Treatment of stomatitis with natural honey

Supporters of traditional medicine are interested in whether stomatitis can be treated with honey. After all, this beekeeping product is known for its antibacterial and regenerating properties. Its use is recommended in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, including inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

The content of the article

  • 1 Features of the disease
  • 2 Medotherapy
  • 3 Rinse solutions
    • 3.1 Chamomile broth
  • 4 Ointment
    • 4.1 Aloe (gruel or juice)
    • 4.2 Undiluted honey
    • 4.3 Novocaine and chicken yolk
    • 4.4 Olive oil

Features of the disease

Stomatitis is most common in two populations – children and the elderly. It is at this age that iron deficiency, decreased immunity, poor oral hygiene lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane with the appearance of characteristic ulcers.

The person feels pain that increases with food intake. Visually, the mucous membrane looks reddened and edematous. Small bubbles on it, bursting, turn into erosion and sores, covered with a whitish bloom.

The pathology is caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi that have invaded the tissues of the oral mucosa.

In an uncomplicated form, the inflammatory process takes about a week. And treatment in this case is aimed at relieving unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort. The main task here is to relieve pain, to produce antiseptic treatment. Natural honey partly helps in this.

The aphthous form, affecting large areas of the mucous membrane, lasts a long time and requires special treatment. It is especially difficult for small children. Their body temperature rises, their appetite is lost. Sometimes there is vomiting, diarrhea. Self-medication in this case is out of the question.!

Please note that dentists consider honey to be a product that enhances fermentation processes in the inflammation zone due to blood flow to the mucous membrane. In addition, sucking on a pure bee product causes temporary discomfort – burning and tingling sensations intensify. And for children under one year old, it is contraindicated due to the risk of allergies.


Natural honey has natural antiseptic properties. It helps to deal with the invasion of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Local and, especially, internal use of the bee product activates the protective functions of the body, accelerates the epithelialization of damaged tissues. Relieves acute pain.

Read: Why and how they drink water with honey

But, as noted above, the biological activity of honey can cause fermentation processes. With acute stomatitis (with the appearance of extensive aft and ulcerated surfaces), this impairs healing.

Rinse solutions

Propolis will be more effective as a local pain reliever… It has been officially used in dentistry for the treatment of soft tissues of the oral cavity and pain relief of hard tissues of teeth since 1953.

Treatment of stomatitis with honey provides less anesthetic effect than propolis. In terms of safety, both bee products can cause allergic reactions.

Chamomile broth

You will need:

  • two tablespoons of dry or fresh chamomile flowers;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of natural honey.

Vegetable raw materials are slowly simmered in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, and then insisted until they cool. After straining, it is mixed with a honey product and used for repeated rinsing of the oral cavity (up to 5-6 times a day).

Antiseptic properties are also shown by a decoction of chamomile without adding honey.… This recipe is suitable for people with a bee product intolerance and for children.


Applying various medicinal mixtures to the ulcers is more effective than simple rinsing, since the components of the ointment will remain on the mucous membrane longer and their concentration is obviously higher than in the solution.

Aloe (gruel or juice)

It is necessary to prepare the mixture in a ratio of one to two or one to three.

For example, it is taken:

  • a teaspoon of natural honey product;
  • two to three teaspoons of plant juice or gruel obtained by grinding the leaves in a meat grinder.

A gauze swab or hygienic stick is dipped into the mixture, and then the diseased areas of the mucous membrane are carefully treated. After the procedure, you must not eat or drink for fifteen minutes.

Undiluted honey

Treatment of stomatitis in children with undiluted honey is not used, especially at the age of less than one or two years, since the bee product temporarily increases pain.

In addition, children are more likely to have food intolerances. And at the age of up to six months, honey can provoke botulism due to the immaturity of the digestive system and its inability to resist the pathogen that has penetrated along with this product.

Read: Honey in baby food

In adults, stomatitis can be smeared with honey with an uncomplicated course. Aphthae and ulcers are treated with a liquid honey product three to four times a day. After the procedure, do not drink or eat for 15-20 minutes.

With this application of the bee product, swelling decreases and acute pain is relieved.

Novocaine and chicken yolk

It is taken:

  • one beaten yolk;
  • a teaspoon of honey product;
  • ampoule of novocaine.

The remedy is applied to the ulcers two to three times a day. After using the home remedy, do not drink or eat for fifteen minutes.

Particular attention is paid to the purity of the chicken egg! It is pre-washed with warm water and soap to exclude salmonellosis infection.

In children, it is better to use the product without adding yolk. And novocaine can be replaced with a few drops of propolis alcohol tincture. In its anesthetic power, it is 52 times superior to novocaine. But keep in mind that strong propolis solutions can cause dermatitis. The weak are relatively safe.

Olive oil

Mixed in equal proportions:

  • liquid honey product;
  • olive oil.

The mixture, applied to a hygienic stick, is smeared with ulcers and inflamed areas. Processing at night or just before meals is especially effective. The oil covers the wounds with a protective film, thereby reducing pain. In children, it can be used without honey..

Remember that it is better not to self-medicate in the case of stomatitis! Especially when it comes to a child. Be sure to visit your dentist. Perhaps, in addition to anesthesia and antiseptic treatment, in your case, you will need the use of special medications.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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