When and why bees from different hives are combined

Combining bee colonies is one of the varieties of their transplant, but the tasks of this event are completely different. The beekeeper does not seek to overcome an infectious disease or invasion, he is not interested in the quality of bee houses. The main task of the association is to work on strengthening the nests and ensuring better development.

The content of the article

  • 1 When do you need to combine
  • 2 Fundamental rules
  • 3 Why hives move
  • 4 Technique of joining bee families
    • 4.1 Two colonies in one hive
    • 4.2 Queenless nests
    • 4.3 How to deal with brood frames
    • 4.4 Multi-body structures (risers)
  • 5 Plaque
    • 5.1 Power equalization
  • 6 Swarm joining
  • 7 Uniting swarms

When do you need to combine

Immediately, we note that you can combine two hives into one in both spring and summer.

The main reasons for this event:

  • correction of weakened and queenless nests in the spring;
  • conducting a two-family economy in the summer;
  • strengthening of promising bee colonies in terms of honey collection at the expense of bees and brood from auxiliary layers.

Also, the unification can be attributed to artificially organized raids, strengthening of nests due to swarming insects and the combination of smaller swarms into one bee family.

Fundamental rules

Adult insects from different hives are wary and even hostile to each other. This is especially noticeable in the behavior of workers in relation to someone else’s “queen”. This is due to the fact that each family has its own smell – strangers in the hive are immediately identified and aggressively attacked.

In order for the unification work to be successful, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The event is held in the evening, when the activity of flying bees decreases.
  2. The weather should be good, that is, warm, dry and calm.
  3. We must not forget that well-fed bees are less aggressive. And workers with full goiter of nectar in someone else’s hive are more readily accepted than “freeloaders”. Ideally, both hives should be well-fed and peaceful with a productive day at work.
  4. Smell is critical. Both bee colonies are treated with the same odorous substance in order to disorient the guards for a while.
  5. When combined, the uterus is placed under a protective cap or placed in a cage. This is especially important under unfavorable conditions, for example, with poor honey harvest, the presence of a large number of worker bees in one of the hives, and, in general, when two rather strong families are united.
  6. The golden rule applies: a weak nest is planted with a strong one, and not vice versa!
  7. It is forbidden to combine sick bees with healthy insects. This leads to the spread of the infection.
  8. Do not connect bees from different subspecies or races. Also, do not plant peaceful insects to their aggressive brethren.
  9. They work with great caution during a period without tipping or a bad weather. Carelessness can lead to bee theft and aggressive attacks.

Why hives move

Flight (worker) bees are well oriented in space, especially in strong nests. They always (both spring and summer) return to their old place.

Therefore, the method of combining implies a gradual convergence of bee houses, intended to be combined into one nest.

It is possible to unite two bee colonies without any problems and preliminary preparation only if they are strongly weakened. This is how small colonies and layering move. This is done immediately after the completion of the spring flyby.

The convergence of bee dwellings in other cases is carried out as follows:

The house of a weaker bee colony is gradually approaching a strong hive… This is done only in warm weather, when flying insects leave the nest. This will give the bees the opportunity to gradually get used to the new location of their home.

Important: The house can be moved forward or backward one meter every day. To the right or to the left, the dwelling is displaced by no more than half a meter.

Hives standing at opposite ends of the point (far enough from each other) can be pre-shifted… A weak nest is fed in the evening with warm syrup, and then kept in a cool and dark place for three days. After this procedure, the women workers will forget their old location and will more easily move to a new house.

In doing so, keep in mind that swarms never arrive at the same place. They can be easily kept in a separate hive located next to the mother’s house.

Technique of joining bee families

To connect the nests, it is necessary to even out the odors of the bee colonies. Various aromatic liquids are used:

  • water, if there is no bribe in nature (to avoid theft);
  • liquid syrup, when nectar is already present in nature.

