Drinking honey at night

Honey is a rich source of simple carbohydrates that are well absorbed by the human body. And its nutritional value is due not only to carbohydrate reserves, but also to the presence of minerals and vitamins.

It is for this reason that the bee product is recommended for use in case of metabolic disorders. Whether it is possible to eat honey at night depends on what goal is set – to cure this or that disease, overcome insomnia, lose weight, and strengthen the body’s defenses.

The content of the article

  • 1 Противопоказания
  • 2 Rules of Use
  • 3 Recipes
    • 3.1 Water solution
    • 3.2 Pure for children
    • 3.3 With milk
    • 3.4 With herbal tea
      • 3.4.1 Mother and stepmother (for sputum discharge)
      • 3.4.2 Elderberry (diaphoretic)
      • 3.4.3 Linden blossom (diaphoretic)
      • 3.4.4 Raspberries as a diaphoretic
    • 3.5 With garlic
    • 3.6 With kefir
    • 3.7 With lemon juice
  • 4 For problems with the gastrointestinal tract
    • 4.1 With apple juice
    • 4.2 Wheat bran
    • 4.3 Cleansing from toxins


Food intolerance to natural honey is rare. About three out of a thousand people are susceptible to allergies when it is used externally or ingested.

At risk are those:

  • whose parents were allergic to bee products;
  • who have already had signs of food intolerances in the past, including other foods – citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, milk.

Also, honey is not recommended for a number of pathological conditions:

  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, excretory system;
  • with diabetes mellitus (requires tight control of dosage and blood sugar levels, as well as medical advice from a doctor);
  • with severe obesity, when overeating is critical for health and appearance;
  • for skin diseases requiring the limitation of sweets (eczema, diathesis, various dermatoses).

With caution, the honey product is given to children, especially under the age of one year.… Many pediatricians generally do not recommend introducing it into the children’s menu until 3-5 years old.

Read: Honey in baby food

Rules of Use

It is easiest to determine if honey at night is possible precisely because of the absence of any contraindications..

If a person is healthy and needs additional calories, microelements, vitamins, unique biologically active substances, he may well use honey.

The basic rules for healthy people are simple:

  • you cannot overeat, because the bee product is quite high in calories (average values ​​are 300-350 kilocalories per hundred grams);
  • you can not continue to take it orally if there is any deterioration in health or the appearance of unusual symptoms – nausea, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, skin rash, irregular heartbeat, breathing.

Read: How to recognize and treat honey allergies


You can eat pure honey in the evening to replenish energy after sports training, physical and mental stress.

The introduction of glucose and fructose not only satisfies energy needs, but also normalizes glycogen levels – the liver performs better disinfecting functions, which leads to an increase in resistance to infections.

The dosage is selected individually depending on the age. Children are given 0,5-1 teaspoons, teenagers are given a dessert. And adults dissolve in the mouth a tablespoon of honey product (approximately 20-25 grams).

With a lack of weight, exhaustion, he:

  • improves the general condition;
  • increases hemoglobin level in the blood;
  • normalizes digestion and metabolic processes.

With overweight, the effect is similar. Weight loss occurs due to the control of the daily calorie content of the menu and the normalization of metabolism, which is carried out due to the moderate consumption of bee products.

Read: Diet and honey – can they be combined?

Water solution

Honey water is most often recommended as a general tonic. Such a solution is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, since simple sugars (glucose and fructose) do not require preliminary digestion by food enzymes.

It is taken:

  • a glass of boiled water;
  • two teaspoons of honey product.

The solution is taken in 100-200 milliliters at night. The main goal in this case is to strengthen the immune system, regulate metabolism, and bowel function.

Also, the solution helps to calm the nervous system and defeat insomnia. There is no more harmless sleeping pill than honey.

Pure for children

For children over 1,5-2 years old, the pure honey product helps to cope with enuresis (bedwetting).

It is given a teaspoon at bedtime. It is believed that honey is hygroscopic and retains water. Also, the bee product soothes the overexcited nervous system.

With milk

A honey-milkshake is useful not only for colds (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu, bronchitis), but also as a general tonic for anemia, physical exhaustion.

