Is it possible to eat honey for diarrhea for an adult and a child

Natural honey provides a mild laxative effect on the intestines. It is recommended for bowel diseases accompanied by constipation, as well as for hemorrhoids, cracks, and erosion of the colon.

But this beekeeping product also helps to cope with pathogens of infectious diseases of the intestines and the entire digestive tract as a whole. For example, it is taken at the same time as medicines for dysentery in children. Obviously, the answer is yes to the question of whether honey can be used for diarrhea. But only your doctor can authorize its use for medicinal purposes.

The content of the article

  • 1 Loose stools – first aid
  • 2 Medotherapy
    • 2.1 Противопоказания
    • 2.2 To maintain strength
    • 2.3 Rice decoction
    • 2.4 Herbal teas
    • 2.5 Viburnum broth
    • 2.6 Herbs on alcohol
    • 2.7 Soda-salt solution

Loose stools – first aid

Diarrhea occurs for various reasons. These are chronic diseases or acute infections, food poisoning, intestinal reactions to prolonged use of antibiotics and other medications.

In any case, you need to see a doctor, and, if required, get tested.

Keep in mind that not all stool problems are treated with folk remedies. And self-medication can harm your health.

Having established the cause of the diarrhea, they begin treatment. First of all, the menu is adjusted – the so-called “heavy food” is excluded: fried, spicy, smoked, baked goods, sweets, raw vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat, fish, mushrooms.

Portions are reduced by two to three times, and food intake becomes frequent. Dishes should be semi-liquid for easy digestion.

It is also important to rule out dehydration, especially in children. Give plenty of water, lightly sweetened herbal teas. As an ambulance, the pharmacy drug “Regidron” is used, which allows you to correct the imbalance of electrolytes and fluids.

Topic article:

Treatment of dysbiosis with honey


Whether honey is possible for an adult with diarrhea depends on whether there is an appetite and whether the bee product does not cause nausea. The same can be said for children over a year old.

Until a year, honey is not given due to the risk of contracting botulism… The immature gastrointestinal tract of an infant cannot suppress the pathogen if it is theoretically present in the honey product.

Read: Honey in baby food


Do not forget also about direct contraindications:

  • food intolerance to bee products;
  • diabetes mellitus (you can eat, but in small doses and under the control of blood sugar);
  • skin diseases with retention of carbohydrates in the epidermis;
  • periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding (due to the risk of allergies in the baby and / or mother);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver.

In all of the above conditions, you cannot eat honey (or eat it only in micro doses), since the possible harm outweighs the potential benefit.

To maintain strength

Diarrhea and changes in the menu make the diet low in calories. To eliminate the loss of strength, support the body, use aqueous solution of honey:

  • a glass of boiled water;
  • one or two teaspoons, maximum one dessert spoon, bee product.

It is undesirable to eat in its pure form, since the solution soothes the stomach better – honey relieves spasms, envelops its walls. And simple sugars are the main source of energy; they get into the blood faster if honey water was drunk.

Rice decoction

It is taken:

  • litere of water;
  • 50-70 grams of rice cereal;
  • a tablespoon of honey product.

The groats are boiled for half an hour until a slimy “soup” is formed. After cooling to 37-40 degrees, honey is added to the dish. Eat (or drink, if filtered) in small portions as desired as a fixing agent.

Herbal teas

The following herbal raw materials are used (proportions are based on a glass of water):

  • oak bark – a teaspoon;
  • galangal root – 30 grams.

Only the bark can be brewed. Or combine it in one glass with galangal rhizomes (30 grams of bark per 30 grams of roots). Raw materials are poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Insist from 30 minutes to 1,5 hours. Strain, put a tablespoon of honey product.

It is taken four to five times a day, dividing a glass of the medicinal drink into small portions. You can immediately after using the toilet.

Viburnum broth

This recipe is perfect for children due to its delicious taste.

Are taken:

  • fresh or frozen viburnum berries – half a glass;
  • water – two glasses;
  • honey product – a tablespoon.

The berries are poured with boiling water and boiled for 7-10 minutes. Cool to room temperature, put honey, stir well. The drink is drunk in small portions throughout the day.

Herbs on alcohol

And this tool is prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator, using as needed. Suitable for adults only, as it contains alcohol.

It is taken:

  • half a liter of vodka or moonshine, alcohol;
  • a mixture of chamomile flowers, wormwood and St. John’s wort herb – a tablespoon;
  • honey product – two tablespoons.

Everything is mixed and infused in a dark place for 10-14 days. After the tincture is filtered, poured into a clean bottle. Take for diarrhea 15-20 milliliters three to four times a day.

Soda-salt solution

The tool is applied to normalize the acid-base balance in the intestine… Can be used to prevent diarrhea.

It is taken:

  • half a liter of chilled boiled water;
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt;
  • the same amount of baking soda;
  • two tablespoons of honey product without top.

The drink is taken at will several times a day. Apitherapists do not establish strict single dosages for him.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again: Is it possible to use honey for diarrhea depends on how you take it. Bee products are not eaten in pure form. Also, it should not be placed in hot water or tea. This leads to the destruction of vitamins, herbal antibiotics and other biologically active substances.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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