How to use green walnuts with honey

Unripe walnuts are widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. Marinades, compotes, preserves are cooked with them. Insist on alcohol or canned with bee honey.

Green walnut with honey is a frequently used effective home remedy for respiratory, cardiovascular and endocrine system diseases.

The content of the article

  • 1 Benefit
  • 2 Противопоказания
  • 3 When to collect
  • 4 How to cook and store
  • 5 Folk remedies
    • 5.1 Honey recipes
      • 5.1.1 Universal remedy
      • 5.1.2 Mix with dried fruits


If we talk about the beneficial properties of unripe walnuts, the rich chemical composition of the plant’s fruits should be noted.

It contains:

  • flavonoids (campferol, quercetin, hyperoside);
  • antioxidants;
  • cellulose;
  • alkaloids (in particular, juglandinab);
  • essential oils;
  • minerals demanded by the human body – iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, cobalt;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (palmitic, linolenic, oleic);
  • vegetable protein;
  • tannins;
  • a large amount of vitamin C (unripe fruits are ahead of rose hips and citrus fruits in its content);
  • as well as vitamin E, PP, carotene, B vitamins.

The medicinal properties of nuts have been confirmed by years of use in practice. They were recommended by Hippocrates, Galen, and later the healers of Ancient Russia.

In unripe form, nut fruits are a strong antioxidant agent, expel parasites from the intestines, destroy bacteria, and help eliminate diarrhea. Jam from them is recommended for fibroids of the uterus, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, lungs. Due to its high iodine content, the plant is useful for hyperthyroidism.

Read about the benefits of natural honey and its properties in a separate article:

Natural bee honey – its benefits and possible harm


Walnut-honey mixtures are used with caution:

  • with intolerance to beekeeping products;
  • with diabetes mellitus (consultation of the attending physician and control of blood sugar is required);
  • with acute inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines;
  • with an increased content of iodine in the body;
  • with skin diseases (diathesis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis).

Keep in mind that green nuts cannot be eaten raw… Especially in large quantities. This is dangerous due to the high concentration of tannins.

And in general, when taking folk remedies with nuts, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. Feeling unwell is a reason to refuse such home treatment.

Read: How to recognize and treat honey allergies

When to collect

You need to harvest the fruits of walnuts before the beginning of the third decade of June.

At this time, their diameter does not exceed two and a half centimeters, the kernels are in a state of milk maturity, and the peel is freely pierced with a toothpick.

How to cook and store

The nuts are washed in warm water and dried with a cotton towel. Then cut into several pieces with a knife.

If required by the recipe, the fruits are passed through a meat grinder or processed with a blender, food processor.

Folk remedies are prepared in a glass or enamel container. To avoid contact with air, small portions of crushed nuts are immersed in honey or alcohol, vodka immediately after processing.

Store mixtures and tinctures in a place protected from the sun at temperatures below room temperature.

Folk remedies

Below will be considered options for folk recipes that include natural honey (since our project is devoted specifically to beekeeping, the benefits of beekeeping products, the secrets of apitherapy, and does not consider other treatment options).

But we note briefly that alcohol tincture has universal properties. It, using different dosages, courses of treatment, is used for uterine fibroids, tuberculosis, in the fight against helminths, for diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, for goiter and other diseases of the thyroid gland, for polyps in the rectum, colitis.

The recipe for universal tincture following:

  • a quarter of a liter can of chopped nuts;
  • vodka or alcohol, poured up to the neck of this can, and completely covering the fruit of the nut.

It is insisting for a month. Store in a cool place away from direct light. A single dose for adults is a tablespoon, for adolescents – a teaspoon. It can be diluted in water.

The duration of the course and other features of treatment must be agreed with your doctor!

Honey recipes

In combination with honey, nut fruits are used:

  • to strengthen the body;
  • rejuvenation;
  • cleansing the blood;
  • fight against skin diseases;
  • as an antineoplastic agent;
  • to alleviate the condition with goiter.

You may be interested in learning about how Buckwheat, nuts and honey are used in the treatment of the thyroid gland.

Universal remedy

The basic recipe looks like this:

  • one part of a natural honey product, preferably an acacia variety, which rarely causes allergic reactions;
  • one part minced nuts.

The mixture is placed in glass jars, covered with a plastic lid and taken out for two months in the pantry for infusion.

Aging for eight weeks results in partial loss of the characteristic nutty bitterness.

After two months, honey therapy is started. You can store the product for a year without using the refrigerator, in the same pantry – honey is an excellent preservative, like nut juice.

Honey with nuts treatment:

Pre-filter the mixture through cheesecloth! Nut gruel is left only to expel worms, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from toxins.

With hypothyroidism, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, loss of strength, poor immunity, poor memory – a teaspoon of the product before meals three times a day. Children – 0,5 teaspoon.

For weight loss, as an antiparasitic agent, for cleansing the liver, intestines, stomach – a teaspoon of unstrained honey-nut mass three to four times a day. Small children are not given a remedy in this form.

Mix with dried fruits

Citrus and dried fruits mask well the bitterness of the medicinal mixture. And the home remedy itself only benefits from the introduction of such additives, being enriched with vitamins and minerals.

You will need:

  • 100 grams of dried apricots;
  • the same amount of raisins and prunes;
  • 100 grams of nuts;
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • 125 grams of honey product.

Dried fruits are pre-brewed with boiling water for softening. The water is drained after 10-15 minutes. Then all the ingredients are ground in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. Mixed with honey (you can pour the honey product into the blender right away).

Insist in a cool place for two weeks. Take a dessert spoon in the morning as a tonic.

If there is an unpleasant taste (this applies to any of the recipes given here), dilute the mixture in a little water. Water can be swallowed with the medicine or kept under the tongue, slowly dissolving in the mouth until the characteristic burning sensation disappears.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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