It is taken:

  • a glass of warm boiled milk;
  • a teaspoon or tablespoon of honey product.

When you add a tablespoon, the calorie content of the drink will be about 224 kilocalories.

It is a great way to replenish energy and recuperate after a grueling workout or during an illness with loss of appetite. Children willingly drink sweet milk.

Read: How to take milk with honey

With herbal tea

When treating colds, traditional medicine advises drinking warm herbal tea or milk before bedtime. Such a remedy helps to cope with fever, chills, providing a decrease in temperature through sweating. When coughing, herbs or herbal preparations are brewed to help the sputum discharge.

Read: Use for colds

Below are some effective cold cure recipes.

Mother and stepmother (for sputum discharge)

It is taken:

  • a tablespoon of dried herb leaves;
  • the same amount of honey product;
  • a glass of boiling water.

The herb is brewed like regular tea. It is infused for 15-20 minutes before cooling. Then it is mixed with a bee product and drunk before going to bed or during the day, a few tablespoons for three to four doses.

Elderberry (diaphoretic)

It is taken:

  • a tablespoon of dried fruit;
  • the same amount of honey product;
  • a glass of boiling water.

The fruits are brewed with boiling water, infused for twenty minutes, filtered. The tea is mixed with the bee product. The tool is taken at night in 50-60 milliliters.

Linden blossom (diaphoretic)

It is taken:

  • a tablespoon of dried linden flowers;
  • the same amount of honey product;
  • a glass of boiling water.

The color is brewed for twenty minutes. After straining, the tea is mixed with the bee product in a warm form. At night, you can drink 60-100 milliliters.

Raspberries as a diaphoretic

It is taken:

  • two tablespoons of dry berries (or 100 grams of fresh);
  • a tablespoon of honey product;
  • a glass of boiling water.

The berries are brewed for 10-15 minutes. After cooling, the tea is mixed with the honey product. You do not need to filter it, as you need to eat raspberries – they help to lower the temperature.

With garlic

Garlic gruel mixed with a honey product has an antiviral effect. It is recommended for the flu.

Garlic, chopped on a fine grater, is mixed with liquid honey in equal proportions. The mixture is stored in a refrigerator.

A tablespoon of the product is absorbed at night, and after 10-15 minutes it is washed down with warm water, herbal tea or boiled milk.

With kefir

This recipe will be appreciated by people on a diet. Kefir has a low calorie content, and the probiotics contained in it normalize the digestive processes.

It is taken:

  • 200 milliliters of low-fat kefir;
  • a tablespoon of honey product.

The candied honey is preliminarily melted in a water bath at 40 degrees or mixed with kefir using a mixer or blender. The mixture is drunk half an hour before bedtime.

With lemon juice

It is taken:

  • juice from half or one whole lemon;
  • 100 grams of honey product.

The mixture helps in strengthening the immune system, and also relieves the condition in case of colds. It is taken during the day and at night for a tablespoon. You can add the same amount to herbal teas, warm water, milk.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Normalization of the digestive process is one of the “strengths” of natural honey. In inflammatory processes with a chronic course, the honey product is recommended to be consumed at night after dinner as part of various therapeutic mixtures.

Read: Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and their treatment

With apple juice

It is taken:

  • 30-50 grams of honey product;
  • 100 ml of apple juice or warm water.

The drink is used for inflammatory processes in the lower intestines. They drink it at night or in the morning on an empty stomach. The bee product stimulates peristalsis and has a mild laxative effect.

Wheat bran

It is taken:

  • two tablespoons of bran;
  • glass of water;
  • one or two tablespoons of honey product.

The broth is infused for ten minutes, filtered and cooled. After adding the bee product, the product is drunk at night. It is used as a mild laxative.

Cleansing from toxins

To remove slag deposits and other harmful substances from the intestines, acidic drinks and mixtures are used:

  • With lemon juice (six tablespoons of juice, a teaspoon of honey product in a glass of warm boiled water).
  • With grape vinegar (three parts honey product, part water, vinegar to taste).

The same remedies are effective for dieting and weight loss. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, detoxification occurs.

Please note that it is important not to overuse honey in order to maintain a healthy weight. With diets, the daily rate is no more than two tablespoons, including in a diluted form.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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