, 40-50 milliliters.

With ginger

And this recipe is intended to normalize sexual functions. The tool improves blood circulation in the small pelvis and relieves stagnation of prostate secretions.

It is taken:

  • ground ginger root – two tablespoons;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • two tablespoons of honey product.

The root is brewed, allowed to brew. After cooling, put the honey product and stir. The whole glass of medicine is drunk at any time of the day at one time.

With lemon juice and yolk

The product is intended to relieve acute inflammation. You will need:

  • a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice;
  • the same amount of honey product;
  • one yolk raw.

Take one dessert spoon in the morning and at night for one month.

With nuts

Honey with nuts for prostatitis is a remedy that allows you not only to cope with problems in the genital area, but also to strengthen the cardiovascular system. In this composition, the honey product is also useful for the prevention of thrombosis.

It is eaten in a dessert spoon on an empty stomach in the morning, or it is put as a useful nutritional supplement in cereals, cottage cheese or yogurt.

You will need:

  • a liter of natural honey product (liquid or melted at 40 degrees in a water bath);
  • half a kilo of walnuts chopped in a blender.

The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. To enhance the healing effect, you can add 200 grams of dried apricots, prunes and raisins to it.

With pumpkin seeds

Treatment of prostatitis with honey with pumpkin seeds helps to prevent the proliferation of connective tissue in the diseased gland. This is possible due to the high content of zinc in the seeds of the plant..

For cooking you will need:

  • half a kilo of raw seeds (dried, but not roasted);
  • a glass of honey product in a non-crystallized state (rather viscous, but not yet sugared).

After stirring, the mixture is stored in a refrigerator. Balls with a diameter of one and a half centimeters are formed from it. This kind of dragee dissolves in the mouth in the morning. Or you can take the mixture in a teaspoon without top at one time.

Treatment is carried out once a year with a course of 1-1,5 months.

The tool is also suitable for normalizing blood pressure, suppressing nausea with toxicosis in women, lowering blood sugar levels.


The introduction of medicinal solutions into the rectum is also practiced in traditional medicine. According to indications, it can be included in complex therapeutic measures.

The folk remedy in this case looks like this:

  • a glass of boiled chilled water;
  • powdered mummy tablet;
  • a teaspoon of honey product.

At a time, 40-50 milliliters of the mixture is injected. The course is three to four weeks. Microclysters can relieve acute inflammation.

You can also be treated not only with honey, but also with other beekeeping products: bee venom, podmor.

We advise you to read about this in separate articles:

How to cure prostate adenoma with dead bees and other bee products

How to treat bee stings at home

Features of the treatment with bee dead

About choosing a variety

Often on the Internet there are tips to choose a particular type of honey, up to special tables with instructions for use. Such recommendations do not have any substantiation supported by clinical studies.

Any variety is a complex of rapidly digestible carbohydrates, biologically active substances, rare trace elements and individual vitamins. And just in the case of vitamins, honey cannot be called the record holder for their content. This has been proven by laboratory tests. But dark varieties are rich in iron, which is beneficial for low hemoglobin levels.

To read:

Monofloral (one-component) varieties

Polyfloral (multicomponent) honey

Please note that treating prostatitis with honey at home is not a panacea. One of the most common reasons for the transition of the disease to a chronic form is ignoring the first symptoms or improper treatment. The chronic course creates additional risks. About one in seven men suffering from advanced or chronic prostatitis is diagnosed with cancer. Remember this and do not self-medicate!

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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