Also, in the non-tipping period, when there is little nectar in the bee dwellings, you can give top dressing in the evening. A decoction of fragrant herbs, drops of lemon balm or mint are added to the syrup. Crystalline camphor produces the most persistent and strongest odor. It is always taken at the very tip of the knife.

Two colonies in one hive

The easiest way is to connect two nests that live under the same roof (for example, layering and a full-fledged family). After treatment with flavored water, insects are given mint or lemon balm syrup.

If two queens are present, the weaker and older one is removed from the hive!

A day after the feeding is dispensed, the dividing board is slightly raised. After another day, it is removed completely. Then one nest is formed.

Queenless nests

The queen is a kind of magnet that attracts adult bees. The families deprived of the “queen” are placed behind the shutter of a normal hive with a queen. Then the shutter is raised by about 1-1,5 centimeters.

During the night, all adult insects from the problem nest will move to the new uterus. The next day, a nest is formed and a feeder with a strong smelling syrup is dispensed.

As for the pretreatment of insects, it all depends on the season:

  • in spring, bees do not need to be sprayed with odorous water;
  • and at the end of summer, families must be given the same scent.

How to deal with brood frames

The brood present in a weak or problematic colony must be transferred to a new location. To do this, all adult insects are swept away from the brood combs. Then the honeycomb is placed directly into the nest of the receiving hive.

The defective “queen” is withdrawn three hours before the unification. The combs remaining after the transfer of brood are placed behind a dividing board together with the bees sitting on them.

Then they proceed as when connecting nests from one hive: they spray insects, feed them with syrup and raise the dividing board.

Multi-body structures (risers)

In multi-body designs, the joining technique is slightly different:

  1. The body, together with the colony to be relocated, is placed on top of the receiving hive.
  2. A little camphor is placed through the entrances in both nests. After that, the tap hole of the attached body is closed completely.
  3. Sheets of paper are laid between the nests. This slows down the mixing of insects. During the night, the paper is gnawed and the nests are combined.

Important: Multi-hull designs with more than two hulls do not need to be pre-shifted! Having got out through the lower entrance, the workers fly around and remember their new location without any problems.


To adjust the structure of the bee colony, plaque is used before harvesting from one plant species. At this time, all insects are “saturated” with one smell, for example, acacia, dandelion, rapeseed. In addition, they are not hungry and are constantly busy with work, which excludes hostility and aggression.

The raid is organized at the beginning of honey collection, on a warm and calm day.

The hive is moved to a new location. The insects returning with nectar, not finding their own house, make their way into the neighboring hive and remain to live in it. The family becomes stronger precisely due to the working insects, which positively affects the collection of nectar.

It is not necessary to isolate the uterus during plaque! The migrant workers are busy with their own business and are not interested in the “queen”.

Power equalization

You can strengthen the problem nest both at the expense of another family and with the help of a swarm.

The raid is carried out using the same technology, but first, both bee colonies are fed with a liter of syrup with the addition of aromatic herbs. And the uterus in a weakened family is protected by a cap. Her protection is especially important when the bribe is weak.

Swarm joining

The main problem of connecting a swarm and a full-fledged family is associated with the uterus.

First, you need to conduct a test: let in several swarming insects through the entrance. If the bees fight despite smoking the smoke, the bee colony will not accept the swarm.

The fact is that a swarm with a barren “queen” is always at odds with a nest with an old queen. The issue can only be resolved by force.

That is, the family and the swarm are united in one swarm, abundantly sprinkled with aromatic syrup. After that, they let them through the notch as if they were driving, or they pour all the insects into the hive behind the gate.

Uniting swarms

When working with swarms, it must be borne in mind that bees from the new and bees from the old queen do not unite (just like when reinforcing a hive with the old “queen” by a swarm).

The prepared swarms are poured onto the pitched board. Excess queens can be removed at the entrance to the new dwelling. Alternatively, let the “queens” decide on their own in the hive which of them is stronger.

More about working with swarms: How to transplant a swarm correctly

Do not forget: all of the above methods are applied taking into account the season and developmental characteristics, state and mood of the bee colonies in a particular case.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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