Treatment of dysbiosis with honey

Dysbacteriosis is the scourge of modern man. Not being a disease in the full sense of the word, disruption of the natural microbiocenosis in the intestine plagues 90 percent of the world’s population. It affects both adults and children from infancy.

Honey for the treatment of dysbiosis (or “dysbiosis”) is best suited due to the natural origin of this beekeeping product.

The content of the article

  • 1 Features of pathology
    • 1.1 Causes
  • 2 Taking lactobacilli
  • 3 Medotherapy
    • 3.1 How to take
  • 4 Water solution
  • 5 Possible harm

Features of pathology

Due to the death of the so-called beneficial microflora, the assimilation of food entering the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. The body receives less vitamins and other nutrients. Stagnation occurs in the intestines, fermentation processes begin. Toxins enter the bloodstream, gradually weakening the immune system.

The human body is highly adaptable to adverse factors. Therefore, dysbiosis does not immediately cause other pathological conditions. However, over time it develops:

  • food intolerance, accompanied by diathesis and other manifestations of allergies;
  • colitis, which is often accompanied by hemorrhoids, rectal fissures;
  • at the next stage, mucosal polyposis is possible;
  • and the most formidable consequence of dysbiosis is intestinal cancer.


A variety of factors can provoke dysbiosis. In childhood, it starts from improper feeding. The baby is late applied to the breast after childbirth, often they refuse to breastfeed at all. In this case, the sterile intestine of the newborn is inhabited by pathogenic microflora.

The first alarm bell for parents is the diathesis that suddenly appeared in the baby.

Over time, the child supposedly outgrows, and the childhood illness is safely forgotten. However, dysbiosis has not gone anywhere. At a later age, he manifests himself: frequent colds, recurrent bronchitis, allergies and intestinal dysfunction. Immunity, undermined by the imbalance of microflora in the intestine, is malfunctioning.

If the child’s body does not cope with the disease, doctors and tons of pills to be swallowed are already waiting for him in adulthood.

Topic article:

Is it possible to eat honey for diarrhea for an adult and a child

Also, problems with microflora in adulthood can be provoked by other factors:

  • systemic use of low-quality products (with preservatives, dyes, an excess of carbohydrates);
  • acute or chronic infections (herpes, HIV, hepatitis);
  • infection with helminths;
  • dysfunction of the liver and pancreas;
  • long-term use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antiviral agents;
  • chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
  • uncontrolled use of enemas to cleanse the intestines.

In this state, you have to constantly go to doctors and take medications. However, it is quite possible to get rid of dysbiosis with the help of lactobacilli, natural honey and other beekeeping products.

Taking lactobacilli

Treatment begins with the rejection of spices, smoked meats. For about two weeks, meat and fish are excluded from the adult menu. Instead, a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet.

Also take lactobacilli, for example using the starter culture “Narine”… You can even give it to children from the first days of life.

For the preparation of a fermented milk product, cow or goat milk is purchased.

Based on it prepare sourdough (0,5 liters of boiled milk cooled to 38 degrees and a bottle of “Narine”). The jar is kept in a warm place for half a day. The finished starter culture is poured into a sterile glass or ceramic container and placed in the refrigerator. Store it for no longer than 9 days, using it as directed.

To cook healthy fermented milk drink, take two tablespoons of starter culture per liter of warm milk… Stir, keep warm for 8-12 hours, then place the jar in the refrigerator for two hours. Drink in small portions, warming up to room temperature.

Treatment is carried out once a year. For one course, two or three bottles of starter culture are purchased, which are enough for 10-15 liters of finished fermented milk product.


In case of dysbiosis, apitherapists recommend using for medicinal purposes not just any sort of pumped out honey, but also contained in sealed honeycombs.

Medotherapy is carried out simultaneously with the intake of lactobacilli. One course you will need from 300 to 500 grams of honey in combs… It is consumed only after meals, and must not be washed down with water for 15-20 minutes.

At one time, 20-40 grams of honey product is taken (the approximate size of the honeycomb is 1-1,5 square centimeters).

The honey itself takes part in the treatment. It:

  • destroys pathogenic microflora;
  • relieves inflammation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • removes toxins and toxins.

And also a cap – lids from a honeycomb made of wax, containing, in addition to wax, particles of pollen, propolis and microdoses of the secretion of the jaw glands of bees. It:

  • improves metabolic processes;
  • has a positive effect on blood circulation;
  • normalizes the functions of the intestines and stomach;
  • adsorbs toxins and slags;
  • accelerates regeneration processes due to the high content of vitamin A.

How to take

To release the maximum amount of vitamin A from the backbone, you must:

  1. Make sure all honeycombs are indeed sealed with wax caps.
  2. Cut off a teaspoon-sized bite.
  3. Put it in your mouth at the same time with a small slice of rye bread (you can use wheat) and chew it slowly.
  4. If you can still taste the wax, add the bread.
  5. You need to chew as long as possible! This will allow saliva to release enzymes to destroy the structure of the wax and convert it into an easily digestible form, which allows vitamin A and other biologically active components to be obtained in the gastrointestinal tract.

The better the medicine is chewed, the more favorable the conditions for the development of lactic acid bacteria in the intestines.

Water solution

Apitherapists also recommend the use of so-called honey water. It is drunk for two to four weeks three times a day, half an hour before meals.

A glass of warm water is taken from one teaspoon to one dessert spoon of natural honey.


Why and how they drink water with honey

Children over one year old put 0,5 teaspoon of honey product in a glass of water… And then they solder 50-70 milliliters during the day.

Or they give out a sugared honey product in its pure form as a candy half an hour before the main meal two or three times a day.

Possible harm

We remind you that about two to three people out of a thousand have a food intolerance to honey.… Therefore, be sure to test – eat a healthy treat by dipping the tip of a teaspoon into it.

Intolerance is indicated by: burning lips, skin rash, profuse salivation, nausea.


How to recognize and treat honey allergies

Also contraindications are:

  • acute inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines;
  • diabetes mellitus (use only with the permission of the attending physician and always under the control of blood sugar);
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the threat of an allergic reaction;
  • the presence of any food intolerance in the child (allergy to chocolate, strawberries, citrus fruits).

With dysbiosis, there will be it is useful to take pollen (pollen) in a teaspoon once or twice a day for a month… To make the taste more pleasant, the pollen is seized with honey. You can not drink for 15-20 minutes. This bee product includes all contraindications valid for honey. Since it is the pollen impurities in the honey product that most often cause allergic reactions.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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