Iberis as a honey plant

Iberis honey plant, which is an unpretentious, abundantly flowering decorative herbaceous or semi-shrub plant of the cabbage family. Its other names are also known among the people, such as “stennik” and “ibereyka”.

The content of the article

  • 1 Distribution and Description
    • 1.1 Varieties
  • 2 Significance for agriculture
  • 3 Agrotechnics
  • 4 Honey productivity

Distribution and Description

In the wild, this plant can be found in Asia Minor, in the southern part of Europe, Russia, and Ukraine. Most often it is found on the slopes of the mountains or along the lower reaches.

Ornamental species are grown by caring Ukrainian and Russian flower growers in personal plots, flower beds, and gardens.

The grass can grow up to 40 centimeters in height. Her leaves are simple, alternate, faded green or dark green, oblong lanceolate.

White, purple or pink flowers are collected in small umbellate clusters of inflorescences. The flowers themselves are large. The plant grows densely (usually with dwarf shrubs), clogging any weed with its powerful root system.


In total, there are about 30 types of ibereyka in nature. The most famous of them:

Bitter Iberis… The branches of the plant are spread out, have an umbrella-like shape. White flowers with a strong fragrant aroma.

Umbrella – has a twig shape similar to the bitter variety, blooms with large purple inflorescences.

Evergreen iberis… This perennial is often used by gardeners because it does not lose its green foliage until the first snowfall. Its bright white inflorescences are collected in small umbrellas.

Ever blooming – a dwarf shrub with non-falling large bright green leaves. Large inflorescences are bright white. It is customary to grow this species as a pot culture at home throughout the year.

Flowering period: Iberises bloom in late spring or early summer and bloom profusely until late autumn (September-October).

Significance for agriculture

In agriculture, the plant is used only as an ornamental planting in garden culture, suitable for landscaping city parks and flower beds, and personal plots.


Iberises are easily grown by seed or cuttings.

Seeds should be planted in open prepared loose soil in autumn or early spring. The plant loves places with direct sunlight.

In a row, the distance between the sprouts is maintained at least 15 centimeters, and between the rows there should be about thirty centimeters. Plants will grow quickly and will not leave any free space, forming an integral densely growing dwarf shrub. Watering is optional.

The seeds ripen easily, self-propagation is possible in the future.

When the shrub grows, it can be planted by cuttings in any warm season. For better development of the bushes, evening watering is recommended within a week after planting.

Leaving does not require much effort. For a long and abundant flowering, gardeners cut off the upper fading inflorescences several times per season.

But at the same time, Iberis does not tolerate persistent frosts, therefore, it is necessary to insulate the root zone with dry leaves or to drop in the stems themselves and cover them with slate.

Honey productivity

The honey plant blooms for a long time and abundantly. When in bloom, it emits a strong fragrant pleasant scent that always attracts bees. In cloudy weather, the inflorescences do not close.

Beekeepers should be aware that this horticultural crop does not produce abundant nectar. For bees, it is only valuable as a source of pollen. And all the collected nectar is mixed with other types of honey in a honeycomb.

Therefore, there is no monofloral variety derived from Iberis. 

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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