Slimming and bee pollen

By taking two tablespoons of pollen per day, you can cover the daily requirement of the human body for essential amino acids.

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What is contained in bee pollen?

Secondly, pollen is a low-calorie product.… Two tablespoons is only 90 calories.

Thirdly, its medicinal properties have a wide spectrum of action.… For those who are losing weight, the most important thing is the ability to stimulate metabolic processes, while simultaneously normalizing hormonal levels. Also, pollen is able to reduce the level of low-density lipoproteins, while increasing the content of high-density lipoproteins (which protect the body from harmful cholesterol and, accordingly, heart disease).

Fourth, this beekeeping product is a source of natural phenylalanine… In the human body, this amino acid controls the feelings of satiety and hunger – the brain responds correctly to the process of absorbing food.

A chemical analogue of the amino acid, phenylpropanolamine, has side effects in the form of addiction, nervous excitement and a feeling of heaviness in the head, reminiscent of a hangover… It should not be taken with high blood pressure and thyroid dysfunction, which cannot be said about bee pollen! As you know from medical practice, polish has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. There are no bans on admission for hypertension and thyroid dysfunction.

Summarizing what has been said, we conclude that the reception of polishing:

  • replenishes the loss of essential proteins in the body;
  • provides natural vitamins and mineral compounds, perfectly balanced and rarely causing an allergic reaction;
  • does not allow overeating due to its low calorie content;
  • stimulates metabolism while suppressing hunger.

The “side effects” are also noteworthy!

This is a decrease in the so-called bad cholesterol, which clogs our vessels with plaque.

An improvement in the composition of the blood, in particular, an increase in the level of hemoglobin (E. Lenormand and R. Chauvin, French scientists who conducted clinical trials on children with anemia in 1957, speak directly about this).

N.P. Ioirish notes a positive therapeutic effect on an outpatient basis for diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, hypertension.

How to take it right?

On the Internet, we find many recipes for losing weight, including polka. This is the addition of pollen to yogurt, prunes, bananas, fruit juices and … even popcorn with ice cream (!). What we, as experienced beekeepers, is only perplexing. Maybe we will flavor the cakes with pollen, why waste time on trifles?

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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