Should i give honey to cats?

Pet food is entirely in the area of ​​responsibility of the owners. A prohibited food can disrupt the digestive system of a cat or cat, even if given only once. Therefore, you should not give in to a plaintive meow and a pleading look when it comes to health.

There is no single answer to the question of whether cats can get honey. The opinions here are very different – from a complete ban to moderate consumption. The bee product is undoubtedly useful … to humans. However, nature does not provide for the eating of honey by cats.

The content of the article

  • 1 What is honey
  • 2 Opinion of veterinarians
    • 2.1 Why you shouldn’t teach
    • 2.2 When can you give
  • 3 About dosages

What is honey

Natural honey is plant nectar, processed by bees and passed the ripening process – evaporation of excess moisture.

At its core, it is a high-calorie carbohydrate product… A rich source of energy that is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream due to the content of simple sugars. In addition to the carbohydrate part, it contains minerals and some vitamins, as well as biologically active components such as phytoncides (herbal antibiotics).

Vitamins are represented by group B, ascorbic, pantothenic, folic acid, carotene. There are several dozen trace elements. The main ones are manganese, silicon, chromium, copper, nickel, zinc.

In humans, the bee product normalizes metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular systems, and strengthens the immune system. Possesses antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Opinion of veterinarians

However, most veterinarians oppose the introduction of this beekeeping product into the cat diet.

The reason is simple – the consumption of honey causes an increase in blood glucose levels, which puts additional stress on the pancreas. Overeating and violation of daily dosages are especially dangerous.

Cats by nature must eat meat and plant foods. This is how they feed in the wild. Pets are more difficult.

In a house or apartment, the animal may receive less of some minerals, vitamins. He may develop the wrong food preferences. There are cases when murki are happy to feast on pieces of chocolate, yogurt, condensed milk and other foods uncharacteristic for their diet.

Why you shouldn’t teach

Compared to the treats listed above, honey will be healthier for the feline body. But you should not specifically accustom to it. The reasons are obvious:

  • this is an uncharacteristic product for a cat’s diet; in nature, animals do not eat carbohydrates;
  • there is a risk of an allergic reaction (food intolerance);
  • due to the load on the liver and stomach, an eating disorder may occur, especially in kittens;
  • regular consumption in large doses is fraught with obesity, diabetes.

When can you give

Is it possible for cats to have honey in exceptional cases? Yes, for health reasons. For example, if your pet has a cold. The honey product disinfects the throat well, relieves swelling and pain.

And if there is a lack of vitamins and minerals during the growth of teeth, it can replace special nutritional supplements.

But these are all temporary measures. Medoproduct is given in small doses and in small courses. Regular consumption is still not recommended. You need to hide honey from your pet to prevent uncontrolled eating.

If the catfish overeat, it is more likely that an allergy or severe digestive upset will appear. Moreover, the older the animal, the more difficult it is for him to cope with the “carbohydrate blow”. In case of toxic liver damage, you will have to contact your veterinarian.

Please note that giving honey to cats when carrying kittens and feeding them, in principle, is not worth it because of the likelihood of food intolerance in young animals.

The best nutrition in this case is specially formulated feed, in which the content of vitamins, minerals is balanced and there are no allergenic impurities.

About dosages

Regardless of the reason the pet is receiving the honey product, moderation must be observed.

The bee product is added to the main feed or given separately. The daily dose should not exceed 1-1,5 teaspoons without top… Such feeding is given once or twice a week for a short period.

More often, the honey product is allowed to lick off the tip of a spoon or the surface of a small saucer.

At the same time, they observe the well-being of the cat or cat. The appearance of loose stools, watery eyes and other unusual symptoms are a clear signal to stop dispensing a treat and seek advice from a veterinarian.

Also don’t forget that honey not only overloads the cat’s liver, pancreas, stomach, but also leads to the destruction of tooth enamel… A person is able to brush his teeth after eating a healthy sweet, but animals cannot.

At the same time, the bee product is not a poison for cats and cats. It can be given occasionally, but in very small doses. Other sweets like chocolate, condensed milk should be strictly prohibited.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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