Honey in the treatment of gynecological diseases

Treatment of gynecological diseases with honey is a good addition to drug therapy. However, self-medication with any bee products should cause concern.

In the case of any gynecological (female) disease, it is necessary to consult a qualified specialist. And only after that, use natural honey in the treatment.

The content of the article

  • 1 On the classification and characteristics of diseases
  • 2 Medotherapy
    • 2.1 With bleeding
    • 2.2 With erosion and thrush
    • 2.3 With endometriosis
    • 2.4 With whites
    • 2.5 For any inflammation
    • 2.6 With infertility
    • 2.7 With cystic formations, inflammation
    • 2.8 With thrush (lotions)
    • 2.9 With Trichomonas colpitis
    • 2.10 For prevention and for thrush (douching)

On the classification and characteristics of diseases

The term “gynecological diseases” means pathological processes associated with the anatomical and / or physiological characteristics of the female body. Because of this, it is necessary be careful, excluding any self-medication.

Diseases of an inflammatory nature are divided into two large groups:

Specificrequiring treatment in specialized departments (dermatovenerologic, anti-tuberculosis). This also includes parasitic diseases – trichomoniasis, fungal diseases that do not require specialized treatment and hospitalization.

Non-specific, provoked by the penetration of infectious agents such as E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, and other bacteria into the female organs. Such microorganisms cause acute inflammation, which, if improperly treated, turn into a chronic form. The body of the uterus (perimetritis, endometritis, metritis), the walls of the vagina (vaginitis), the ovaries and fallopian tubes (adnexitis) may be affected.

More than sixty percent of women suffer from some kind of inflammatory processes.

In second place are diseases provoked by endocrine disorders. They appear during adulthood, as well as in childbearing and climacteric age in the form of bleeding.

In the third and fourth place, respectively, are benign tumors (cysts, fibroids) and cancers. They require treatment in gynecological departments or oncologic dispensaries.

In fifth place are congenital physical defects of the genitals, which are quite rare.

Any unpleasant sensations – pains, irregularities in the cycle, uncharacteristic discharge require a mandatory visit to the doctor! Only after determining the cause of the discomfort, you can start treatment, including folk remedies.


The use of honey in gynecology is carried out in several ways:

  • on tampons;
  • as part of lotions;
  • as part of solutions for douching.

Ingestion provides additional therapeutic benefits. This bee product is rich in trace elements and unique biologically active substances.

If there is no individual intolerance (food allergy), natural honey can be eaten in pure form or added to water, warm teas, milk, juices.

To read:

Why and how they drink water with honey

How to take milk with honey

In case of intolerance, even external application can be dangerous! In this case, it is impossible to introduce tampons, douching in this case, since the mucous membrane is sensitive to the components of honey.

With bleeding

It is taken:

  • 50 grams of a mixture of yarrow herb and pine buds;
  • 5 grams of bitter wormwood herb;
  • three liters of water.

Prepared raw materials are poured with hot boiled water (about 50-60 degrees). The vessel is wrapped and left to infuse for 2 days.

Then add:

  • half a liter of natural honey;
  • 250 milliliters of vodka or brandy;
  • 200 grams of ground leaves of homemade aloe that has reached the age of three;
  • 200 grams of chaga (mushroom) extract.

Everything is mixed and infused for another four hours. The course of treatment takes from three weeks to three months. During this period, the agent must be taken three times a day before meals, one teaspoonful.

With erosion and thrush

To relieve the condition, homemade tampons are used. They are made from sterile cotton wool, which must be wrapped in a sterile bandage. In shape, such a tampon resembles a slightly elongated knot. The edges of the bandage are neatly tied. The remaining long ends are not cut off – taking them, it is convenient to remove the tampon.

Then liquid honey is applied to the surface… For one procedure, you will need a teaspoon of honey product. The tampon is kept for three to four hours. It is better to carry out the procedure at night. The course is from one to two weeks (until the onset of relief).

The second way is to dip a tampon in a water solution. (part of water for two or three parts of honey product). You can add three to four drops of aloe juice to it.

Before the introduction of the tampon, it is necessary to douche with a light chamomile broth. For thrush, soda is used – a teaspoon per liter of boiled chilled water. This is done to remove secretions and facilitate access to inflamed areas of the mucous membrane.

With erosion, the presence of a small amount of brownish discharge on the removed tampon is normal… Gradually, the mucous membrane heals. There may also be a slight burning sensation at first when administered. If it causes great discomfort, you must stop using pure honey. The solution used is made in a lower concentration – instead of two or three parts, one part of the honey product is taken.

Read more: How to treat cervical erosion with honey

With endometriosis

The solution is prepared:

  • from one part of the honey product;
  • and one part of chilled boiled water.

The tampon should be left overnight. It is believed that this honey balm slows down the growth of endometrial cells.

Read more: Can endometriosis be treated with honey?

With whites

It is taken:

  • one part baked onion;
  • one part of a sugared honey product.

Beat the onion in a blender with honey product. Place the resulting mixture in a bandage, form a tampon. The procedure is carried out for two weeks at night.

For any inflammation

One peeled leaf of aloe is taken, kept in a refrigerator for three days for biological activation, then crushed in a meat grinder.

The resulting gruel is mixed in equal proportions with the honey product. A gauze tampon is formed, filling it with a medicinal mixture. The procedure is carried out at night for ten days. This time is enough to stop the incipient inflammation.

With infertility

It is believed that natural honey has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, and also restores the microflora of the vagina.

To increase the chances of conception immediately after the end of menstruation, gauze tampons filled with crystallized (candied) honey product are injected at night for three weeks.

The course is repeated 4-6 times with breaks on critical days.

With cystic formations, inflammation

Rectal candles prepare:

  • from a teaspoon of honey product;
  • the same amount of rye flour (peeled);
  • chicken egg yolk.

You can slightly increase or decrease the amount of flour to achieve a dough consistency that is comfortable to work with.

From the resulting dough, roll out sausages of a suitable thickness (approximately in the little finger). Cut them into small candles (2-2,5 cm). Then they are placed in a freezer for storage. Use twice a day after bowel movement for a month. A repeated course can be carried out after a two-week break.

Read more: How to treat ovarian cyst with honey

With thrush (lotions)

It is taken:

  • half a glass of water;
  • 10 grams of large nasturtium flowers;
  • half a glass of natural honey.

The flowers need to boil for fifteen minutes, insist, strain. Mix with honey product. The resulting solution is treated with the external genitalia or used as a lotion (on a piece of gauze) overnight.

Read more: How to treat thrush with honey

With Trichomonas colpitis

In this disease, the honey product is used in its pure form. It is melted or used not yet crystallized.

One teaspoon of the bee product is applied to a clean finger. After that, the cervix, vagina and vulva are processed. The procedure is carried out daily for two weeks. At the beginning of treatment, there may be slight itching, burning and tingling sensations.

For prevention and for thrush (douching)

To avoid inflammation, honey water can be used regularly. This recipe is also effective for treating thrush.

One procedure requires:

  • 100 milliliters of boiled water;
  • 30 grams of honey product.

The bee product is diluted in water heated to 40 degrees. Then the solution is injected into the vagina with a clean syringe or a large syringe without a needle.

The procedure is carried out every other day for two weeks with thrush. And once a week to prevent inflammation.

We emphasize again, honey is not a panacea! Its main advantage is the safety of use, provided that there is no allergy. However, a serious gynecological problem is not solved only by using folk remedies. A visit to a gynecologist should precede any home or medication treatment.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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