Honey in the treatment of mastopathy – what every woman needs to know

Mastopathy is a disease that affects the mammary glands in women. It is characterized by pathological tissue changes. As a result, the healthy balance between glandular, connective, and fat cells is disturbed. Characteristic fluid-filled cysts and nodules appear in the form of palpable seals.

With this disease, you can not use only folk remedies, avoiding a visit to the doctor. Treatment of mastopathy with honey only complements the main drug therapy.

The content of the article

  • 1 Causes and symptoms
  • 2 How to treat
  • 3 Medotherapy
    • 3.1 Herbal Remedies
    • 3.2 Ingestion with water
    • 3.3 Calming the nervous system – teas
    • 3.4 Compresses
  • 4 In conclusion

Causes and symptoms

The main cause of pathology is hormonal imbalance. The body lacks progesterone, but there is an excess of estrogen. Sometimes the cause of the disease is an overabundance of prolactin.

Thirty to sixty percent of women worldwide experience this type of breast disease during childbearing years..

The proliferation of connective tissue is benign. But the disease itself increases the risk of cancer. For this reason, constant monitoring by a mammologist and monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands is required.

It is necessary to contact a specialist if:

  • before menstruation, the chest hurts a lot (there is a painful feeling of fullness from the inside of the gland);
  • pain radiates to the armpits and / or shoulders;
  • the appearance of the nipple changed – it became retracted, cracks appeared;
  • zones of compaction, nodules are felt;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit area;
  • discharge from the nipple appeared – transparent, greenish (a bacterial infection joined), reddish or pinkish (an oncological process with the destruction of healthy tissues is possible).

Pathology significantly affects the quality of life. With large breasts, it is sometimes painful to wear a bra.

The factors that provoke the disease include:

  • genetic predisposition (heredity);
  • postponed abortions and miscarriages;
  • the use of hormonal contraceptives (some doctors, on the contrary, claim that they will be beneficial for this disease);
  • first childbirth over the age of thirty;
  • refusal to breastfeed or short feeding;
  • endocrine disruption;
  • diabetes and obesity;
  • protracted mastitis (against its background, pathological processes in the chest begin).

How to treat

The doctor selects the treatment on an individual basis. There is no single recipe for everyone to say goodbye to illness forever.

Therapy boils down to three main points:

  1. alignment and normalization of hormonal levels with the help of appropriate drugs;
  2. elimination or compensation of endocrine pathologies;
  3. relieving pain syndrome (with nodal forms of the disease, surgical intervention is required).

It is necessary to observe the daily regimen: sleep at least eight to nine hours a day. Eat healthy food, exercise, exercise a lot, and avoid bad habits.


Natural honey, although not a panacea in this case, can reduce pain. Locally, it relieves severe edema, and when consumed internally has a tonic effect on the body.

It is worth noting that the means related to traditional medicine (like herbal infusions and decoctions) help to improve the quality of life in case of pathology. And this fact is recognized by official medicine. For example, studies show that herbal preparations (the same “Epigalin”) are very effective when used regularly.

But here we should not forget that many plants recommended by traditional healers are poisonous or have side effects. Therefore, it would be more reasonable to use herbal pharmaceuticals.

Herbal Remedies

The safest herbal collection according to folk recipes is prepared:

  • from a tablespoon without the top of the herb series;
  • the same amount of yarrow herb;
  • the same amount of motherwort grass;
  • 0,5 liters of water.

The water is brought to a boil, after which herbs are placed in it, boiled for 5-7 minutes, removed from the heat. After half an hour, the broth must be filtered and mixed with three tablespoons of the honey product. The agent is taken in 40-50 milliliters two to three times a day before meals.

Before such home treatment, you should consult a doctor! Perhaps taking a decoction should be combined with drug therapy. Or completely abandon its use.

Ingestion with water

It is important to establish metabolic processes in the body, cleanse the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins. The healthy state of the digestive tract is the most important factor in maintaining a normal weight and the formation of a healthy hormonal background.

This will help the daily intake of water with the addition of natural honey. A teaspoon of honey product is taken in a glass of water at room temperature… The resulting solution is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning twenty to thirty minutes before breakfast.

This simple remedy helps in cleansing the digestive tract and liver, serves as a source of energy, allows you to start metabolism in the morning, and strengthens the immune system.

Read more: Why and how they drink water with honey

In addition to normalizing liver function, you will have to take care of other health problems:

  • cope with diseases of the endocrine system (primarily the thyroid gland);
  • eliminate gynecological pathologies, if any.

Calming the nervous system – teas

It is important to get out of a stressful situation and nervous tension, since the nervous system also affects the production of hormones.

Effective folk remedies are herbal teas, in which you can add a teaspoon of high-quality honey per cup or glass of ready-made drink cooled to 40 degrees.

For these purposes, the following is suitable:

  • dry or fresh mint herb (a teaspoon of herbal raw materials in a glass of boiling water);
  • dry or fresh herb of lemon balm (the same amount per glass of water).

After brewing, the tea should be infused for 15-20 minutes, after which it is filtered, cooled to the recommended temperature and honey is added.


External use of honey is, first of all, compresses. Which should not be hot, as this increases the swelling.

Traditionally, the basis of such a compress, replacing a piece of fabric, is white cabbage leaf… It is applied to the area of ​​the seals daily at night for 7-10 days.

You can do this in three ways, having determined the most acceptable and convenient for yourself:

The first method: Rinse the leaf with water, sprinkle with salt to extract juice. Then shake off the salt and cover the surface with melted butter.

second method: Lightly crush the leaf with your hands, brush with liquid honey.

A third method: Put a mixture of grated beets (in the amount of three tablespoons) and liquid honey (in the amount of one tablespoon) on the washed leaf.

In conclusion

According to oncologist-mammologist Marina Golikova, the birth of five or six children and prolonged breastfeeding helped our great-grandmothers to avoid cancer and breast problems. However, this method of prevention is not suitable for all modern women.

For this reason, it is necessary:

  • monitor the healthy state of the thyroid gland of the ovaries;
  • give birth for the first time before thirty years;
  • try to breastfeed up to 1,5-2 years;
  • avoid abortion;
  • monitor your weight;
  • move a lot, play sports;
  • eat right (a sufficient amount of cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits and limitation of animal fats);
  • have a good rest.

And the most important thing is to regularly engage in self-examination (palpation of the mammary glands). Visit a mammologist if necessary. If you need to undergo ultrasound and mammography.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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